May sorrow everlast - an Aiden-corner

Grrr....I know! It's really frustrating that she isn't....that I can see......anyway.......I'm trhilled that you. Lynn posted :p

Ok, what's your favorite Aiden scene?

I have loads, but I can't remember any of them :( lol

It was the episode :)
I love this thread. I missed this thread.

They had flashbacks for her in heroes.

my favorite scene :: hmm

I'm still going with the rat episode. :D
Heroes? So full of dreams. First of all as an Ex-Cop Aiden is good at fight-sports. Unfortunately she didn´t even defend herself at all.

Second, did they have to burn Aiden? This was really cruel towards her fans. It´s not our fault she´s sick of CSI. Couldn´t they just shoot her?
^^Yeah they used eggs to lure the rats out. Aiden said she learned it from her brothers, I believe.

I figured Aiden would've won that fight, kicked his ass. like she would anyone else.

Shot her, would've been better. Its like ...

Producer: What can we do with Aiden?
P2: I dunno, Oh I know her last name is Burn, lets Burn her!
Producer: Brillant! Lets forget the fans and the character and go for it!
I know, like the way they killed speedle off in MIAMI.

Does anyone know if Vanessa wanted her character to go out a certain way but they didn't do it?

She did die a hero in a way, but y'know, protecting someone or a whole bunch of peoples would've been the way I'd have liked to seen her die.... :)
^Yeah, how about Aiden saving a hostage by jumping into the bullet of a sniper.

That would leave her colleagues wondering what did she do?? :eek:.
A more strange end...
I wonder if they insisted on doing it that way like what happened with Rory C on Miami...not give the actor any say :(
Aiden saving a hostage

Get out of my ****ing way, before I shove your fingers (or your gun) so far up your @$$ that they'll never see the light of day again! :lol: I don't know why, but I got an image of her saying that just then :p
MacsGirlMel said:
I wonder if they insisted on doing it that way like what happened with Rory C on Miami...not give the actor any say :(

Nah, they probably had that whole, "Lets not tell the actor till they get the script thing"
Favorite Aiden Scenes

Fave Aiden scenes - in no particular order:

*Telling Danny she's way out of his league
*Standing up to Kevin Vick in Grand Master ("I will cuff you.")
*Aiden and Thacker's first scene in Officer Blue ("Don't check out my a** when a kid is dead in the street.")
*Aiden and Danny at the pick-pocket school. ("You're such a girl.")
*Aiden and Flack invesigating the dead construction worker in Tri-Borough ("Holy Crap!")
*Aiden and Mac performing the "line-up" at the dog show in Recycling.
*Stella and Aiden teasing Flack about being scared of the haunted monastery. ("Stel, you smell that?")
*Danny and Aiden's first meeting with Vicaro. ("We're not here to fish.")
*Danny and Aiden investigating the fetish case.
*Aiden tasing Deroy in Supply and Demand. ("You should've listened.")

**sniff - can you tell I miss Aiden? - sniff**