Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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aww MJ of course your my little witch, I miss thee when thou away. You actually have a fav character? Who knew! And of course we're still guttery, you wouldn't expect anything less would you?

Wait, did you see Smacked and Danny/Mac? Sign me up!
Hey!!!!! I slipped under a rock and remained lost for two days! :(

Lynny -- te quiero mucho.... I started to write that "old fella" fic. It'll be a PWP --- smexy, of course. :devil: By the way, how are things in the broom closet?

mj -- NABUHAY KA! (translation: You're alive!) Hahahaa...

Cath -- welcome! *passes out the olive oil and ties*

Speaking of fics:
mj0621 said:
yes! the witch is back! (yes Lynny I know about that comment ;) )

have i been missed? :devil: and i really missed alotta :devil: yummy posts here eh?

hi to the newbies... nice name cath my fave char in LV :D.

i was suppose to come back here with ARM update for mah buddy CW but i edited some erherm... scenes... so its gonna take me a day or two to cut it... :devil: how's everyone? still guttery? :p
a lil gift from moi:

*le sigh* i never get tired of this pic... :p
omg... i love such pictures of them both. You can totaly see the smex between them. Gary and Melina look so fantastic... hot... smacked :devil: :devil: :devil:

thanks mj0621!!! :D

welcome Cath!! :D
Things are picking up in the broom closet. *hands out tapes* Enjoy! :).. We took off several "loud" things in there so poor Dylan wouldn't hear it. :)

Gary and Melina are amazing with Mac and Stella and of course they bring out the hottness in Smacked :)
natty i checked it out... *laughs again* i like it.

Lynny :p i knew you'd miss me. of course, i wouldn't expect less gutter :lol: i'd be crazy if i did think that. hey, cath is my fave character.. woot! *pokes*

ate cate yes! im alive! LOL and i missed the site... i need the i mean company :p

no prob messers_cupcake ;) always a pleasure to spread the SMacked wub...

Oh Em Gee! Cath thanks for sharing! lol love the caps... *sighs*
Smacked buddies!!! HI!!!!!!!! Oh how I have you missed you all and our lovely ship! I hate not having internet...I really don't know how I ever lived without it, cuz these last two weeks without y'all have been true torture!! :p But I am back and so freakishly happy to be back with all my lovely ships...Awwww the joy! :D :D

So y'all what all have I missed? Many things I'm sure...lots of new ficcies? Cate babes how's Dylan doing? I missed you and him! :D I missed all y''s so nice to be back! :D

*Mo sighs and settles happily in her fluffy bubble!*
Cath said:
Thanks everyone for the warm welcomes! :) Here is the website where I found the risky Smacked and Danny/Mac fics that I was talking about earlier.

Stellaluna!!! I *adore* her M/S fics! She writes great ep recaps as well (see her LJ). You can also try here. Some of the stories I really like are there as well :)

The Triborough pic. Good times. That's gotta be the scene where all that olive oil smex started :devil:

Thanks Cath!
Hey so I know I've been gone for a bit...and I plan on going and catching up on all I missed very soon...but for now...what's new? Have we gotten any new spoilers for Season 4 yet? Any good news for Smacked yet? Cuz hello, this SOOO has to be their season! It has to be, I can feel it! :D :D
Okay, now I'm in here to haunt you girls, You need to read my Fic, Loosing Faith...A Smex story. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Also there are tons of Smex poems in the Poetry thread. :lol: :devil: :devil: :p

Come see them, :D :D :D
ranma said: You can also try here. Some of the stories I really like are there as well :)Thanks Cath!

You're welcome, hun! ;) Thanks for the link to the other fanfiction site. I already read a fic over there that I liked. It's called 'Another Chance' and it's written by Banana Tooth. Good stuff and the kind of stuff I needed.
Mo! mo! mo!
i missed you! i just came in too... after a long hiatus :lol:
now lemme in that bubble of yours! :p

ooh! stellaluna! i like her fics! thanks for giving the links! i lost it somehow...

LMH- can ya link me? please?
*Mo giggles and scoots over, making room in her bubble for her Smacked buddy MJ!* Hi hon! :D How ya doin? Hey you still keeping Peyton occupied and away from Mac? ;)

So from what I've heard spoilers for Season 4 of NY should be coming out here very soon...who's excited?? Oh yeah baby, me! :D
Mo - *runs to her and tackles* Where have you been? I was *this* close to having a search party look for you. I was scared that the gutter police got to you. *hugsies*

Dylan's enjoying school. And he's going to be a big brother very soon. :)

MJ -- *takes her hand and gives her a tour of the new alleys of the gutter*

I love Stellaluna's fics too. I always check her LJ for new ones.

Waaaaaaaah! I am loving one of my new professors right now. She's a SMACker like me! :) I found that out when she saw me writing a plot bunny on my notebook (Lynny -- it's the smex in Mac's office story) and she said to me, "Stella or Peyton?"

I replied, "Ma'am... we can't argue with destiny." Long story short, we had a rather lengthy talk after class (since her class was my last one for the day).

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