"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

:DYeah!!! I thought a little humor would be good, for all of us.

Luvya's and your FB :D
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Mac/Stella/Danny= hillarious.... what a way to tell people about well everything!!! lol
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Mac walked right into the ladies washroom and found Calleigh leaning over the toilet. Rubbing her back he asked...."are you going to be okay sweetheart"? "Uhuh....it will pass Mac, don't worry". "I do worry love, all the time". Turning to face Mac she leaned in to him, and allowed him to hold her. "I love you Det.taylor". "I love you too Det.Duquesne". Leaving the washroom together, Mac informed Stella that he was going to take home.

"I'm fine Mac, it will pass". "I know that love, but I can't stand seeing you in any kind of pain". Stella was grinning, she loved this new side she was seeing of Mac, so sensitive and caring. "Listen Mac, she'll be fine, I just got a call out I'll take Calleigh with me". "You sure Stella". "Positive Mac, she'll be fine, let's go Calleigh". Leaving the station Mac watched and wondered how Calleigh would do on her first call.

When they got to the crime scene, Danny, Lindsay and Flack were already there. "What have we got Flack"? asked Stella. "Female victim, approximately 28 years old, with a bullet wound through the chest". Processing the scene, one officer asked...."Wow...who's the new detective, christ she's hot". "Listen Spence, keep your eyes off her, that's Mac Taylor's fiance". "You're kidding, Det.Mac Taylor, that's his wife to be"? "Yeah, so keep your eyes on your job, and off Det.Duquesne". When Flack walked away, Spence returned his focus on Calleigh.

Later back at the station, Calleigh was at the vending machine trying to get some chocolate, when Spence came up behind her. "Hello Det.Duquesne, I'm Spence". Looking up and smiling she said...."it's nice to meet you officer Spence". "You too, so are you liking our city so far"? "It's different, Miami is quiet, I'm still trying to get use to the noise here". "Yeah!!! it takes alot of getting use too". Flack was watching from his office, "Spence....my office now". "Oh my, looks like you've done something". "Yeah, what else is new, see ya later Detective".

"What did I tell you Spence". "Oh calm down, I only introduced myself". "I know you Spence, and your rep, you stay away is that understood". "Sure Flack, whatever you say". "I'm telling you Spence, next time you deal with Mac". Leaving the office Spence said to himself....."we'll see about that, she's to hot to be left alone". Meanwhile Mac asked Calleigh if she was ready to head home. "Are you ready love"? "yup, let's go , you owe me a home cooked meal", she giggled. Wrapping his arm around her he said...."Yeah, I guess I do". Leaving the station Spence was watching.

When they got home, Mac opened his mailbox and found a letter from Miami for Calleigh. "Here you go love, your first piece of mail". "Oh...it's from Eric, opening the letter Calleigh read....

"Hey Cal....
Just wanted to say a quick hello, and let you know that we've hired a new CSI who's a little slow, but seems to know his job, though we all miss you here, we hope you are happy and secure in your new job and life. I also spoke with Horatio who informed me that you and Mac are getting married and having a baby, congratulations. So take care, CSI Duquesne, I mean Det.Duquesne".
Love Eric.

When Mac looked over at Calleigh she was crying. "You okay sweetheart"? "Yeah, let's go eat".

Mac decided to make beef stew with dinner rolls. "Calleigh, it's ready sweetheart, Calleigh, it's ready". Getting no response Mac walked into the bedroom and found her sound asleep. "Sweetheart, wake up, dinner's ready". Slowly opening her eyes Calleigh smiled at Mac, "mmm, good I'm starving". Sitting at the kitchen table Calleigh could smell the stew. "Oh Mac, that smells heavenly". "You're heavenly love, not the food said Mac. Giggling Calleigh said...."and you Det.Taylor are my Angel".

