Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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OMG! I'd be soooo frickin happy if my professor was that cool! Mine is old, looks like a dinosaur and smiles...wait, mine doesn't smile. He is physically incapable of moving his face muscles....but my PE coach (who's a guy) is total NY! Last week, he had us running an extra three laps around the field,(after ten rounds. mind you) and he was like, "Goddammit, you better run like you're Rambo Stella going after Peyton or so help me!"

and I was like, "Coach, if we WERE Stella, we wouldn't have to run extra cuz we'd already be smokin' and Peyton would've been dead by now," :lol:

Cool that we have fun teachers, huh chaos ?

nyways, back on topic....I am dying for some SMACKED pics and fics. :)lol: that rhymed) since FF got most D/L fics now.... anybody recommend somethin?? :(
*ggs*mo! thankies for the space you reserved just for me :p actually im hanging out with peyton and stella... ya know.. girl time :lol:

spoilers for s4 you say??! now im excited! i need my fix! :D

*hugs ate cate* thanks for the tour :D Oh Em Gee! really? a SMacker like us? I wanna teacher like that! seriously! that would be the happiest day of mah school life :p

cassie your coach is funny XD nice retort though :lol:

yeah there's not much SMacked fics in BUT the upgrades the site has is awesome. we finally can search by character and we have more genres! woot!
*waves* hello my fellow smackers, I love yall! :)

Cass you so didn't do that!!! Like.. for real? really cool though, so props to you!

MJ, are you in Mac's closet again? Be sure to put that video camera in there..
Cate!!*Mo huggles her buddy!* There you are babes! Hiya! :D I was without internet for WAY too about torture! :p Anyway, I'm back and so happy to see you!! Awww can't wait to see Dylan again! ;)

Mj always happy to have you in my bubble hon, say Hi to Stella for me and make sure she doesn't beat Peyton up or anything! :lol:

Lynny hi wub! *Mo tackles her bud!* Wassup! You're in a lovely mood, I likes it! :lol:

Can't wait for our new spoilers...mmmm, we need us some good Smacked info! :D
Yeah, cool updates on -- now, I can search faster and avoid those I want to avoid. :lol: :devil: But Aiden isn't in the selections.

Anyway, I finally watched the finale and well -- it was nice... best finale of the three so far sans the irrelevant things. Maaaaan, Flack kicked off the episode... sooooo friggin' hot! :lol:

Lynny -- like I promised... I made use of Mac's glass office:
Lynny!! i missed you! where'd cha go? I made space for you in Mac's closet! I have all in tape and it contains alotta uncut scenes XD

Mo yeah its hard to the in the middle of those two... stares... retorts... geez, and i thought i know tension... *grabs alotta pillows for mo's bubble* more fluff!

ate cate i KNOW! aint ff great? you can even put icons now :D i wasnt sure what to use for mine but i saw this LE icon and i couldnt resist. hope it also allows animated icons... Wait! Aiden isnt there? I didn notice. btw, LOVE your new fic!
Yay for lots of updates Cate babes! I read them all this morning and reviewed them on, but I'll say again...they were fabulous! Dylan is just so stinkin' adorable...gah I want to cuddle him! :D And your glass office ficcie...hello hotness! :devil: Very nice! ;)

Mj sure thing grab the pillows and bring on the fluff, more fluff is always good! :D Heehee, yeah I bet you're having fun keeping those two cats away from eachother! :lol: Chick fight anyone? :lol:
mo a chick fight? that would be one of my 'OMG it really happened!?' moments once i got to see it... canon? *ggs and faints* :lol: yesh, me want more fluff! mind if i bring macky and danny for ya along? ps, your icon is cute. ;)

ate cate yeah i saw it. gutsy of ya to do that... one day ill do that when i have the nerve.. im gonna enjoy cuddy's pic this week and stella's next week :)lol: yeah i have a schedule!)
Lol, yeah I SO want to see a chick fight Mj! :lol: I want Stella to finally stand up to Peyton and tell her take her hands off her man...or even better, have Stella be touching Mac (on the arm or whatever) like she always does and Peyton sees it and tells Stella to "take her hands off my man!" and then Stella raises an eyebrow and says "Make me!" or even better Stella says "He was never really yours and I'll touch MY man anytime I want to!" and then chick fight breaks out, which of course Stella wins! :lol:

Sure bring Macky along...Danny's already here! :D Glad you liked my icon, hon! I like it too! :D
Mo :: I dunno CatNip and Smacked seems to make me a bit happy.

haha a chick fight, that would be really interesting to see, we need a good chick fight on one of the shows, Stella wants Mac, Peyton's with him, so lets put them in a room together and let them go at it. I'll bring the popcorn.

Cate: PWNED! :)

MJ: I'm glad we got some uncut scenes :) *gets in closet with you* Did he change colognes?
chaostheory08 - I loved your office glass fic! If you have more of these naughty little scenarios dancing around in your mind, please do share!:devil: I'd love to read some more.
Cate: PWNED!

Hahaha, it was so fun to write. I hope I can do more lol....

Hang on.... Stella shares an office with Danny and Lindsey, right? I mean, it's also encased in glass and the desks are joined together.... :devil:

chaostheory08 - I loved your office glass fic! If you have more of these naughty little scenarios dancing around in your mind, please do share! I'd love to read some more.

Well, I have "Trapped". That's racier than "Humor, Bite" hahaha.

Speaking of a chick fight.... my next SMACked fic will be centered on Mac going away with Peyton to London. Then for some reason, he misses Stella (okay, we all know what that reason is).

To get an idea on the mood of the fic, read the Daughtry song "Home".
^^ Oh I LOVE Chris Daughtry! I supported him all the way! :) He's so much better than Taylor Hicks. :rolleyes: And the song, Home is REALLY perfect... because it highlights how comfortable Smacked are around each other and how they're each other's "home"! Oh my, look at me all cheery and happy.

I'm happy today because of Smacked posts! :)

*Hugs Cate for brightening up my day with the suggestion of that song!*

Oh I love Lynny on this thread! She's too cute! :)
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