Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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OMG I found our beloved Smacked board on page 2 :|

Well, guys don't think I forgot about the SPOTW or the SQOTW, the thing is that I wanted to give you some caps of the last episode, but I haven't even watched it *cries loudly*, and I've been busy :( and I have some issues with my computer :mad: thanks ranma for the present!!! :D it was amazing, Smacked is in the air, and it's been there since the beginning *sighs*

So well, here they are, another prove of what I said before :p (as soon)

SMACked Quote Of The Week (SQOTW)
Stella: I'm not much into baseball. But A-Rod's pretty hot.
Mac: :mad: (well his face was like :mad: :p) 1x13 Tanglewood

SMACked Pic Of The Week (SPOTW)
from Season 1 - Promo Pic

The original one from Eddie Cahill web site (I think :lol:)

I wonder where all of us Smacked shippers have been hiding? We hate page 2. Page 2 is bad. VERY bad. We're usually all over page 1, I think the last time we were on page 2, the site was down.

Mac: Now Stella, we'll lean down like this and none of them will NEVER notice us sneaking a makeout.
Stella: I hope you're right or Flack's going to be blackmailing us for months.
CathStokes said:

And Lynny's finally in here

*blinks* Huh? I'm usually always here. Its my smacky! *snuggles them tight*

hehe, Cate your gutter mind is just as bad as mine, You do realize this right? LOL.

I'm glad we got more smacked then what we thought we were going to get last night! Go Smacked!

*whaps Lynn* You mean MINE! Or at the very least, share them...I can dig that. I get dibs on Mac though *snuggles him* *Shows Lynn rule book*

1.Smacked must be shared
2.Mac is Stella's and Mel's

*sticks out tongue*

Hey Cat when do we get more Olives?
About SPOTW - Love it! :D

It is just the promo pic of Season One, but Gary and Melina ALREADY created chemistry in that pic. Wow!! :eek:

Lovely couple they are. I just hope the finale will get us some NICE SMACked moment. The summer will be awful long and I wanna see a hug or even a kiss after the situation in the lab is over. And probaly Peyton watching it and getting jealous and furious...

And the from S4 on, we got even more SMACked then! :)

Gals, what do you think? What should happen to our ship next season? Pls leave the gutter out for a moment - just for a moment! :p ;)

Like... should Peyton come back and if yes, as a Mac's gfriend?
What kind of SMACked situation should TPTB create? Going undercover as couple? Flashback on Mac and Stella's past after Claire died and how she helped him recovering or so?

C'mon, let this thread getting a bit more active till Wednesday!! :D :D :D
well I will bite. I am glad that we got more smacked too. I can't wait until wed. it looks so exciting. I think it will be loaded with smaced moments.

As for your questions about next season. I think they should let mac and stella investigate a lot of cases and then slowly let things happen which make them have to lean on each other(kinda like with D/L---but only more so- and I think that peyton should NOT come back but if she does it won't matter becuase already mac shows that he cares for stella more. I could go for a few moments where they share thoughts about their past.
lastly i wouldn't mind more hot/angry mac- he is so fine when he gets mad and i like that he lets stella calm him down(cute cute cute)
ok- now someone else answer...
Ohhhh yay, love the SQPOTW!! Those rock babes! Thanks...heehee! They are such beautiful it! Love them! ;)

Can't wait for the finale y'all...we're getting some good Smacked moments I can feel it...all that needs to be said...WET MAC...'nuff said! :lol: Stel will see him and it will be Smacked smex forever! :devil: :lol:
You know, I wonder why Mac never warns Stella about the fact that she frequently wears such low-cut revealing tops when she's at the lab. I mean, don't you think she's potentially crossing the line when it comes to dress code?
^ I don't think he minds...and he would miss the view too much! :devil:

Hi! Newbie signing in here. I've been lurking for awhile, but have been totally of late, so I figured it was about time I 'came out'! :p
I'm bringing a fresh supply of ammunition to bribe my way into a safe house in the gutter... ;)
BonaTaylor said:
Gals, what do you think? What should happen to our ship next season? Pls leave the gutter out for a moment - just for a moment! :p ;)

Like... should Peyton come back and if yes, as a Mac's gfriend?
What kind of SMACked situation should TPTB create? Going undercover as couple? Flashback on Mac and Stella's past after Claire died and how she helped him recovering or so?

Lol, *getting my mind out of the gutter but leaving one foot behind* :lol:

Peyton would still be Mac's girlfried; that is, if nothing *bad* happens between their relationship come season finale. I don't see Peyton going anywhere since she did have good response as her tenure went on. Plus, she adds spice to SMACked -- thus, the name for the three-ship is also a food item: SPaM.

But I guess there's no way to go but up with these two. I hope TPTB see that -- if they haven't already. I have a feeling that they're just making us wait. Torture if you may :lol: . For the next season for SMACked... hmm, I hope they're open to that undercover thing, even if they're not Vice nor the Major Case Squad. I mean, Lindsey did go undercover once, right? As well as Danny and Aiden, albeit unofficially. :)

Anyway, last batch of olives:
^^^ :lol: remember the last scene in season one final. How he checked her out in that dressssssssss. That was hot Smacked eye smex :devil:

I agree. He really don't mind it that Stella wears such low cut tops... :lol:

I havn't seen the last episod yet so... but i think that unfortunately Peyton will come back in the next season as his girlfriend. I don't know what will happen in SD, but I'd like to see some nice action between them. If tptb won't make them canon then I can still live with their friendship... close smacked friendship :devil:
Messers_cupcake said:
^^^ :lol: remember the last scene in season one final. How he checked her out in that dressssssssss. That was hot Smacked eye smex :devil:

Yeah, and he did it shamelessly.
Lol, I love that scene -- when she asked him what he thought of her get-up. And then she sorta undressed him :devil:
^ That was the very best SMACked scene EVER. I love that. *Leaving PG13 sector* He literally f*cked her with the eyes and she definitely enjoyed it. :devil: MORE OF THAT!!!! :D :D :D
^^ I totally agree :devil: he was like *drools* but at the same time he was like: don't smile, don't move, don't show your drooling, OMG I can't *drools* :p

ETA: Cate!!! what?!?! last chapter of ILOT??? *faints* *cries* why????? I want more Smacked Smex :| :devil:. :(. I loved it!!!! and yeah!! wrong hand power (I'm right handed tho HAHAHAHA :p) there are many people in the tv who is lefthanded: Flack, Cuddy, Foreman, Wilson, Ryan (too lazy to write their real names :lol:)
Axa yeah honey, I'm pretty sure Mac doesn't mind the view of the "twins" and probably wants to see as much of them as he can! Erego his not objecting to her flaunting her assets a bit! ;) Lol! :devil:

Cate yeah babes, I definitely think the PTB are torturing us for sure...they know that we know that they are gonna definitely put Smacked together, now they're just making us wait! Torture! :p But still, they are so gonna end up together! :D

And hon, LOVED that chapter...bummer that it's the last chapter, but as always babes, it totally rocked! And was WAY HOT! :devil: ;)

25 hours and 20 minutes until our finale and some Smacked moments!! Wet Mac!!! :devil:
SMacked Wet? Sounds yummy. I'll be on cloud nine if they dry each other off or take it in the shower. Olive oil will be a must during this episode. :devil:

Stella/Mac had some great moments this past episode. I love how they play off each other and bring that sizzling chemistry to the surface no matter what they're given in the way of scenes. ;)
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