Marg/Catherine: The Sexier, the Better! #3.0

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The promo pix don't show her for the next ep so I'm not sure about that one. But I do think that if not in all of the last 3 ones, she will have lots of screen time in the finale.
i just wanna say happy easter to you all and i will do that with a nice pic:

***EDITED. There is an established image thread for Marg/Catherine so I'll move you image there. I also suggest that you please read the information in the following thread: Help Guide & Board Update
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Hottie_Cath said:
Nathalie_Emily said:
i have the feeling that you all are in a farther whit the epis than we do. so i dont know where you all talking about, its not fear i still have to wait and see for i know so much as you all..
What was the last ep you had there in Netherlands? :)

Last one was Secrets and Flies.. and upcoming Monday we'll have A Bullet Runs Through It... Secrets and Flies was SO cool. Best ep this season, I guess.. Well, so far anyway :)
EricaSJ said:
Looks like I'm saying this everywhere. LOL. Anyway, I think the recent lack of Cath only means one thing: she's going to have a very big part in the last four episodes and that makes me happy and bouncy. :D
True that. I saw a good amount of her in the promo clip for the upcoming episodes, hopefully we see lots of her in the last four eps.

Ah Secrets and Flies, I love that one too. :) Cath again showed her usual toughie side in the episode, and she argued with the doctor. A Bullet is a great episode as well.
Advance Happy Easter to everyone as well! :) Nathalie_Emily, I think for our Easter Hunt, we need to look for the larger version of that pic. :lol: just kidding.
Hottie_Cath said:
Advance Happy Easter to everyone as well! :) Nathalie_Emily, I think for our Easter Hunt, we need to look for the larger version of that pic. :lol: just kidding.
Thanks a lot for the pressie, Nathalie_Emily. :) And Hottie, I think we can find it in the previous Eye Candy threads. :D
i know sorry for the size, i dont know how i can get i smaller, but if youre all happy whit it thats fine.
And Monday we have the bullet goes true it.. I had to translate it from the dutch because they aren't showing us the english title sorry.. it is in 2 parts. So maybe you all know where im talking about. :confused: :D
It's pretty close. You can check the ep titles on the episode guide at CSI Files. The two ep's you're talking about are A Bullet Runs through It part 1 and 2. :) And don't worry about the pics, cath4gil was just teasing you. :lol: Better not post pics in this thread, though, since we already have a pic thread for Marg/Catherine. ;)
i know and your right thats the epi where i was talking about. Im exited. (sorry BAD english) i have to buy a dicconary. I believe, and i know she was kidding but i really ment it i don't want to put in a big pic. So its oke now. have a nice night.
Yeah, Nathalie and Lizzy you need to make the most of the eps cuz after episode 17 you won't see much of Cath anymore.
Wth, I saw the recent ep (6x20 Poppin Tags), and she was there for 5 secs LOL. :lol:
She made the most out of her screentime though. I like her "locked wrist" line. Very clever.
Now, now, Rissa! She was in the ep for at LEAST 10 seconds! ;)

Really, though, I miss her big time, but if all this means she's gonna play a big part in the final eps, then I guess I'm rather okay with it. KINDA. ;)

Besides, she looked freakin' awesome in "Poppin Tags". That's ALWAYS a plus. ;)
Freakin' Awesome? Definitely! :D

ETA: Does anyone know how old Lindsey is supposed to be now? I figured 14 but that'd be odd.
In Crate n Burial she had her 6th birthday party, she's supposed to be turning 12 right now. Since CSI time is in real time and Crate n Burial aired in Oct 20, 2000 so her birthday must've been that day.
But for some reason Cath said she was already 12 in Harvest Season 5. :lol:

CATHERINE: (appalled) No! She's twelve. (She sighs.) She's ... just so angry. She doesn't talk to me.

And pfft, I think TPTB wants to make her 14 to 15 here in Season 6.
Hey everyone, hoping y'all could help me out...

What is the exact phrasing of Cath's "Don't regret, don't look back..." thing and what episode is it from?
justjess said:
Hey everyone, hoping y'all could help me out...

What is the exact phrasing of Cath's "Don't regret, don't look back..." thing and what episode is it from?

Heya! :) Cath said "Never doubt, never look back. That's how I live my life." in Strip Strangler, (season 1 ep 23).
Cath had to shoot a man to save Gil's life, and Gil was sorry he had to put Cath in that position, and then Cath said that, I guess that's her motto in life. :D
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