Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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They are just such a pretty couple!

31. And they can potentially make pretty babies. :devil:
32. Because he allowed her to sit on his office chair.
33. Because they hug.... *awwww*
34. Because he rarely pulls rank on her. (Weeeellllllll..... :devil: )
35. Because he couldn't do his job without her (Office Blue).
36. On second thought, he could but he wouldn't be half as good (Office Blue).
37. Because he checked her out blatantly and she got his approval.
38. Heck, he let her "undress" him in his office encased in glass where anybody who happens to be walking by could see. :devil:

34. Because they are magic!
35. Because they understand each other like no one else!
36. Because she confided in him about her feelings after she found out that she was HIV-Negative.
37. Because we say so! :D
38. Because Smacked just works!
39. Because why not?!

Great reasons, Moriel!


From 'Officer Blue'. They are making up! :D
Ohhh...those are fabulous reasons Del & Cate I love those! :D
37. Because he checked her out blatantly and she got his approval.
42. Because she enjoys him checking her out and even encourages it! :devil:
40. Because he's unfazed by Stella's ever sinking neckline.
43. Because we know she sinks that neckline just for him! :devil:
Chaos: :lol: I love your neckline reason! It's the best! :lol:

44. Because life is better when you have someone with you!
45. Because they care about each other!
46. Because everything they do is magic!
47. Because they know what each other are feeling with just a look or a glance.
48. Because they're cute, damn it! :D
Whoa, we're almost halfway. Someone should post the whole list somewhere for reference... similar to the SMACk-y episodes.

49. *just listen to Natalie Cole's song "Inseparable".
50. Because she knows he's there for her.
Ohhhh if we're going for songs Cate babes, then this could go way faster! :lol: Nice reasons again there Del & Cate!! :D
51. Because they always give us "Something to Talk About"! (check out the lyrics to this's literally Smacked in a nutshell! ;) )
52. Because even though he had a "girlfriend" he still only let Stel touch him in the office! (That's right! :D )
Mo -- touch is an understatement! :lol: She kissed the man! Again, in his glass-encased office. :devil:

Whee, I just realized that we're online all at the same time. It's Friday, 11am here. :)

53. She'll be waiting for him at the airport.
54. He cannot hide anything from her.
55. She personally 'delivers' to him her birthday gift.
Mmmmm, Ranma I swear I actually know the answer to your question but for the life of me I can't think of the answer right now...Cate you know these things! :D

56. Because she speaks Greek to him!
57. Because he lets her tell him what to do!
58. Because they respect eachother!
Yeah I'm with you Cate I can't think of you single episode, but I KNOW he does call her we just gotta find where...mmmmm...let's see...yeah my brain is on the fritz... :lol: But I do know there is a time when he does, I know it! :D I remember commenting on it even! Okay maybe I just need sleep...mmmm, yeah...well that or to rewatch all the eppy's leading up to now! :lol: Since I can't do the latter...I'll do the former...night y'all! ;)
Flack and Mac call Stella "Stell" in the same ep? Was it this past season or in two? I bet it was sometime season 2 though.
Really? I must be losing my hearing because I can't remember any ep at all where he calls her that :lol:

I know the others do call her "Stell" but I swear I've yet to hear it from Mac's mouth.

Come on guys! I know one of you can answer me which ep! :D
hmm.. i think i should be online on this times :lol:

Lynny I just figured out the problem and for once, it wasnt my fault! blame it on my compy! :lol: i finally saw the pics! *swoons*

Mj honey: you're NOT alone! I love Peyton too. *Hugs Peyton*
*whispers* we are so dead if we scream that in here :lol:

Lol, I wish. Heck, TPTB can take that idea if they want. Just make sure it's spot on -- leaving the audience hanging by ending the episode when Mac closed the door behind Stella gives us great material to work on.
ate cate, oh dearie i'd have a heart attack and die a happy fangirl if that kind of scene becomes canon :p

mo pokes mj:Heehee, yeah I'd apologize hon, but I can't, not for making you fluffy! Heehee, it's just too fun having you as a fluffy!
:lol: im not complaining at all!

mo confuses mj: Awwww, have fun wherever you are going Mj bud! We'll keep things warm around her for ya! (And I'll make sure I distract Peyton for you in your absence! )
Im not leaving... unless you want me to :(

:lol: i love this countdown! XD but im no good at this sooo :p

well i heard that the reason why macky is sooo 'different' and stella noticed-mac shrugs her off (this is about the peyton thing), its either they got married or they're through. IS IT ME or this spoiler REALLY made me stay up late pondering about that situation!? so many ideas are coming through mah mind and some i dont like at all... these possibilities are killing my shippy heart!
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