As they ate Mac could see how much Calleigh was enjoying his meal. "Would you like some more love"? "Mmm...sure please". Mac couldn't believe she was on her second bowl. "Hungry tonight aren't you". "I guess I am, it seems your child is enjoying it as much as I am", she giggled. His child. Mac smiled and reached for Calleigh's hand saying...."our child love, yours and mine, that we created from our love". With tears in her eyes again, Calleigh said...."our child, I still can't believe it Mac, that we created something so beautiful". "I know love, I never thought I'd find happiness again, until you came into my life". "As you came into mine Det.Taylor".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Okay guys, the begining of this chapter is up at FF.Net, you can find it in my profile. :devil:

This is the remainder of the chapter, enjoy :D

With their passionate storm behind them, Mac wrapped Calleigh tightly against him, whispering his love over and over while she slept. Watching her breathe, Mac thought back to their first meeting, when she passed him her phone number, then showed up at his door all dressed in black. "Wow...don't we both look dangerous", she had said with a smile. Looking down upon her, he could tell she was content in his love. *Ring, ring*. Knocking him out his memories, he picked up the phone. "Taylor". "Hey Mac, it's Flack, we need you and Calleigh down here at the underpass, there's been another murder". "Okay Flack, we'll be right there".

"Sweetheart, sweetheart, wake up. Slowly waking up Calleigh said...."Hmmm...what is it Mac"? "We have a crime scene love, we have to go". "Okay, as Calleigh dressed, she put on her black pants, and shirt, with a white blouse over top. "You would have to wear that, wouldn't you", smiled Mac. Thinking back Calleigh remembered she had worn something simular to that when they first met. *Giggling* "Oops, sorry". "It's okay love, let's go".

When they arrived at the crime scene, Flack, Danny, Stella and Sheldon were already there, along with Officer Spence. Coming closer Flack noticed the way Spence was following Calleigh. "Spence..yelled Flack, don't you have something to do"? "Yeah, right, okay", he said as he wondered up to the crowd of people that were watching. Still keeping his eyes on Calleigh, Flack knew he was going to have no choice but to tell Mac about Spence's obsession with Calleigh.

When they all got back to the station, Flack asked Mac if he could see him for a moment. "Mac, can I have a word with you". "Sure, come on in". "Listen Mac we may have a problem". "With what Don"? "It seems Spence is taken with Calleigh, I've noticed he constantly followers her, and watches". "Have you talked to him about it"? "I have, three times now, but it's not sinking in". "Okay, I'll deal with it, but I'd like to observe him first". "Sure Mac, you'll find him where Calleigh is".

Leaving his office, Mac headed down to the breakroom where he found Calleigh eating an apple. "Hi love, you hungry again"? "Mmm...starved". "Listen love we need to talk". "Oh...that can't be good". "It's not love, have you noticed Officer Spence watching you, or following you around"? "Hmm.... no, why"? "Flack seems to think he may have a little crush on you". "What, giggled Calleigh, you're kidding right"? "Afraid not love, Flack's noticed him watching your every move". "Oh my, I had no idea, he always seems so nice". "I know love, just keep focused on him, and watch his reactions, until I can see for myself how serious it is".

Later that morning Calleigh was heading down to the locker room when Spence followed her in. "Oh, hey Calleigh, how are you"? "I'm fine, thanks Spence, did you need something"? "No, just came to grab my jacket". "Oh, okay". Going about her buisness, she could feel Spence staring at her, watching her, almost stalker like, when Mac walked in. "Spence, don't you have somewhere to be"? asked Mac as he watched him watch his fiance. "Yeah, sure Mac, see ya". "That you will Spence". "Oh Mac, I never realized till now, I could actually feel his eyes upon me". "Don't worry love, I won't let anything happen".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Okay I just got to say... I love the way you are writing about this couple, pure passion and love!
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Quite two updates that got my interest again here. This story is getting better al the way. Calleigh and Mac, just one hell of a pair, but what on earth is it with this Spence-guy? He's getting on my nerves already. Makes me want to &(*)*&&^*& well you know. *and is he connected to Ryan in anyway?*. This suspence is killing me.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Okay guys, I'm going away on monday for a few days, So I will post what I have, as El and I discussed it's to much work for me to have her do it. So...enjoy your "MaCalleigh", and thanks for all the FB:D

Later that day Mac and Calleigh came back from lunch. "I'll be right back Mac, I just need to use the washroom". "Okay love, I'll see you soon". Walking towards the washroom Spence stopped Calleigh in the hall. "Hey detective how goes it"? "Fine Spence, if you'll excuse me", said Calleigh as she walked into the washroom. Entering the stall Calleigh heard the door open, and reaching for her gun, she realized it wasn't there. "Damn Calleigh", she said to herself, for she had forgotten she'd taken it off at lunch.

