Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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Chaos bring everyone lol she wouldn't mind i don't think. I think they would keep her occupied just in case Mac and Stella need to sneak off to do stuff :lol: or :devil:

Cassie :lol: at Mac not jumping Sella there and then wet :lol:
Luvingmyhoratio: what an adorable poem!
I have a question for you all!! How would you guys wants Smacked to get together?
Perfect question! I love it! I wish that Mac would freak out on the plane (that would be hilarious!) as he realizes that he loves Stella and is getting to UK with the wrong woman. (I'd love to see nervous and lovestruck Mac)... then once he arrives in UK, he gets another flight back to New York...
He shows up in her doorstep at midnight and then tells her that he loves her!
And they kiss for the first time and its PURE MAGIC! :)
I'd say, he should come back with out a Peyton (Look she's become her own species) and let the magic happen from there.

P.S. I have nothing against Peytons just when they are with Mac
kissmesweet and CSIFray love you scenerios most of them i have read and they say that she should be left behind :lol:

Dw everyone io haven't told Peyton about these :lol:
-Hands msgirl my pitchfork- you might need this if Stella and Mac try to have a moment and Peyton doens't like it. I use it to keep people away all the time. Works like a charm.
msgirl -- I see the cake! Happy Birthday! *hugs and olive oil*

Anyway, (here I go again...) how did the conversation go?

I'm in my "Raising Shane" high right now hahaha. The outraged look Stella had when Peyton ordered her out was soooooo priceless plus the huff Peyton gave when she finally walked out...... hooooooo! Sid might be thinking that there could have been a catfight over the corpse if he wasn't there. Hahahhaa!

Plus, the way Stella was so nonchalant when she 'walked in' to Mac and Peyton's little affectionate-ish episode. Aaaaaaahhhhh! She looked soooo clueless and abso-effing-lutely ignored Peyton as if she wasn't there!

One more... the way Mac addressed the doctor lady "Claire". Makes me wonder.... if Mac had similar arguments with Claire before. I mean, why would he slip up like that? Moreso, has he slipped up like that towards Stella as well?

^There, topics for discussion, people.

Hahaha, pardon me... I'm so pumped up that little fluffy plot bunnies and angsty plot hares are setting up shop in my guttery brain.

* Dylan's ascared of doctors. And the Miss Simmons agreed to bring the whole class for the check-up. And yeah, it's a sizable bunch and Mac and Stella could sneak out freely. Wait... aren't they still in the closet? No need to sneak or whatever hahaha.

Hmph,.... back to school for me. :(
Thanks Chaos *hugs back* thanks for the olive oil :devil:

CSIFray thanks for the pitchfork but i won't need it. I'll be looking after peyton over the holidays :lol:
Plus she will be busy watching or examining kids

One more... the way Mac addressed the doctor lady "Claire". Makes me wonder.... if Mac had similar arguments with Claire before. I mean, why would he slip up like that? Moreso, has he slipped up like that towards Stella as well?

I think if he did slip up like that to Stella i dont think she would mind. I think she would have understood but, a little upset that he called her it. But that is because she has known him a lot longer.
msgirl - Happy birthday!! i've got cupcakes for you and a hugggggg.... :D

chaostheory08 said:
I'm in my "Raising Shane" high right now hahaha. The outraged look Stella had when Peyton ordered her out was soooooo priceless plus the huff Peyton gave when she finally walked out...... hooooooo! Sid might be thinking that there could have been a catfight over the corpse if he wasn't there. Hahahhaa!
hehehe :lol: yeah thats true... but Peyton always looks so strage for me. i just can't stand her. I mean i don't hate her or something like that it's just the actress... not my type

Plus, the way Stella was so nonchalant when she 'walked in' to Mac and Peyton's little affectionate-ish episode. Aaaaaaahhhhh! She looked soooo clueless and abso-effing-lutely ignored Peyton as if she wasn't there!
thats true. For Stella there is no Peyton. In the first episode they tried to show them both as 'good friends' but after a few episodes even that was gone... :rolleyes:

