Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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*tackles kissme*
where have you been!?

mo ZOMG! :lol: that was perfect! *clears throat* yes... the would be priceless indeed... if only im evil enough to make that happen :p i'll bring macky with me when the Taylor gals are finished with him... he's awfully busy nowadays...*pouts* :D *nods* yesh... it is cute.. did you make it?

lynny i'll bring the soda then! :lol: colognes? my goodness no! he smells like he's wearing perfumes... stella's perfumes :lol: ;) i hear them coming.. where's the camera??! *panics*

ate cateHome you say?! ooh.. you got my attention. that song's been playing in my brain a lot these days... *shakes head* where's my meds?! :lol: omg trapped! who can forget that! :devil:
To get an idea on the mood of the fic, read the Daughtry song "Home".
I hadn't actually heard of the guy until you mentioned him so I found the song on the internet and listened to it and it's amazing! And SO SMACked! I think you may have introduced me to my new favourite! :D

I am still new at all this posting but enjoying it, I just have one small question re: this, cannot make it out. :confused:

Are you all really serious about this Mac/Stella together (H/Y Miami) or are you joking, making fun.

Being a romantic I can't say I not would like to see it, they make a great team. THANKS. :)
starfan1 hi. im a bit confused with your question... what do you mean making fun? (and the additional H/Y thing confused me too) :p sorry maybe its just me. im gonna answer it the way i understood your question. imma try not to confuse anyone :p sorry again...

I really do ship SMacked/MacStella. I believe that it would be wonderful if they'd pair up in the show. there's this connection/tension around them that makes me believe they'd be great for each other. its a unique bond between them. a friend/bestfriend, a confidante (sp?), collegues... heck the only missing is.. :lol: *innocent smile* anyway, yes, they make an awesome team and its like nothing could break them. for that, im totally inlove with the pair/ship. :)
My dear "angsty" but really fluffy Lynny giggled:
Mo :: I dunno CatNip and Smacked seems to make me a bit happy.

Just a "bit"? ;) *Mo huggles her Lynny!* Just kidding babes, I'm glad they make you happy! They're your fluffy ships and that's totally cool by me! :D

Cate babes grinned:
my next SMACked fic will be centered on Mac going away with Peyton to London. Then for some reason, he misses Stella (okay, we all know what that reason is).
Ohhhhh! I LOVE it! Totally can't wait to read this one! Have I mentioned lately how much I adore your ficcies! They are are a fabulous writer hon, really!
"Where your love has always been enough for me...."
*Double swoon!* I LOVE that song, it's so sweet and it definitely fits Smacked...perfectly! Really can't wait to read your ficcie babes! :D

Mj cutie pie said:
*nods* yesh... it is cute.. did you make it?
*Mo grins and nods!* Yup I did make it hon, it's one of my pretty ones! Lol, simple but so true...I likes it! ;) Heehee! :lol:

And starfan I agree with Mj...a little confused by your question...but nothing about shipping Smacked is a joke! I think they are perfect for eachother...they are best friends, confidantes, and I honestly think they are in love with eachother! I think they will end up together and I cannot wait to see it! :D :D
I'm with MJ with the confusion of starfan's question, I mean.. what do you mean joke? with H/Y in there? I really dunno how to take that, but do we think Mac/Stella is a nice ship? Of course, we wouldn't be here if we didn't like them.

But I also do ship Smacked/Stella/Mac. I love their interactions. They caught my attention from the start and they still have it and they always will. :) And of course I agree with everything Mo and MJ said about them, because I see it too.
Hey, I'm glad a lot of you liked the song inspiration. That line is soooo stuck with me like superglue and it's just so sweet. The whole song -- coming home and missing people and all that -- is so fitting to show how Mac felt (hey, in our universe anyway) when he was away from Stella.

Mo -- hun, you're so good to me. *huggles*

As for starfan1 -- uhm... as much as I would like to ignore the post (since it has a sign of trolling... sorry if you're not though), I just want to say that SMACked is my only ship in CSI:NY. Nothing else works as well as they work.
Im confused with starfan's question. There is no joke about shipping Smacked. I ship them because they have amzing chemistry finish each other's sentences at tims. They both confide in each other about personal feelings for example Stella's HIV scare she told Mac and nobody else. She has trust in hime even though they are confidents in each other. I think their friendship could develop into much more into a relationship. :D

I agree with Mj, Mo and Cathstokes on thier opinion i dont think there is any joke about shipping a ship. I like this ship :D

I thin H/Y is horatio Yelina not sure
Yeah, I find nothing wrong in shipping -- even if some are very unusual and questionable haha (blame it on my LoTR fandom). Just because you don't particularly agree on one ship, doesn't mean it doesn't count.
Sorry to have confused you all with my question. Still have alot to learn, I'll get better. Thank you for clearing it up.

When reading some of the postings the wording sounded sarcastic, as though Mac/Stella was being made fun of. I misunderstood them obviously. You all would really like to see them together, I'm glad.

It is also something I myself would love. They make a great couple and working team, certainly do have chemistry.

Yes, it was meant about Horatio/Yelina for that is something alot of us are waiting for as they too have great chemistry together. With Mac/Stella I hope it does not take as long to put them together.

Do not want to confuse you all with my posting this time.
starfan1, welcome to Shipper Central and the Mac/Stella thread. I too was confused by your questions and therefore waited to see if anyone else understood.

Mac/Stella shippers do take their ship seriously as with every ship thread in this forum. A lot of posters to this thread have been on here a long time and joke and carry on with each other. So, more than likely if you see a post that does sound sarcastic or something, it's usually not.

Hang in there. You'll get the hang of it. :)
chaostheory08 said:Well, I have "Trapped". That's racier than "Humor, Bite" hahaha.

You're the one who wrote that story? :eek: I just read it the other day when I was looking for SMACKed fics. You have a talent, my dear! :devil:
^ oh yes she does :devil: when's the next one ate cate? ;)

msgirllove your icon... :D

starfan1 tis okay. have fun posting.
Darling Lynny buddy said:
And of course I agree with everything Mo and MJ said about them, because I see it too.
Lynny! Hello honey! Yup, yup and of course you agree with me honey bun...I pwn you! ;) Heehee, just kidding! :D Well not about the pwning! :lol: Awww wubs ya! :D

Awwww Cate babes, you are So easy to be good to, you're fabulous! *Huggles right back!*

Fabulous Modie dear said:
A lot of posters to this thread have been on here a long time and joke and carry on with each other.

Yeah starfan what Modie said...we like to joke and have fun as much as the next person :D but we are definitely serious about and seriously attached to our ship! No worries though, you'll get the hang of it! ;) :D Pssstt...HI MODIE!! *Mo huggles her lovely Mod!* :D

Look , Mac escaped from the closet, he's in the shower, go get him :devil: :devil:

*Bring Stella*

*Pic compliments of Elwood*

*See's Lynny, Mo, and mj*** Tackles, BigHugs****
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