Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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Lot's of SMacked! Stella and Mac have a few walk and talk scenes in New York. Great interaction which shows how they are there for each other... of course Peyton is in the ep, too, but Mac and Stella's interaction spoke volumes to me. And Stella testifying on his behalf... I seriously thought they were going to ask her just 'how' close they are. Too bad they didn't. Good cases, and Mac’s story is gooooood. Gerrard is going down politically. “Ya know I think I’m getting the hang of this poilitics stuff.” Great line, Mac (he said it to Gerrard)!! And then when talking about it with Stella, he laughed! Mac laughed! I friggin’ love this show!
Gotta second your statements about the episode. It was full of SMacked goodness. I kept expecting another person to show up behind Mac each time, but it was Stella. I think this proves how much her feelings go beyond that of partners/friends. I'm thinkin' after their talk in the final scene they went back to his place for some much needed mattress rompin' and olive oil fun. ;)
I was excited to see that Smacked had gotten a few scenes outta this, and although Peyton was great in this ep as well. Stella was really there for Mac. She supported him, gave him advice, and was there with him at the end, I love the fact he's laughing in the end. I agree with Mer on that being a great line, that was hilarious!.

WET!MAC, WET!MAC. That's all I have to say
Fluffy Twin you're in Smacked??!! YAY!!! You hardly ever make it here! And Lynny's finally in here ;) and Mer and Cate and MJ all at once! *Mo jumps up and down for joy!* :lol: :lol: This is so fun all my Smacked buddies here! :D

Okay so I haven't watched the eppy yet....totally gonna as soon as it stops taping...but can I just say YAY! We needed a good Smacked eppy and it sounds like we got it! That makes me happy...very happy! Yay! Lol, Cate raise that gutter police shield I have a feeling we're gonna need it tonight! :devil: :lol:

*Mo scampers off eager to watch this lovely eppy!* :D
*Me, a Gutter Army Officer, and a meter Police officer all collaborate on a SMex comic which is M-Rated in the end*

I've watched the Mac/Peyton and the Mac/Stella scenes and what I have detected to date is that Mac and Stella seem to go together much better. I mean, go to Youtube and type "Mac Stella" and you'll get several dozen results. From what I recall as of writing this, I've found maybe only six results when I typed "Mac Peyton". Guess it shows how popular SMacked really is over there.

I frequently watch that magic trick Mac did and giving Stella a rose. That was among my favorite SMacked scenes to date and the way Stella's eyebrows rise when she held the rose sent my mind into the depths of the Gutter Trench which is 20,000+ feet deep. :devil:
Okay I had to pop in again before I head to bed to say that this was freakin' awesome Smacked eppy!! :D Everytime Mac turned around there was Stella! Both times walking by the courthouse...and Stel testifying on Mac's behalf..."There is no one I trust more both personally and professionally!" (Love! :D ) And then at the end that was such a fabulous scene, and Mac laughed! That was the cutest thing EVER!!! Yay for Smacked love...awww good times!! :D
Cate, have been reading "November" and a couple of other stories. I don't have a account (and I actually don't want one, see above), so I just wanted to let you know this way that your stories are awesome. They really made my shipper heart jump. I just can second Mo's comment: YOU ROCK!

When you put up new stuff, you will always mention it here as well, right?

Aww.... thanks so much! Yeah, I give a link to a new chapter or a new story as soon as I put it up. :)

*sends Dylan to push some big red button for me... not really knowing what that is (because kids love pushing buttons, right?)*

Okay, shield is up -- but them gutter police people can still see us. Just... can't get to us lol.

"There is no one I trust more both personally and professionally!"

Did I read it right? PERSONALLY?! *waggles eyebrows*
Nice Cate make that cute kid push the button! :lol: Cuz if he gets in trouble all he has to do and grin and look cute and he gets out it! ;) Hey there's an idea, just bring him with you everywhere and then if you get caught by the gutter police and I'm not around...Dylan can just look cute and they'll be dazzled and let you go! :D

And yup, that's what Stella really said! Doesn't that rock! I heard her say it too and I was like...wait, she just said that! YAY!! :D Lol! :lol:

Next week...looks good!!! 6 days! :D
Oh yeah.... with a little kiddie smile and batting eyelashes, how could they refuse him? :lol:

I can understand professionally... but personally? Hmm.... this is getting sooo interesting. I can think of several scenarios where that "trust" can be tested and proven. :devil:

And Lynny's finally in here

*blinks* Huh? I'm usually always here. Its my smacky! *snuggles them tight*

hehe, Cate your gutter mind is just as bad as mine, You do realize this right? LOL.

I'm glad we got more smacked then what we thought we were going to get last night! Go Smacked!
Lynny yesh, gimme the poor ME, let me take care of her :devil:.. me? plan? er... :D creepy... you can read my mind O_O

Mo youre such a sweetie! *gives you M&Ms* ;)

ate cate youre waiting for me??! to actually say something before posting? O_O omg... :eek: ate! go! its freakin' hot :devil: *gg and runs around* i couldn't possibly think of a scene that i can add there :lol: though I didnt get it when [codeswitch] snbi ni dyl na uncle nung knklti sya? :p [/codeswitch] im slow that way *shy*

omg! i cant believe this eppie! me happy! ^_^ we got at least more or less two yummy smacked scenes! take that er... nm :p anyway, i wub it how she defended Macky :devil: i thought they were gonna let her describe that "personally" thing she said. *gg* tptb wubs SMacked peeps thats for sure. :) me happy now. and me writing update now :lol:

ETA: did i say that it was sooo priceless when Macky laughed??!

when stel said something about being satisfies seeing their faces? then he said he doesnt take pleasure...then in the end he laughed! twas so cute!!! and hot :devil:... hot Macky *snuggles*
Well it seems this list deserves to be updated :lol:

Mina's list (SMACked episodes) (I insist: where's Mina?? :confused:)
Season One

2. Creatures of the Night
8. Three Generations Are Enough
9. Officer Blue
10. Night, Mother
11. Tri-Borough
12. Recycling
14. Blood, Sweat & Tears
15. Til' Death Do We Part
16. Hush
18. The Dove Comission
19. Crime and Misdemeanor
22. The Closer
23. What You See Is What You See

Season Two

4. Corporate Warriors
7. Manhattan Manhunt
8. Bad Beat
10. Jamalot
14. Stuck On You
17. Necrophilia Americana
19. Super Men
21. All Access
22. Stealing Home
24. Charge of This Post

Season Three

1. People With Money
5. Oedipus Hex
6. Open & Shut
8. Consequences
10. Sweet 16
13. Obsession
16. Heart Of Glass
17. The Ride In
18. Sleight Out of Hand
20. What Schemes May Come
23. Comes Around
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