Meanwhile Mac seen Calleigh's gun on his desk. "Shoot, I better get this to her", Mac said to himself heading down to the washroom. *Crash*......hearing the sound, Mac burst into the washroom and found Spence kneeling in pain. "Hi honey, how are you"? smiled Calleigh with her Southern accent. Calleigh could see Mac's eyes had gone pitch black and his expression had changed to one of anger. "Oh Mac, you found my gun, great thanks, I've been looking for that". Confussing him for all of two seconds he headed towards Spence, grabbed him by the shirt, pulled him up against him and said...."If you ever come near my wife again, I'll kill you".

"Mac....please, let him go". Not listening Mac said...."do you understand Spence"? Shaking his head yes, Mac dropped him. "Now get the hell out". Running from the washroom, Spence said to himself...."this isn't over Taylor, you'll see". "Are you okay sweetheart"? "I'm fine Mac, don't worry". "I'll always worry love, that's what a husband does for his wife". Smiling with tears Calleigh said..."I love you". "I love you too, and I think it's time we discuss our wedding date". "What, here now"? "Right here, right now", said Mac. "Okay....what are you thinking"? "I'm thinking I'd marry you right this second, but I'm sure you want a huge wedding". Looking into Mac's eyes Calleigh said...."I only need you, I and Horatio".

"Our you sure love"? What about Eric, and your team"? "They'll understand". Embracing Calleigh in his arms he said...."okay love, let's go get our licence and call "H". Walking hand in hand, Calleigh and Mac went to his office. "Hey Mac, can I see you for a minute", asked Stella. "Sure, Calleigh you go ahead and call "H". While Mac went with Stella, Calleigh dialed the phone. "Caine". "Hi handsome, how are you"? "Calleigh, hi love, how are you"? "Good, listen Mac and I have decided to get married tomorrow in a little chapel". "Sweetheart, are you sure this is what you want"? "I'm positive, and I'd like you here to give me away". "Okay, okay sweetheart, I'll be on the next flight".

After hanging up the phone Calleigh went in search of Mac. Heading down the stairs, Spence grabbed her from behind. "Shut your mouth, you little bitch, make a sound and I'll kill you with your own gun". Knowing she was pregnant, Calleigh didn't dare try any moves that could hurt her child. Following Spence down the stairs to the basement he cuffed her to the rail. "Now you listen to me, this could have been nice and easy, but no, you had to play the tough bitch, so now I'll play the mad rapest". Calleigh seen Spence unzipping his pants, as he came towards her, and tore off her blouse, exposing her black tank top. "Look at you, such gorgeous sunkissed skin, I can hardly wait to taste you".

Back upstairs Mac returned to his office and found Calleigh gone. "Spence"!!!!! running down the hall yelling Flack's name, Mac told him to call spence's cell. *Ring*, *ring*,*ring*, hearing the ring coming from the basement Mac and Flack ran down the stairs, opened the door, and found Spence tearing at Calleigh's pant. "BANG"........"Auugh, you son of bitch", yelled Spence, as Mac shot him in the left thigh. "Be glad I missed your sacs, you son of a bitch, said Mac as he brought up his fist, and punched Spence in the face. "Get him out of here, and charge him with assault and attempted rape", said Mac as he covered Calleigh with his jacket.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Loved Call in the washroom!

Personally I think Mac could have aimed a little more to his left!

At last Spence is gone and now they can get on with a beautifully small wedding!

