Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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We need batteries in about 2 weeks, because thats all the bats are good for... what? I had to buy the 2 weeks one, Flack was getting nosy.
That's fine...I wasn't expecting them to last much longer since we are taping 24 hours straight! :devil: Gotta catch all the Smacked love, for shizzle! :devil:

Silly Flack getting nosy, I explained to him and Danny just the other day the point of the broom closet...silly boy has no memory! :lol:
Flack is a silly boy. That's okay, I'll remind him. C'mere Flackie, let's you and me find an empty supply closet and I'll, uh, refresh your memory... :devil:

I'll keep him busy guys, so he'll leave Stella and Mac alone so y'all can get some good smacked footage. :D
aww, Dylan's back, about time! dangit, what do I gotta do, tie you to a tree?.. oh wait.. you like that.

Oh Lynny... tsk. Yeah, I like that. I'm over the pitchforks as well. Let's see... well, since I'm in charge of the anti-gutterPD yah can't do anything bad to me while we're on this little Big Brother experiment, ei? :lol:

Oh speaking of that, are Danny and Flack in on it? Oh goodie! I have babysitters for when Dylan comes home from school.

*hears door open and close*
Miss Cate, where are Mommy and Daddy? And why is that cabinet shaking?

Oooh, the broom closets moving, guys! :devil:
I told yall to take that cabinet out, but yall never listen to me.

I'm so going to get you, Cate, just so you know.

Mer, no smooching with Flackie in the closet! He's my bitch!

Okay, while me and Mo are out getting fresh batteries, yall put the sleeping gas under the door. Dylan doesn't need to know about the cabinet.
Oh MY GOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDd! :lol: LMAO!!! Jerry (Seinfeld) has relatives named Mac, Stella and Claire!!!!! LMAO!!!! ROFLMAO!!!! I can so imagine taht!!!!!
Seven Minites in Heaven :devil: good game for Mac and Stella.

Ok guys which story did you want me to tell her well I told her this if this is the right one: I told her that Mac had gone to see stella to talk about evidence and do some exercise. And play that game which I didn't know she knew and well she has locked herself away but i am trying to get her out of their and find her a new boyfriend!!!

Anything else you guys want me to do?
Oh guys I feel so bad *blushes* I haven't been here in ages :(, haven't even posted SPOTW or SQOTW, well I've been so busy, the quarter it's almost finishing and I have to do so many things, and I'm behind :(, well next week (not this, next one :p) I'll have more time :D and well I'll try to be back :D
Lol, Mer, you're funny, "distracting" Flackie...yeah! ;) You have fun doing that babes... :devil: Just don't wear him out too much! ;)

Lynny dearied said:
Okay, while me and Mo are out getting fresh batteries, yall put the sleeping gas under the door. Dylan doesn't need to know about the cabinet.
I agree that Danny doesn't need to know about the cabinet, let him stay little and innocent a while longer! :devil: As for getting batteries...we can just have one of us go and the other guard the door hon! ;) Not like Smacked is gonna wanna escape, but just in case! ;)

Cate babes, yay for chap. 2!! I love Dylan, and chap. 1 of this ficce was fabulous...can't wait to read the next one! :D

Awwww, Reine hon, it's okay honey! We definitely miss you, but I understand no worries, okay! Whenever you can come back and post the SPAQOTW again is all good! :D

MS hon, tell her this story..."Peyton, Once upon a time there was a knight and a lady, they had been friends for more than 10 years and they had gone through everything together, losing friends, losing loved ones, almost losing their own lives numerous times...their souls were knit together just like in any good love story, deeper and more true than any couple before them...and no matter what happened or who happened, they knew they were meant for eachother, always!"
^Lol, yeah... and this can be their ending:

They knew that their friendship is at the tipping point to something *more* but an evil witch from the East :lol: foiled their plan to get together and explore the great blue yonder. So the lady held her feelings inside. The knight stayed by her side nonetheless.

One fateful day, the witch lured the knight away from the lady, threatening both their lives if he didn't come with her. The lady was sad; she cried -- but she remained strong for her knight. She held on to his promise that they "always stick together".

The day of the knight's return came and he was victorious. He was able to free himself from the witch's grasp and return to his maiden unscathed.

Whew, sounded like a beddy-bye story. :lol:
:lol: That oughta be told to Dylan! :lol: so cute!

I could see Dylan asking, "did the knight and lady have a baby? maybe a boy named Dylan! and Bumpy!!! and a dog named Blue!: :lol:
*pops up and waves*

Hmm, I'm not a new face in Shipper Central, but I am a new face in this thread! :lol: Been loving the Mac/Stella ship from the start of the show, and I'm still hopeful that it'll happen sooner or later, even with Peyton around for now. ;)

I'm happy to see that this ship thread is alive and well, and hey, I'm all for Mac/Stella fic recs! Hit me with them, ladies and gentlemen!
Kimmy! *tackles* *gets up*

Now we have the D/F shipper with us as well! :) Welcome, welcome!
*passes her the welcome olive oil and ties*
*nudgenudge*Roses and Thorns*nudgenudge*

Cassie -- let's see how Peyton reacts to that first. Hahahahah....
Hey Guys

Right Mo and Chaos Huns I managed to get Peyton out and talk to her. Things didn't go so well as expected I told her the story how you guys put it. She was confused *sigh* at first. She was a teeny bit mad about being called the witch but I told her you guys ment it in the most nice possible way. Then she cried a little but hopefully she understood *Hugs Peyton* and she says she may let Mac go and be with Stella but anyway i'll try and convince her :D

Hi Kimmychu *waves*

Chaos I think you should introduce Dylan to peyton in the future to help her understand. But i think Dylan would like the story better than Peyton :D
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