Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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Hey! Anybody heard of the game "7 Minutes in Heaven"? :devil:

Lynny -- hahaa, gots Mac wrapped around her finger. You cleared that with Stella already? ;)

Mo -- forgot something. Locks, batteries, cameras, thermostat... check. But anti-gutter police force field? *pulls a big box into the room* Here you go.... :lol:

Reine -- *waves*

bringirl2001 -- hey, I saw your review. Thank you! Well, I don't know about other smexy SMACked fics but I have one more apart from "Olives".

MJ -- [code-switching] Natapos ko na! Napadala ko na sa iyo yung completed piece. Waaaah.... excited na ako! [/code-switching] Tell me what you think, okay? ;)
Good Morning, y’all! There is only 35 hours till our new ep airs on the East Coast! I’m still thinking that Mac and Stella need to comfort each other this week, cause they both had a bad day last ep!

You know, y’all? Today is Moriel’s one year anniversary of registering on TalkCSI!


(I couldn’t beat you into the D/L thread, but I beat you here!)
Mo said:
MJ of course you were missed my dearie! Welcome back!
^_^ aw... you noticed... comere! lemme give ya a huggle *tackle hugs* happy annie btw... one year eh? :)

ate cate [codeswitch] oh! check ko sa email ko ^_^ [/codeswitch] lmao, ill read it as soon as i can :D excited much? XD lmao i bet. ;)

Lynny you started without me? *pouts* can i at least confort the ME? :lol:
Cate -- Shh, Stella doesn't know this yet, but she will :devil:

Mo -- At least the cameras and everything are good with the batteries. Plus theres always the backup batteries I gots :devil:

MJ -- Aww, I'm sorry babes, but yes you can comfort the ME :D
Bona Taylor-- THANKS a million-
I mean- I just NEVER even thought about people might deliberately TRy to mess up my computer----- I really appreciate it-- and what is PMing-- can we do it on this board- I was just wanting to get a link to more sites with Smacked fanfciton-- thanks for being kind and looking out for me-- I am NOT tooo computer savvy as I guess you can see---- but the Lord is STILL looking out for me in good people like you all on this board----
I edited my last message-
But anti-gutter police force field? *pulls a big box into the room* Here you go....
Well done Cate hon!! Way to catch that! ;)

Mer lol, yup you beat me in here! ;) Good job! :D Thanks for the flower again hon, love it in here just as much! :D

MJ of course I noticed honey! *Snuggles back!* :D

Good job with the extra batteries Lynny I can always trust you to have those! ;)

Smacked in tomorrow's eppy? Here's hoping! :D
Leave it to Cate to have our backs :D

*stares at MJ* cha plotting/ and don't tell me yous ain't cause I know yous is.

Of course I have extra batteries ready to catch smex. I mean Smacked .. Oh hell we all know I meant smex, no use in lying.

Heres hoping with you!
Lol, yeah Cate's pretty good at that! ;) We gotta stick together against those gutter police! :devil:

Yeah pretty much no use lying...Smacked...smex...same thing! :devil: The two are practically synonimous...I mean really Smacked IS, let's be honest! :devil: :lol:

Yay for hoping with me, thanks hon! ;) Now PTB give us our Smacked wub dang it!
Jesus Christ! Now the word 'smacked' has taken on an entirely new meaning altogether. No longer does it seem synonomous with being hit with a flat extended hand. Instead it means seeing Mac and Stella finally become a canon ship.

The gutter drain is clogged. Get me the "Smacked Soap" immediately so I can unclog it.
Lol, that's right...I'm terribly tempted to go to and put an entry for Smacked that reads something like...
Smacked: Another word for "Smex" of the Stella and Mac of CSI:NY kind. A long favored, hot pairing who is destined to get together and practice the meaning of their name for years to come! :devil:

Okay Cate I just posted my review on, but I had to say something here too...I just read "Friend of Mine" and darlin' I ADORED it!! *Mo tackle hugs Cate again!* That is such an amazing beautiful lovely ficcie! You rock at Smacked ficcies...seriously! Y'all, go read it, it rocks!! :D
Mo, Lynny -- o'course I got it all covered. I'm not spending all these time dodging em meter police without learning a thing or two. :lol:

MJ -- Hahaha, tell me what you think of it okay? Then I'll post it right away. *new fic* *sniggers*

Hey, I'm in the mood for fic-writing. I remember that there's a fic idea somewhere in the past pages. Can't remember which one though hahaha.

And oh, Mo -- *huggles back* Glad you liked it. It's my first long fic in the SMACked ship. I thought that was long -- hahha -- then I wrote "November".

Axa -- SMACked... Stella/Mac... SMex. :devil:

"Stella smacked Mac into some swell smex" -- try saying that 10x fast.
OMG I'm so lost in here :lol:, but I'm reading everything, I've just been busy studying and trying to organize this mess I have in my "new computer" :p. Here I go :D

Loved the idea of locking them inside the closet :devil: then I just can hear some lab techs saying: OMG what's going on in that closet??? :devil: ans suddenly... oh Mac!!!, Mac are you in there?? you ok??? :confused: oh yeah sure!!! go back to work or I'll fire you *lab techs run*

CathStokes said: gets up on the stand* Okay People, I wired the camera okay Hawkes wired the camera, to Peyton's celly as well, so she'll get live updates on the hour of every hour. *smirks evily*
:lol: :lol: OMG poor girl!!! :lol:, although I think she could learn some things :lol:

Oh, and you need to include the olive oil and the ties inside the closet :devil:

bringirl2001, PMing is sending private messages ;), so the conversation it's only between you and the person who PMs you :D and yeah you can do it here in this board, only click on the name of the person you wanna PM and there you'll see his (mostly her :p) profile and some options like: Send a private message, click on it, and then it's just like posting ;)

*at this point I haven't seen if anyone else answered so, I'm sorry if I'm stepping on someone's toes :p*

Only 14 hours until the next episode *crosses fingers*
Hahaha, with all those cameras in that itty-bitty closet where we trapped Mac and Stella.... it's like watching Big Brother

:lol: :devil:
Hey guys! Wow, Smacked love has so much posts! :) (Because E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E loves Smacked now, don't they?)

Whoo--Old School Smacked-Smex: :devil:
bringirl2001, you're welcome. Glad I could raise some attention on it! :)

As for the ongoing discussion... this was quite a tough week (yeah, it is just wednesday, but it feels like a complete week already... ;) ), so I haven't been around much. And obviously you gals went crazy meanwhile! :lol: LOL! But to give my random line into discussion as well:

I actually see Danny and Flack sitting in front of the monitor that has the cam pictures on from the closet SMack being busy in! With popcorn and beer and stuff. Probably betting who is starting the show?

Danny: "10 bucks Stella will make first move."
Flack: "C'mon Dannyboy! Mac is the straight forward type. I hold it!!"

Cate, have been reading "November" and a couple of other stories. I don't have a account (and I actually don't want one, see above), so I just wanted to let you know this way that your stories are awesome. :) :D They really made my shipper heart jump. :) :) :devil: I just can second Mo's comment: YOU ROCK!

When you put up new stuff, you will always mention it here as well, right?
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