May sorrow everlast - an Aiden-corner

probably the picture thread.
She's a new detective on there. Brought in the first ep, but haven't seen her in awhile, she was in the second one too. They all seem to already know her, before we did. so they must've gotten to know each other while Flack was in the hospital.

Yeah, it really sucks she was taken out the way she was. I miss Aiden :(
I miss her too. I liked the interaction with her and the team more than the interaction between Lindsay and the rest of the team.
I get what you mean. I like Lindsay and all, but I miss Aiden. Theres some things, I wish she was there for.
Or an Highlander. Although I don't know how she'd be with a sword...

There's always it'd be fun to see her licking Danny or Flack's neck :)

Not a Who watcher but they have some kind of time lord/lady thing...

Oh I know...just make her a ghost and have Ghost Whisperer on there with her.
Yea, that'd be cool if they brought her back in some kind of way. My nephew took my season 1 dvds and we starting watching them yesterday. I really do miss her character.
Like your ava. It´s recycling, isn´t it?

Thank you, Goddess_Loki (on LJ) made it. She made all kinds of Aiden ones, awhile back. I believe it is. ;)


I almost cried rewatching season one. :(
I think that would be weird... but I miss Aiden.
The vampire idea is really interesting but weird...

As Aiden´s eternally inactive now I´m wondering if we need two threads about Aiden.

So - could you give me your oppinons about this please? And which thread you want to keep rather?
Re: Aiden/Vanessa#1 - She died a hero

I've never watched heros but I read the summary on and it made me cry.

This just proves my theory that I'm attatched to her like the white on rice.

I think this one should stay, it's my favorite.