PS have a great time where ever your going. Its a great idea to get El to post the chaps- I havent seen her in a while :) XX Have fun
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

This is the next chapter, and there are two more up at FF.Net. I'll see you all soon :)

"Come on love, I'll take you home". On the way home Calleigh was shivering, and very quiet, reaching over to take her hand, Calleigh pulled it away. Mac knew she was withdrawing from him, and if he didn't help her now, she'd never allow him to touch her again. Pulling over to the side of the road, Mac stopped the car, undid his seatbelt, then Calleigh's. "Don't touch me, she hissed, just leave me alone". "Calleigh please, said Mac not listening, as he pulled her towards him, and kissed her with firey passion, as Calleigh faught and pulled, Mac held her tighter, until all she could think and feel was Mac's love. Falling into the kiss Mac could feel Calleigh's tears against their lips. "I'm so sorry love, said Mac, I should have never left you", he whispered against her lips.

"It's not your fault Mac, you told me to wait for you in your office and I didn't listen. "Shhh!! Christ love you've had one hell of a time since you got here". Trying to smile Calleigh said..."as have you". Still holding Calleigh's hand Mac drove them both home. Getting out of the car, Calleigh noticed a package. "Look Mac it's a package for us". "Hmmm....for both of us"? "That's what it says, Det.Taylor/Duquesne". Taking the package from her Mac checked it over carefully. "No card, this is strange", said Mac as he opened it. Looking inside Mac noticed a bright red teddy with a card. Opening the card it read..."My dearest Calleigh, we will be together soon, keep this to wear on our first night together". Your admirer".

The first thing Mac and Calleigh thought of was Ryan. "Do you think it could be Ryan"? asked Calleigh. "I'm not sure love, I'll call "H" and see what Ryan's been up too". After getting off the phone with "H", Mac and Calleigh were back to square one. "It's not Ryan, according to "H" Eric's been following him around everywhere". "How about your stalker Mac, could it be him"? "I don't think so Calleigh, and come to think of it I haven't heard from in two weeks now". "That's strange isn't it, don't stalkers constantly keep in touch". "They do, but he could be laying in wait for his opportunity to strike". "God Mac, are we ever going to get a break". Taking Calleigh in his arms, he said..."from this day forward, I swear to you Calleigh Duquesne Taylor, that I will never allow anyone to hurt you ever again".

At the Airport Stella was waiting for Horatio to arrive. "Flight 107 from Miami is now landing at gate 7". As Stella watched she seen Horatio walking towards her. "Horatio, over here, how are you"? asked Stella as she hugged him. "My God Stella, look at you, still as beautiful as ever". "Flatterer". "Listen Stella, how is Calleigh adjusting"? "Not to well I'm afraid, she was attacked this morning by one of our officers". "Is she okay"? "She will be, Mac will make sure of that". "Okay, okay, I want to see her". "Sure, come on, we will stop at Mac's on the way to the Hotel".

When they got to Mac's, they found Calleigh laying on the couch sleeping. "How is she Mac"? asked "H". "She's fine, a little shaken but okay". Walking over Horatio woke her. "Calleigh, wake up love". Opening her eyes she seen Horatio standing there. "Horatio...is that really you"? "yes love, it's me, how are you love"? "Good, just tired from being pregnant, but it will pass". Sitting up Calleigh felt dizzy. "Sweetheart, are you feeling alright, asked Mac with concern, as he sat down beside her. "I'm fine Mac, don't worry, listen Stella, while you are here I need to ask you if you could be my Maid of Honor". "Are you sure Calleigh, don't you have family"? "I do, but they are all in Miami". "I'd love too, thank-you, I'm more then honored".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

That was really well done Luving. But it isn't over yet, is it? Then again with both Mac and H on the job, this jerk is gonna have it real soon! :lol:

Natsky, love your banner! :devil:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Okay, I've been re-reading from the beginning until you go get back and continu. It still catches me Luving and I miss ya.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Hi guys, I will be home tomorrow and will update asap, and I've missed you all to, and can't wait to update.

