Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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Hello my Smacked buddies! :D
Ranma! Hey hon! Lol, Dylan is a totally cute little boy that Cate babes wrote in her Smacked ficcies...he is adorable and SO perfectly cute!

So let's see MS you've still got Peyton distracted right? ;) Okay Cate, Lynny here's the plan...Lynny you get Mac's attention and make him chase you...I'll get Stella to chase me...we'll lead them to the broom closet where you'll be waiting Cate and when they get there Lynny and I will trip them and make them fall into the closet and then it's your job to slam the door and lock it....they're destined to spend the summer heating things up in the smallest of spaces! :devil: :lol:
Of course i have been distracting peyton. I'll be distracting her all summer. I like your plan to lock mac and stella in the closet hehe Good Luck :lol: if you want mo i'll keep her busy take her round london and shopping and she can live with me lol :lol: till mac and stella are done :devil:
Ra -- he's my original character. And so far, he's the resident SMACked!baby. Anyway...

Do I get to lock the door and throw away the key, too? *asks innocently* Locked up in that hot place all summer... they are bound to lose some (or all :devil: ) articles of clothing soooooon. :devil:

Summer's over :( here, where I live. Cold and wet and raining... hmmm... maybe Mac and Stella can snuggle and warm up on a loveseat, under a fluffy blanket... and it'll get warm under the covers and... things begin to turn sweaty.........

msgirl: LOVE THAT siggy! I notice that you always use those words! Is that a poem? Let me know, honey!
Hey guys! Question: What pulls you into Smacked and keeps you coming back?
kissmesweet said:
Hey guys! Question: What pulls you into Smacked and keeps you coming back?

They're easy on the eyes. :D

And I can't explain, until now... seeing them on-screen together sends shivers down my spine -- makes me *squeee!*
^^ Haha, makes me squee too!

For me, its the way they communicate and help each other. They are confidantes and the best of friends--possibly lovers too! I loved it when Mac talked to her about reaching out to Reed and she encouraged him. She always does! She's alway been there for him!
It's incredible how she gets to him. He's like a little boy whenever she's around. And she's this girl, batting her eyelashes and blushing every time he offers to take care of her.
LMAO, Easy on the eyes, that works out. Go Cate!

Nah, Smacked's a good little ship, we have fun with it. and They have this thing with each other, Their cute together, they have a great friendship and communication, and they trust each other. :D

Cordy, you change banners one more time, I'm gonna give you something to change..
MS yeah hon, go for it! You can definitely keep Peyton occupied for the whole summer until Smacked is finished with this "exercise"! ;) (although to be honest they'll never be done, so you get to keep Peyton! :lol: )

Cate yup babe, throw away the key hon! Smacked stays in there forever and then things are bound to! :devil: :lol:

Ohhh are we saying why we come back to Smacked...I like Lynny's reasons...they're cute together, HOT together, fit together, they are best friends, share everything and talk about everything, and they trust eachother...can ya beat that? :D
Lol, wheee I can throw away the key. :lol: They should find some other way to get outta there. That is... if they want to get out. :devil:

Oh Mo (and everybody).... Dylan's back!

Waaah, what'll SMACked do on a rainy day? :)
Kissme Thanks about my sig the words are from a song She'll never be me - Britney Spears
Mo Thanks for Peyton she has been looking for Mac though :lol: Ahh well she's stuck with me. Hope Mac and Stella enjoy their 'exercise' :devil:
Ah, I can just see Peyton being flung away from Mac with full force but not into the trash but instead into Evan Zao or Hawkes arms instead while Mac grabs Stella instead.

Think of Mac and Stella as elements on the periodic table. Mac would be caesium and Stella would be Fluorine: BOOM! SMacked chemical reaction!
Cate YAY for Dylan being back! Yay, yay, yay! *Mo huggles her Cate babes and Dylan wittle buddy!* I'm totally gonna go read it right now hon...yay! :D

MS good job on keeping Peyton occupied...just keep distracting her, she'll forget about Mac and if for some reason she doesn't...we'll just inform her where Mac is and what (or WHO) he's doing :devil: and it'll all be good! :lol:

Lol, Axa I love your biology and meterological explanations of Smacked...they rock! :D
Ooh tell Peyton the "story", MS, that'll keep her occupied.

Anyone seen MJ? I miss that little witch.

aww, Dylan's back, about time! dangit, what do I gotta do, tie you to a tree?.. oh wait.. you like that.
Ohhh yeah I agree Lynny! ;) Tell her the story and she'll have hours of fun! :D

Hey yeah...where is MJ? Come back hon!!

Lynny how's Smacked doing in the broom closet, do our camera's need new batteries? ;) :devil:
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