Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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Mac is like looking down to his *ahem* saying : Don't move, Godammit! I'm trying to enjoy the zhow! :lol: sadly, they end up in the bathroom in the end :lol:
Cassie said:
Mac is like looking down to his *ahem* saying : Don't move, Godammit! I'm trying to enjoy the zhow! :lol: sadly, they end up in the bathroom in the end :lol:

LMAO, I definately agree on that dear, Cass! Because we all thats what he's saying and I agree, they ended up in the bathroom ;)
:lol: and then they end up being banned for life after scarring a poor little girl and her poodle! :lol:

the pic:

Stella: *thinking* he's about to jump me, I know it!

Mac: Steady old fella.....*grunt* oh what the hell. *grabs Stella and runs to the the bathroom* :lol:
^Ooooh, which "old fella"? The dog or ze..... :devil:

Too bad (or it's actually a great thing) that Mac's office has clear glass as its walls. I wonder what if it's like in the NYPD precints... two desks against each other.... and all that space under the desks.... :devil:
:devil: You know, I've read your fic, chaos, and I think you should write a fic about this! :devil: we will all be ever grateful! :devil:
Yeah, Cate do it! You know you want to, I was gonna call you Psychotic in spanish but I changed my mind. Because I'm just gonna harass ya into doing this. Eventually you will write it, because you want to write it, don't you?

Little girl: omg their all nakey and touching each other in the bathroom, MOMMY MY EYES!
:lol: Lynn!

and then the lad gets to know about it and everybody's got pictures ALL OVER in VARIOUS POSITIONs! :devil: courtesy of Danny cuz he knew the girl's mom..:lol:
^Wha?! Fic about the "old fella" and the clear glass walls? <-- whoo-hoo, a title! :devil:

I'll try. I'll just let that plot bunny hop into my SMACked burrow. I need to more scenarios to go with it. Hahahaha!

Lynny -- en Espanol? Ooooh, por favor! :) There's nothing better to be harassed in Spanish. :lol:
Hi! I'm new to these forums but not to the CSI verse. I love me some SMACked! Does anyone know where you can read a whole lot of SMACked fics besides the LJ community? Because I've been having trouble finding some.
Cath said:
Hi! I'm new to these forums but not to the CSI verse. I love me some SMACked! Does anyone know where you can read a whole lot of SMACked fics besides the LJ community? Because I've been having trouble finding some.

I usually read Smacked fanfictions from . But I think we need more fics. There's never enough Smacked fics. ;)

I was actually thinking about writing my own Smacked fic but I have a liiiittle problem.
I have no idea how to post it to :confused:
Modern techonology and me...not friends. :rolleyes:
So if someone knows how to help me...please do.
well Queenie, you have to have an account first, then you have to upload your document. (see Document manager) then you can edit/preview yuor fic which is when you can fix your edoc, then you create a new fic! :) I hope that helps
Cate Oh believe I'll harass you in Spanish and English! Now get to writing!

Queenie -- I thought it was hard too, but you basically do what Cassie said, Good luck :)

Ooh my friend Rachel just wrote a Smacky fic on her LJ :p Gonna bribe her to write more. :) Want the link? Tell me a story :)

Welcome Cath! {{We share the name thing! :) }} Cate has some that she's posted in the fanfic forum on this board, and then has a few good ones. :)
yes! the witch is back! (yes Lynny I know about that comment ;) )

have i been missed? :devil: and i really missed alotta :devil: yummy posts here eh?

hi to the newbies... nice name cath my fave char in LV :D.

i was suppose to come back here with ARM update for mah buddy CW but i edited some erherm... scenes... so its gonna take me a day or two to cut it... :devil: how's everyone? still guttery? :p
a lil gift from moi:

*le sigh* i never get tired of this pic... :p
Thanks you guys for pointing me into the right direction. I also stumbled upon a website that had riskier fics :devil: featuring both Smacked and Danny/Mac.
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