Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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Whoa, page 20 already? Is it time for a new thread name poll? :lol:

Mac pulls a Warrick (marrying... lol)? But goes back to NY alone? That doesn't sit well. But then again, a lot of TPTB *original* work don't work well anyway.
Hi Smacked thread people :)

Newbie here , My first post goes to the Smacked thread because Mac and Stella rock and are literally kidding themselves its about time they got it on :devil:

Anyway hi !
Nah, I really doubt that Peyton and Mac got married if Mac comes back from London in a pissy mood. Which can only mean one thing: something bad happened between Pac,:devil: which makes me a very happy Smacked fan. :D
Hey guys:
The stuff about getting married/breaking off are only rumors! :D So have faith! :D Although, I think they've broken off anyway. :p

Got to jet off to Champagne & Paris tommorow, guys! Have fun while I'm gone! (Well not TOO much fun, since I won't be here! :p) Then I'm going to Thailand, so miss you guys and I'll be back in more than a month! :) *Hugs shipmates and Smacked!*
I just hop in here for the first time, shame on me! My name is Soraya and next to CatNip, Smacked is my favourite ship :D I'm sure I come by here more often :)

I just love the looks on their faces :)
Mac isn't someone who would be that spontaneous! He's experienced this stuff before! There is no way he could possibly go out and get married! I don't know about breaking it off either. Maybe something happened to his stepson that caused him to have to come back quickly and cut the romantic rendesvou short!
hi to the new SMacked fans Soraya and LeanneB! ties and olive oils are on your left ;) enjoy the thread :D

a cap for that cute pic:

Stella: Mac, I want it now...
Mac: Now? don't you think it's a bit early and we're at work?
Stella: When I said now... *is pissy*
Mac: O_O yes ma'am. A cappuccino it is.
:lol: Stella has Macky around her finger :p and what were you thinking Lynny? :devil:

*hugs kissme* ill miss you :(

*sniffs* i have no idea what to think. my imaginative mind is a bit haywire so... *shrugs* as much as I like Peyton, I THINK they broke up over something in NY. My SMacked side is happy but... Peyton... somebody slap me to bring my SMacked senses back!
I haven't been in here for a while!heLLo!!*waves to SMACked buddies!** :lol: :)

Delia ,have fun and enjoy your vacation! :D

I think it would be way too soon to do something like that..They may have been dating before they actually ''mentioned'' or showed someting.I don't think it would fit to do something like that..Time and more spoilers will tell! ;)

Do we know if they started fimling season 4?I think they stared in July last year?
Mj darling said confused:
Im not leaving... unless you want me to
Never honey, I would never want you to leave! I got confused I think and thought you'd said you were gonna go on vacation! My bad hon...I don't want you to go away! :D I likes you right here! :D

Yeah I'm not worried about Mac getting married, I don't think he'd come back from London pissy and without Peyton if they got married...I really do think they broke up...and plus I just checked and apparently the only thing on Claire Forlani's "calendar" for the upcoming year is a project starting in July or I think she's done with Mac and NY...and I gotta say, YAY!! :D

Kate!! Hi honey!! Yay for you popping back in here! :D

Ath, hiya honey, welcome back! We missed ya! :D

Cate babes, how ya doin? How's Dylan...say Hi to him and Mara for me! ;)
If Mac comes back pissy that means they broke it off. And I doubt a marriage thing would happen, I don't think Mac would pull a "Warrick". Especially not when we all know he cares about Stella *whacks MJ* but I agree, I'll miss Peyton's character around.. ((not so much her stealing my Macky!))

Sor!! Yay, About time you come in here as well and welcome LeanneB!!
CathStokes said:
Sor!! Yay, About time you come in here as well and welcome LeanneB!!

Yeah, my Smacked! feelings are coming back :D Especially when you're writing a fic with them :devil:

I heard that Mac and Peyton went to London and yeah, hopefully Mac will turn back alone *whistles* Maybe it sound cruel but Mac is better of without Peyton. And look at Stella, she was Mac's support when Claire died and his friend. If they fight, they are friends again in no time. Mac and Stella are made for each other, hard to believe that Mac would marry Peyton in CSI:NY because Smacked's chemistry is melting my TV screen and not only mine but a lot of other screens as well :p But for the first episode from season 4 I hope to see a cute rendez-vous. If Mac comes without Peyton, than you see Stella taking care of him :D Smacked fans are happy again :p
Oh my... I've been Internet-less for two days. :mad: Tooooo much school work.

But anyway, welcome to all the newbies and welcome back, ath -- I was wondering where you've gone.

Delia -- bon voyage! Have fun.... :)

Mo -- *huggles* Dylan's being a good big brother.

...Because they are healthy conversation topics. And it keeps this thread from keeping silent haha. Anyhoo... well, I don't think Mac'll pull a Warrick. He knows better than that. And why would he come back to NY all pissy? And ooooh.... he calls no other than Stella to pick him up from the airport.... tee-hee. And drive him back to his place, probably to help him unpack... :devil:

Grrrr.... is not letting me upload the last chappie of "My Mommy and Daddy". :mad:

As for my next, story -- it'll be all about these spoilers and what I think can happen.
Lynny yeah i deserve that whack :lol: I KNEW you'd miss the ME too :devil: see? in that lil heart of yours there is still hope :p maybe... show more fluff? *ggs and runs away from whacking*

mo touched mj:
Never honey, I would never want you to leave! I got confused I think and thought you'd said you were gonna go on vacation! My bad hon...I don't want you to go away! I likes you right here!
i think that was ms. i wikes you too! i need to be in the bubble again though. me need to write MS fluffiness.

athens hey! long time no see! :D

ate cate ff is nuts again?! NO!!! dangit. *sniffs*

maybe you guys are right :lol: ate cate has a point... macky called stella (or did she insist?) to pick him up at the airport. he KNOWS she'll find out what happened! silly macky. nah.. he'll get a lot of luvin and comfort now :devil:
*Mo dances into the thread...hugging her Lynny, Cate, Mj and all her other Smacked buddies as she enters!*
Hi y'all! Mj hon, you know you're always welcome in my bubble...come on up hon! :D Cate babes, Dylan is an awesome big brother...well done! ;)

of people wondering if Peyton is gonna be killed off...cuz it seems all the ladies who get involved with the main show's guy end up close to dead or dead...Horatio and Marisol...Griss and Sara...and now possibly Mac and Peyton...I personally really hope they just have them break up and don't kill Peyton especially since Mac already dealt with Claire dying and for that matter I don't think Sara's gonna die so maybe this isn't a trend at all...but still it's a "theory" out I gotta say I hope they don't follow!

Can't wait for Smacked wub in Seas. 4...bring it on! :D
*tackle hugs mo* ill be up in a minute! :lol:

saw the csifiles report, not too happy about it:
well, if ya guys read on the report, macky almost didnt catch his plane back to NY THEN it said that he has lipstick in his cheeks (i think or was it shirt? LOL I forgot a vital info :p) anyway it could mean a lot of things but idwanna speculate about it. i want my fluff dangit :p NOBODY kills my ME! :lol: enough killings for macky! as much as i would like my ship to sail, i dont want anyone dying. specially not my ME. enough angst please *sniff*
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