"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Good gracious me, what an update :eek:.
Okay, read the first bit on FF, but I understand this can happen. Took me about 45 minutes to read and I've gotta say your brain's been working overtime Luving. My my... I even had to take notes. :lol: :lol:

I just loved the scene between Mac and H with Mac updating him. And what a wedding gift of a cop's salary. I think I need to redo my vows real soon... :lol: With Ryan back in Miami and out of job H will have one CSI short.:devil: Smart move from Mac sending Stella with H. Will we see her again :lol:. What a way to christen a new house, how many rooms you said it had? :lol: :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When they arrived in Miami, Eric and Tripp were waiting. "IT's about time kid, just what the hell are you thinking"? asked Tripp. "Nothing, Calleigh belongs with me, no one else can have her, she's mine". "Take him Frank, and Eric...don't let him out of your site". "I won't "H", no worries". "Come on Stella, let's get you settled at my place". "Your place, why, I thought Mac only wanted Ryan dropped off, I should be heading home now"? "Not for a while Stella, I'm going to need your help now I'm down one CSI". "Does Mac know"? "Of course Stella, I asked to borrow one of his CSI's, and he suggested you, because you were the best he had". "Oh!! I see, okay". Walking towards the Hummer Stella knew there would be no going back to NY".

Back in NY, Mac and Calleigh had just finished christining the kitchen. "Oh Mac, I'm so ready for another round", she giggled. "Okay love, we've done the living room, the den, the kitchen, the downstairs laundry room, and the garage, what's left"? asked Mac. "Just the three bedrooms upstairs, and the washroom". "Well, what are we waiting for, let's get christing". Racing up the stairs, with Calleigh in his arms, he stopped. "Mac....what is it Mac"? Looking again, the figure was gone. "Mac, what is it"? "Nothing love, just a shadow from outside". "Watching from outside, Mac's stalker waited patiently for his chance at revenge.

Later in the evening Mac and Calleigh headed back to their apartment. "Home sweet home love", said Mac. "Yeah, I like this little apartment Mac, I really wish we could stay here". "I know Calleigh, but we need room for the baby". "I know Mac, it was just a passing thought". Pulling her into his arms, Mac just held her for a while. "Are you hungry Calleigh"? "Mmm, yeah starved". "What do you feel like love"? "Pizza, really cheesy pizza". Picking up the phone Mac called Manhantan Pizza, ordering two pizza's, one with everything, and one with extra cheese. When the pizza arrived Mac took it from the delivery boy. "Hey wait, this isn't mine". Taking off from the building Mac looked at the card. "What is it Mac"? "I'm not sure sweetheart", said Mac as he opened the envelope.

Meanwhile "H" had gotten Stella settled. "Horatio", how beautiful is this, look at the sunset, and the water, this is what I picture Heaven to be". Looking into Stella's eyes Horatio said....."yeah, you are what I pictured heaven would be too". Stella looked shocked for all of two second, before she attacked "H" were full pouty lips, causing him to shift. "Beautiful Stella, God I've missed your touch". "As I've missed yours Horatio". Closing in, Horatio and Stella kissed with all the passion and love inside them. "Please Horaito.....whispered Stella, love me, love me now". Picking her up in his arms, he carried her down to the beach, and laid her upon the sand, and without breaking the kiss, he allowed the cool water from the beach to take them into Paradise.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Beautiful written update Luving, I'm getting too curious who that stalker is. Surely Mac and Calleigh have to be hungry after what ...5 rounds. And H and Stella... aaahhhh... Lovely :devil: :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Your not the only curious one Jools....I got to say I loved the room count :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

As Mac opened the envelope, he found a single piece of paper with one drop of blood on it. "What is it Mac"? "I'm not sure love, looks like a single drop of blood, I'm going to have Danny come pick it up and have it analyzed". Picking up the phone, it rang. "Taylor". "Hello Mac, having fun yet, enjoying the little clues"? "Who the hell are you"? "I'm your new nightmare Taylor, I'm the one that has just begun to haunt your life", *click*. "Mac.....are you okay, what is it"? "I'm not sure Calleigh, I need to get this drop of blood analyzed". "Well then go Mac, I'll be fine". "No...I'm not leaving you Calleigh, Danny will come get it". Calling Danny he heard....."Hi you have reached Det.Messer, please leave your message after the beep"..*beep*. "He's not answering". "Just go Mac, I'll be fine".

There was no way in hell, Mac was about to leave his pregnant wife home alone. "Come on Calleigh, we will go together". Taking her by the hand, they got into the car and started driving. When they arrived at the Station, Mac parked the car, grabbed his wife, and got her into his office. "Stay here love, I'll be right back". As Mac left the cleaning guy came in. "Evening ma'am, how are you"? "Fine, thanks". Sweeping around the floor, Calleigh became suspicious, and reached for her gun. "Damn.....I left it at home", she said to herself. Searching Mac's drawer, she came across the letter opener, and held it under the desk. "Calleigh.....where's Mac"? asked Danny who noticed the cleaning guy. "Excuse me, who are you"? "I'm the cleaner, Marty is off". "Can I see your I.D."? "Sure, as the guy reached into his pocket, he pulled out a syringe, and as he tried to stab Danny, Calleigh jabbed him in the neck with the letter opener.