One more... the way Mac addressed the doctor lady "Claire". Makes me wonder.... if Mac had similar arguments with Claire before. I mean, why would he slip up like that? Moreso, has he slipped up like that towards Stella as well?
i don't think he's ever done something like this to Stella. i think he was too stressed... i don't wonder Peyton can get on your nerves easy and if you with her together, even more. Mac don't have such problems with Stella because they have a very long and very good relationship a.k.a friendship (yeah yeah we know the truth... frienship, phi! :lol: :p ) and he knows that she would understand him better than Peyton. For me it's really like Peyotn's made of glass and he has to be very carefully with whatever he does or say to her. That's very stressfull. IMO he doesn't have this problem with Stel. They can honestly talk with each other and they are understanding like in 'the Ride in'.
Cordy -- are you being pro-smacked? This I haven't seen from you in in FOREVER. Did you fall and bump your head child?

Cate your STILL in that RS high? Lordy, you'vebeen in it for almost a month now!!

I say if Mac made that kind of slip up then he must've had those similar fights with Claire, or he's been comparing her to Claire.
Lynny -- I just saw the episode last Monday. Been replaying the whole SPaM thing in my head over and over.

hehehe yeah thats true... but Peyton always looks so strage for me. i just can't stand her. I mean i don't hate her or something like that it's just the actress... not my type

Yeah, she has this like... squint/smile all the time. And I think Peyton is just really trying so hard. Well, Stella's not trying at all, is she? :lol: Peyton's expression when she ordered Stella away was like, "That woman," which was totally irrelevant to the scene.

I wonder what she's pissed off about..... :devil:

I brought up the "what's up with the slip, Mac?" thing because well, what could've caused that? Probably, his knowledge of Reed and how he's connecting to the only living link to his late wife and all. Hmmm.... now it makes me wonder if Peyton knows about that.

Oh my, I go back to school and I ponder about all those ^. Maaaan! :lol:
Thank you Annie hugs back

See here where I watched 'Raising Shane' I didn't see that scene between Peyton and Stella. Could someone type that bit up.

I think Peyton might know about Reed but then again she may not :lol: But, I think Stella respects Peyton after all.

Chaos Peyton wonders when the kids are coming for the examination.
msgirl -- haha, Dylan's still ascared of doctors. Even if it is the Docter Lady. (she might grab him too hard or something since he is a SMACked!baby) :lol:

Which scene? Well, the one in the morgue...

Stella was being filled-in by Sid regarding her DB. The vic wherein Sheldon was involved was brought in. Peyton walks over to them and says that both she and Sid can't process the body because they've worked with Hawkes in the past. And she assured that Dr. So-and-so is one of the best MEs in the city whatever.

Then she says something like, "Unfortunately, I need to ask you to leave before they start."

Outraged, Stella retorts, "What do you think I'll do?" Hands on her hips, I think. Peyton says something and then Stella says something like, "Oh the brass..." blah-blah.

Sid was just watching the dialogue between the two. Peyton then says, "It's not a request from the brass. I am asking you to leave."

Stella's taken aback and she was like, "Fine. I'll go. Update me on my vic, Sid." And she walks out.

When she did, Peyton crosses her arms on her chest, huffs and shakes her head as if saying, "That woman."

Of course, ^that's^ not verbatim. :lol:

Lynny: Oh honey, of COURSE I'm Pro-Smacked. I've been Smacked since the Pilot! No way am I getting off this ride when the fun's just getting started!

How's everyone today?

Chaos: I love your scenario! Peyton/Stella angst is always good and I love the way they argued! :) They both want one thing for sure: MAC! (And frankly, who can blame them?)
msgirl said:
Thank you Annie hugs back
i hope you had a nice day :D


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