Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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*Mo grins and makes room for her bud in her fluffy bubble!* You're cute Mj! ;)
I don't want Peyton to die either...but I must admit it's not so much out of love for her (I like her...sure) but mostly I don't want her dying because I don't want Mac thinking every woman he's with dies...because I could see the PTB using that to keep him and Stell apart...and that would piss me off, more than anything! Smacked not getting together for whatever reason will piss me off! :lol:

We need Smacked fluff...and we dang surely need some good Smacked smex! :devil:
OMG mo *pokes and stares at her* its the third time you called me cute! :eek: youre scaring me now! do you need glasses? :lol: or you bump your head cause the bubble needs more pillows? *puts more pillows frantically* :p

lmao :lol: tsk tsk, better hide peyton when im here then eh? :p not too many fans here *ggs* mo do ya have a closet in the bubble? :lol:

I agree! good grief! are they killing my macky out of depression!? too much angst might be a BIG wall for our shippy :( thats not good at all. break up.. yeah but no death. :( that would piss me off too! lmao :lol: we need our ship sailing dagnabit :p the spoiler is really haunting me: whats with the lipstick! *gg*

id be crazy if i wont agree to the wub and smexing XD :devil:
I have seen TPTB write many outrageous things before -- did or did not work, but they did it anyway -- in all 3 CSIs but I don't think they'd 'victimize' Mac that way. If he were Danny, sure... they would :lol: or maybe Stella because they've victimized the two enough and they *know* fans will soooo eat it up. Now, about Mac almost missing his flight, coming home with traces of lipstick on his cheek and meets Stella in JFK ... tells me two things....

But before that....

Peyton might have given Mac a rather lengthy goodbye gift -- if you know what I mean. Not necessarily a goodbye=break up; just you know, going back to NYC without her. That would explain the lipstick stain and the part where he barely misses the flight. But come on... is Mac *that* exhausted to not freshening up in the plane? It's quite a long flight -- and even if it's not... hey, Mac cleans up well, doesn't he always? And if he indeed was alone (no Peyton) during the flight then he couldn't have gotten the lipstick mark whilst on the plane. And he's going to meet *Stella*, of all people. Friendly thoughts or otherwise, I don't think Mac is *that* callous.

Mac almost misses his flight because it was unplanned. He probably flew home a bit earlier than expected and the kiss... would probably be of "goodbye = good ridance". Wanted to get away from there as soon as possible. That would also support his disheveled appearance. And he called Stella to pick him up instead of going alone because he knew that she wouldn't pry and she would listen. *Then* she would talk his ears out haha.

I'd probably explore point #2 in my new story.
Hello people, newbie here!
I'm also Filipino! Mga, dude! SMACK forever ako!

I have a new Smack story in mind... and its so freakin cool... BTW, i think i'm gonna need a beta...

(yes, mj... another one... aside from our CSINYxHOUSEmd (smackxhuddy) story...) i just have to let this out.

Writing can be exhausting... But its what i want to do.

Hello everyone... newbie here, so be friendly. XD.
lots of love.

i got lost with the spoilers.
I'm drowning with them.
and I'm high, i had quite a good dose.
Somehow I figured you'd write point 2 in your ficcie Cate :)

MJ: I do have fluffy moments in here, and you know it!

I think I'm gonna defend Peyt here. I don't want her dead, I do like her, I'd like to hate her, but I don't. Her being killed would really not be good for Mac, he done did the whole thing with Claire, and I don't want to see him go through that again. and I'm really glad that he does call Stella, and I agree with Cate, Mac's not going to have lipstick on his cheek and not clean it off on that long flight, so I guess we just have to see what actually goes down.
ack! ate cate beat me to it! :lol: as if i have a chance against that :p Go for it ate, im sure its way better than mine.