"Auuuuuuuuuuuugh......you little bitch, he said as he swung around and knocked Calleigh down, banging her head on the table. Struggling with the assailant, Danny finally got him cuffed, when Mac walked in. "Calleigh.....oh God, Calleigh". As Mac checked for a pulse, he found it weak but steady. "Her head Mac, she smacked her head saving me", said Danny. As Mac checked her head, he could see the gash, "Calleigh, sweetheart, wake up please, Calleigh". "Call 911 Danny, now"!!!! Now Danny knew better then to leave Mac with the suspect. "No Mac, you call, I'll stay with Calleigh". Knowing he wasn't going to get his chance at the assailant, Mac called 911. "Who the hell are you"? asked Mac. "I don't know, who are you"? "Don't play games, I'll ask you again, who are you"? "And I'll reply, who are you"? Mac was getting pissed. "Mac....called Adam, we've analyzed that blood, it's canine". "It's what Adam"? "It's canine, you know the four legged woof, woof, type".

Mac had had enough, and grabbing the guy by the jacket, he said...."Who the hell are you, tell me right now". "I don't know, who are you"? "That's it, get him away from me, and get a Psych up here". As Danny left, Calleigh started to come around. "Mmmm.....auuuuuuuuugh....my head". "Oh sweetheart, are you okay"? "Yeah, though my head aches". "I know love, we need to get you stitched". "How's Danny"? "he's fine, thanks to you, how did you know"? "He seemed suspicious, and when he reached in his pocket, I realized her had something in there, so I grabbed your letter open, and that's when Danny came in and the suspect tried to stab him with the syringe". Wiping at his wife's head, Mac allowed the EMT's to fix her up. "She needs to go to the Hospital and have that stitched". "I will take her, thanks", said Mac.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Full Chapter up at FF.NET :)

When the Psych arrived Mac watched from the two way glass, and as the Psych spoke to the perp, he looked straight through the glass the whole time at Mac. "Mac....said Danny, he's looking right at you". "I know, I can see and feel it". Listening to the doctor, he asked...."Can you tell me your name"? "Can you tell me your name", said the perp. "Listen, I'm here to help you, now please, tell me your name". "Now please, tell me your name", he laughed.

Knowing there was no talking to the perp, the Psych left the room as the perp, pointed his finger at Mac in the shape of a gun, and fired. "Christ Mac, what now"? asked Danny. "I'm not sure, but you can rest assured, I'm going to figure it out".

Leaving the room, Mac took Calleigh by the hand...."come on sweetheart, let's get your head stitched". Arriving at the Hospital, Calleigh was seen right away. "Can you tell me what happened"? "I was saving another officer from being attacked, when the perp knocked me back, causing my head to smack against the table". "Wow, I can clearly say there is no sign of a concussion, but I will have to give you four stitches to close that wound".

Once Calleigh was fixed up, Mac took her home. "Calleigh...Calleigh"? looking over Mac seen she was sound asleep. Pulling into the driveway, Mac picked Calleigh up in his arms, and carried her upstairs. "I'm sorry you are having such a difficult adjustment sweetheart, Maybe I should send you back to Miami until this is over", said Mac in a whisper.

As he layed Calleigh on the sheets, he undressed her body, and realized his mistake, for he could feel himself getting erected from her beauty. Supressing his urges, he covered her and tried to leave the room. "Mac.....whispered Calleigh, please don't send me away, promise you will never send me away, she cried". Reaching for his hand, Mac sat down beside his wife.

"Listen Calleigh, I'm concerned for our child as well as for you, if I lost you or our child, I'd have nothing". "You are not going to lose us Mac, and who's to say the stalker wouldn't follow us, and try to hurt me, to get to you, this is why we are safer with you". Such trust melted Mac's heart, cause if he ever had a doubt about his Calleigh's love, he could now put it to rest.

"Love me Det.Taylor, love me now", whispered Calleigh. Bracing himself on top of his wife, he caressed her beautiful face, while looking into her sea green eyes. "Your wish is my command Det.Taylor", said Mac. Lowering his lips, he whispered...."open for me sweetheart, let me burn you in passion and fire. Open she did, and as their tongues, caressed, stroked, meshed, Mac and Calleigh melted from the enchantment of it all.

Needing more of each others love, Mac broke the kiss, and stroked his tongue across his wife's neck , where he began to suckle, and nip. "Maaaaaaac......Calleigh purred, as she placed her hands on his head, "Now Mac, please, I need to feel your soul melt into mine once again". Mac braced his arms at her side, and slipped into her like a dream. "Caaaaalleigh.....". "Shh!! I know Mac, I'm right here with you", said Calleigh as she wrapped her hands on each side of his face. "I know Mac, It's okay", Calleigh said, as Mac's tears dropped from his eyes, into hers.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Ahw, so much love and warmth, I love your writing. *But I still wanna know who that stalker is :mad:*. Don't keep us in sooo much suspense! :devil:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Jools I really need get here before you because I end up writng the same thing :lol:

I loved the final paragraph! So much love and passion I will say it again you are a great writer! :)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

^^^^ Natty, if you wanna beat me, you better be quick. I'm an early bird. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Oh you competive little devils. "FINE", first one here with their response on my next chapter, get's to name Calleigh and Mac's child" :lol: :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Whoopsie, set up the stretcher next to my computer. Toggle's set up to volume 85. *Ding-dong*. Better not drewl over my keyboard whilst I'm asleep. :lol: :lol: *googles for very rare names* :lol: JUST KIDDING GIRLS :devil:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Well I got to say I am out of the running aready I wont be logging back untill 11pm tomorrow!!