Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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Or perhaps from an anti-Smack perspective, maybe Stella goes out with this guy as a way of getting back at Mac. Just imagine a semi-evil!Stella actually getting back at Mac for his London escapade. :mad: :devil: :mad: :devil: :mad:

*Thinks of Desperate Housewives Andrew's evil smug look when he seduced Bree's boyfriend Peter as an inspiration*

Of course, too the gutter is still pretty deep from the elevator fic. I mean, the heat from chapter eight would cause Peyton to evaporate within a certain distance.
Wow, what to think about the spoilers, Smacked! fans? ;)

So they introduce a new guy for Stella? Interesting, but it's hard to think of another guy with Stella than Mac :lol: And Stella is not someone who jumps on a new guy. Now I can't wait for season 4! :D It will be an interesting season for Smacked! I think ;)
*ignores spoilers for a while* blegh, im kinda 'over-spoiled' and im not liking some of it at all... im taking a break :p

*pokes mac and stella*
you two drive me insane- than usual *gg* how long do i hafta wait?! :lol:

*is shocked*
NEWBIE! *tackle hugs* I love your name and I read that fic of yours already olive_oil! :D ill review it as soon as i go online in ff. ;) I LOVED it :lol: I wub Jealousy fics :devil: Hawtness. ties and olive oils are to your left.. though i get the feeling that you gots a lot of oils! :lol:

we got a new supplier of olive oil! :devil: :lol: jk!

^what part of east coast are ya? oh btw, im mj.
Hi MJ. I have another friend named MJ, so cool, now I have two! Im from CA but I moved to CT for school. Thanks for the review right now on my fic. I love jealousy fics too. lol.
jealousy fics pwns. (most of the time, anyways)

Welcome Olive_Oil: I two love your name! Just to warn ya, we're crazy, but we're all like family here, so welcome to the smacked family and enjoy your stay!

Sor: Your here again! I so loving having you here.

MJ: I told you I'm fluffy in here, Mo will back me up on that.

Now a love interest for Stel? Shot me now plz. I want my smacked and I want it now!. and Yeah, Cate, I don't think Mac will do the same.
MJ: I told you I'm fluffy in here, Mo will back me up on that.
Yup I will...sorry Mj dearie, but Lynny is definitely a Smacked fluffy! :D She wubs her Smacked! And happy at that! ;) Heehee! :lol:
before we panic...I have a huge lack of worry when it comes to this spoiler...first of all it says a guy who "MAY" catch Stella's eye...I know it's just one simple word, a slightly different word tense...but really if it was a sure thing why wouldn't they just say a guy who "WILL" catch Stel's eye! ;) And second...I agree with y'all who think Mac won't be as unjealous as Stel was with fact I see this guy coming onto the show as actually something very good for our ship...he comes in, stirs things up, makes Mac jealous and suddenly Mac really realizes he loves Stel and goes after what he knows he wants!
CathStokes said:
Sor: Your here again! I so loving having you here.

Thanks sweetheart, I love being in the big Smacked! family :D And welcome to the thread Olive_Oil! I like your name, reminds me more of Smacked! :lol:

And I was looking through my screencaps from the episode 'Dancing with the Fishes' and I got some weird thoughts by this screencap:

*Sid looking at Stella*
Mac: Watch that Sid, she's mine :devil:
Stella: Can't you two just concentrate on the evidence? :rolleyes:
mercy said:
I’m beginning to wonder if we will even find out what happened with Peyton in the first eppy. The PTB might draw it out or avoid it till later in the season, especially if they haven’t decided on a certain direction or if they are working around Claire Forlani’s schedule. A new guy for Stella? Hmm, I think Mac might become a bit protective of her since it would have the potential to be her first relationship since Frankie. Since Peyton isn’t around, his protective side and his feelings for Stella might surface more.

i like that!
i sooooooo like that!
NEED HELP, btw...

who among you peeps do beta?
i think i'm gonna need a beta...
i have this cute smack story in my head, but i make lots of mistakes with fluent english. I get confused all of a sudden and my tenses went wild...

so, whoever is interested... Please tell me...
mj0621 said "somebody slap me to bring my SMacked senses back!"
I'll do one better... I'll SMac you!! ha ha! Pun totally intended! :lol: :lol: :lol:

What do you mean by what happened to Peyton in the first eppy... like what's gonna happen to her in the first season 4 eppy?
Oops.. guess I need to clarify that, sorry! What I meant is I wonder if we will find out during the first episode of season four why Peyton did not come with Mac or if she will return later, etc etc, or if the PTB are going to drag it out for a while and keep us guessing. They do like to make us wonder, don't they?
*hands up* lynny if mo backs you up, i rest my case :p

csi_willows :lol: ok, im in the gutter all the time so i just might as well say it: is it me or Mac's eyes are NOT on the evidence? :p

thecoroner said:
I'll do one better... I'll SMac you!! ha ha! Pun totally intended!
THANK YOU! :lol: I really need it XD. and is it weird if i tell you that i have that line on my a/n on a fic i wrote? well sorta jumbled but still the same. :D *gg*

Who can blame me? I just want my SMacked and I want it NOW. :lol: yes, im demanding today :p
Whoa! I've been gone for a day. (And will be gone for another...)

I guess that's what I was trying to say. Mac'll be protective -- overprotective -- of Stella since this will be her first relationship after all the Frankie crap. And hey, maybe Mac *can* be jealous, too. Tee-hee.

A parting gift (for a while anyway):
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