Thanks again for all the FB :)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Complete chapter up at FF.Net :)

When Horatio hung up the phone, Mac asked....."Is something wrong "H"? "Yes, we need to find Calleigh and Stella, now". "What's going on "H". "It seems Ryan has escaped Eric's watchful eye, and is headed to NY". "Let's go, I know where they are, that explains the Teddy". "What teddy"? "Someone sent Calleigh a red teddy, with a card that read..."we will be together soon". "Why didn't you tell me sooner"? "We thought it was from my stalker, or Spence". "Who the hell is Spence"? "One of the detectives that had it bad for Calleigh". "Mac, have you two not had one moments peace around here"? "Afraid not, Calleigh's been having alot of tough breaks since she has been here".

Arriving at the dress store, Mac seen Calleigh and Stella coming out. "Calleigh, come here love", said Mac. "Hi, what are you doing here, I thought we were going to meet at the church". "Listen love, Ryan may be on his way here". "What...how"? "It seems he has escaped Eric's watchful eyes". "Oh my, what are we going to do"? "We are going to stay together till the wedding, Stella, you go with "H", and we will meet you at the church". "Okay Mac, come on Stella". After going seperate ways, Mac took Calleigh home. "Mac, are you going to be okay"? "I should be asking you that love". "Don't worry Mac, I'm fine, I know you will keep me safe".

Mac felt so cherished, that Calleigh had such faith in him, and without warning, he picked her up and carried her to bed. "Mac....what are you up to there"? giggled Calleigh, we are getting married in less then two hours". "I can't wait love, whispered Mac, I need to feel you now". Laying her upon the sheets, Mac rained soft sweet kisses across her arms, her neck, her sweet lips.

With Calleigh lost in passion, Mac climbed upon her, "Calleigh......he whispered, as their souls meshed, and they were both on the edge, they kissed in heated passion coming undone, in each others arms. A short time later Calleigh put on her white dress, and Mac stared in desire. "Sweetheart, in about five seconds that's coming off". "Behave yourself Det.Taylor, till after the marriage". Getting up and stalking towards her, Calleigh screamed. "Maaaaaaaac.....stop". "Stay still love, I have something for you". "I know you do, she giggled, and I'm not intersted right now".

Pulling out the box, Mac opened it, and inside was two rings, one with a solid carat diamond, and another a pure gold band. Taking out the engagement ring, Mac said...."This is for now Calleigh, a symbol of my love for you". With tears in her eyes, Calleigh allowed Mac to slip on the ring, and as it sparkled, Calleigh kissed him with all the passion that was within her. "Oh....forget the dress, laughed Calleigh as she pushed Mac back on the bed, attacking him. When they were done playing, Mac helped Calleigh redress, as she helped him tie his tie. "Look at us Mac, we look deadly once again, she giggled. "You know what love, you are right, let's go". Heading out the door, Mac grabbed his gun, and attached it to the inside of his jacket.

When they got to the Chapel, Horatio and Stella were already there. "Mac, beofre you and Calleigh get married, we have a gift for you two from both of us", said "H". As Mac took the envelope and Calleigh took the gift box, they opened them together. Looking at "H" in shock, and Calleigh in tears, it was a deed for a house they had bought them. "Oh...Horatio, this is to much, you and Stella shouldn't have done this". "Calleigh, sweetheart, this is our gift to the two of you, enjoy it, embrace it, bring your new family into it". Embracing Horatio into her arms, she cried. "Shh!! you'll be fine love, stop now, or your make-up will run".

"Excuse me, are you Mac Taylor, and Calleigh Duquesene"? "Yes father". "If you will come with me Mac, and Calleigh, if you will go with Lt.Caine until the music begins. Now Mac felt something wasn't right. "Excuse me father, how did you know the Lt.'s name"? The father started to sweat, and as he tried to run, Horatio tackled him. Pulling off the wig, Mac said...."you have five seconds to tell me who you are". The perp just stood there looking stupid. "Talk, now", yelled Mac. "Okay, okay, some guy paid me five hundred bucks to pretend I was a father, and bring this woman to him". "Bring her where, answer me you son of a bitch". "Over to the parking lot, he said he'd be waiting in a blue mini van".