ate mariel (angcatalonan)! welcome! ties and olive oils are on your left! *gg* welcome to teh gutter of SMacked. I dont have a map for the gutter streets, im sure someone will give ya one XD yeah, we have no talents for anything else but fanfics LOL (tell me about your idea later ;) )oh, did you meet ate cate? bubblerouge08? THE SMacked queen on ff? :lol: spoilers are very addicting here (told ya theyre yummy :p) be careful though XD

lynny ok! name one time! :lol: you must love macky very much to defend mah ME huh? ;) *pokes*

well, thats a bummer, stella is gonna meet mac on a crime scene, not in the airport. and a lot of peeps are saying peyton and mac may not have broken up (yet anyway) *sniff* idk what to feel about that but im a bit sad :( and stella's getting someone i heard (and i heard that too last year! :lol:) dangit i want my SMacked! cant the PTB see us here? *pouts* or its just a new way or torturing lil ol me.
Here's a bit of info on episode 1:

When Mac comes back from London, he is sporting stubble from about four days, unless they change it. Also, I'm not exactly sure why he comes back early but when his plane flies into NYC and you can see the Statue of Liberty, one of the flight attendants comes and points it out to him.
*Mo grins and dances into Smacked's Gutter...* Hello dearies! How are y'all this lovely evening?! :D

Definitely cute bud Mj gasped:
OMG mo *pokes and stares at her* its the third time you called me cute! youre scaring me now! do you need glasses? or you bump your head cause the bubble needs more pillows? *puts more pillows frantically*
*Mo grins and snuggles deeper into the extra pillows her buddy so kindly brought her!* Yup I most definitely called you cute...and while I wear glasses, I'm still not wrong here! :lol:

mo do ya have a closet in the bubble?
Depends hon...since I'm a huge Smacked fan...if it's for Peyton...then I gotta say not really...but if you're just attempting to hide her from being hurted and not necessarily saving her for Mac then I can suggest several good hiding places down here! ;)

Darling Angsty...but Smacked fluffy Lynny grinned:
I do have fluffy moments in here, and you know it!
It's true...*Mo grins and nods!* I'll back you in that're a Smacked fluffy...for sure! :D

*Mo sighs and looks at all the "boxes"...* They have returned... :lol: which means the beginning of speculation and the drawing nearer of the new seaons...oh the joy! :D :D

Cate yay for another chapter! :D *Mo scampers off to read more Dylan and Mara!* :D
angcatalonan said:
hello cate!

Hey! I think I saw your review in one of my earlier SMACked works. Anyway, welcome! *hugs and olive oils*

MJ -- me? SMACked queen of FF? Lol... naw.... XD

So Mac's first crime scene back is with Stella. Which means they aren't going to meet at the airport. Hmmm, okay *takes that idea and puts it in her plotbunny burrow* Hmmm... what could explain Mac's unshaven look *yum! XD*. Well, "running away from something" can still work. His trip may not have been cut short but still. Peyton could have stayed in London because -- hey, it's her home city. But I'm not letting to of the break-up idea.

Oh well, we just have to wait. XD
Hey ya all! I got some news for you.

Ausiello: They're adding two new recurring characters: A female lab tech/possible love interest for Adam, and a "hip and charming" forged-documents expert who may catch Stella's eye.Now all I have to add to that is son of a %#!&&! :mad: I want my Smacked!
Why doesn't that make me feel weird? Another guy for Stella.... would the labtech dare steal the boss' girl? Hahaha, one look from Mac and I'm sure he'll be scurrying away. And why do I have this feeling that Mac isn't as restrained as Stella when it comes to *others*? Like Stella didn't go all-the-way jealous when Peyton came into the picture. I don't know why I think that Mac won't be the same.

thankies modie for letting us know. XD dont we feel wubbed or what? *gg*

mj shakes her head at mo: tsktsk, you lost it. im worried about you! :lol: and YES, I need that closet for my ME. she's recieving too many pokes and such. but then again, i realized she has a scalpel with her. *lmao*

*cheers for ate cate* go ate! dont let go! and yes you are the queen ;)
cath- im pissed too. :(
I’m beginning to wonder if we will even find out what happened with Peyton in the first eppy. The PTB might draw it out or avoid it till later in the season, especially if they haven’t decided on a certain direction or if they are working around Claire Forlani’s schedule. A new guy for Stella? Hmm, I think Mac might become a bit protective of her since it would have the potential to be her first relationship since Frankie. Since Peyton isn’t around, his protective side and his feelings for Stella might surface more.
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