"Okay, Horatio cuff him to the bench, Stella go with Calleigh and change into her dress, while I undress our father here, and meet back here". Walking with Calleigh into the chapel, her and Stella changed clothes. "Are you going to be okay Stella, you don't have to do this you know". "I know Calleigh, but you are with child, and we can't risk you getting hurt, now give me your vail". As Stella put on the vail, there was no way to tell she wasn't Calleigh. "You okay sweetheart, asked Mac dressed as the father. "I'll be fine, stay safe you two". "We will love, don't worry". Giving Calleigh a kiss, him and Stella left.

"Do you think they will be okay"? "They'll be fine love, don't worry", said "H". As the minute's passed by Calleigh could wait no longer, and running from the Chapel, with "H" behind her she seen Ryan in cuff's. "Why Ryan, why would you do this"? "Why, why, I've loved you for years Calleigh, but never once did you give me the time of day". "Ryan, that's not true, and I've never lead you on". "Oh no....you prance around everyday with that Southern smile, and black clothes, and you expect not to be noticed". "Oh Ryan, you are so mixed up, and I can only hope you get the help you need to get through this". "I don't need help Calleigh, I need you". Hearing enough, Mac told Officer Trent to take him into custody.

"Okay than, said Stella, shall we get you two married now, before Mac's stalker decides to pay us a visit, giggled Stella. When they got back inside the priest was waiting. "Are we ready to proceed"? "We are father, yes", said "H". As the priest began the vows, Calleigh stopped him. "Excuse me father, can we just get to the "I do's"? "Why my child, can you not wait"? "No father, I've had more then enough waiting, I know I love Mac, and he knows he loves me, now please say the "Do you take". Mac could tell Calleigh was very stressed, feeling her pain, he informed the father, to please shorten the ceramony due to his wife's tired condition. "Very well, do you Mac, take thee Calleigh for your wife"? "I do". "And do you Calleigh, take thee Mac to be your husband"? "I do". "Mac and Calleigh, you may place the rings on your fingers, and by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride".

With the ceremony complete, Horatio informed Calleigh he needed to get Ryan back to Miami. "Do you have to leave right now"? asked Calleigh. "I do sweetheart, I'm sorry, but I need to get Ryan under a physicians care". Knowing Horatio was right, Calleigh embraced him, and whispered how much she would miss him. "Come on "H", I'll get you and Ryan to the Airport", said Stella. "Stel, I want you to go to Miami with "H" and Ryan, just incase Ryan decides to escape again". Looking over at "H", he smiled and winked at Stella. "No problem Mac, I'll see you in a few days". Parting their seperate ways, Mac took Calleigh to look over their new home.

When they arrived Calleigh inhaled, "Oh my, look at this, it's beautiful, oh Mac, this is to much". Looking it over from the outside Mac had to agree. "You are right love, but this is out gift, and we will have to accept it". Knowing Mac was right, they headed inside. "It's so huge, lookat the wood floors, and the walls, oh Mac, look at the fireplace". Mac had to agree the house was gorgeous. "Well love, I guess we should get moved in". "You think"? "I think we should christen our home first, don't you"? Reaching over, grabbing Calleigh in his arms, he said...."You know love, I think you are right". Picking up his lovely new wife, Mac decided they should start in the living room.

Meanwhile Stella, "H" and Ryan were waiting at the Airport. "Come on "H", get the cuffs off, I'm not going anywhere". "Forget it Ryan, the cuffs stay on until we have you back in Miami". "This isn't right "H", I'm a CSI and you can't do this to me". "I can, and I have, and trust me Ryan, you will not be a CSI much longer". "Flight 102 to Miami now boarding at Gate 2". Walking towards the gate, they boarded the plane. "Excuse me, Lt.Caine"? "Yes". "The piolet would like to have a word with you". Heading into the cockpit the pilot asked Horatio...."Good morning Lt. , we need to know how dangerous your prisoner is"? "He's not dangerous, trust me, the flight will be a safe one". "Thank you for the information". "You are welcome". Sitting back down Stella asked...."Is there a problem "H"? "No, the pilot just needed to be sure Ryan wasn't dangerous". "Oh, okay, how long before we reach Miami"? "A few hours Stella, don't worry it will be fine", said "H" as he took her hand.

