Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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Oh yeah.... them writers are closet SMACkers. They can't help but fall into our little bubble. Yet, they are still incapable of sniffing out the portal to the gutterville.
Yes, well. I'm liking Peyton now, but I still want my Smacked together! They're meant to be! :) C'mon, TPTB stop being so blind and O-P-E-N your eyes and see the chemistry that is Smacked Love!
Hi, do you remember me guys??? :lol:

Glad you liked the pics!!! :lol:

And Elektra, I love the pics you posted, I have some of them but I really love the 3rd one :devil: I had never seen it , thanks :D

I hope we get something next Wednesday *crosses fingers*

OMG Cate you updated!!! :D *runs to read*
*comes in teh SMacked gutter*
was i missed? :lol:

wow nice pictures!!! mind if i grab 'em? sooo many melina/stella-gary/macky pictures...makes me think tptb wubs them... going canon clues anyone? gosh i hope so.

ate cate saw your update :lol: nice. also sent an email already. :D
oh I love the pics also--- and you all have been very busy---
also I love the fic( I love olives too) I reviewd also on fanfic- but have to say i LOVE ALL your fanfics so far--- keep writing for smacked we need ya!

PS- I have not seen " any" Mature or adult smacked fanfics- except for " I love Olives"-- are there others? If so please give me a link or email me at

thanks so much-- heck i will take even pg-13-- teehee-- but i would love some smoking fics-- teehee-- guess my halo is slipping being in here too!
bringirl2001 said:... If so please give me a link or email me at
bringirl2001 @

bringirl2001, I wouldn't post your emailaddress that way here in the forum. Not that the lovely ppl around here would abuse it, no no :eek: but there are crawler programs that crawl forums like this and grab whatever "clear" written email address is possible to use them for spam mailings or even hacking these accounts sending then viruses or trojan horses over it.

Now, I put a space before and after the @ (s. above), which helps a lot to get by undetected by those crawler progs, but to be sure, don't hotlink at all. PPl need to remove the spaces and the link doesn't work anymore, but that's better than getting flooded by junk emails. You might wanna edit your post that way. :)

My bfriend is computer scientist so I learned to be very careful with that stuff and I thought I share this. :)

Ppl could PMing you. That could be an option instead of giving your email addy so careless away. :)
Wynter your back? No way! Where the heck have I been, How long you been back??

Yeah, i agree, no offense but the way these boards are, I'd just say PM me for an email addy. Its safer that way.

As much as I love Peyton, Crap lets lock Smacked in a closet or something and let them give in!
MJ of course you were missed my dearie! ;) Welcome back! :D

Lynny! Yeah you're here! Hey babes! ;) And yeah I totally agree hon...forget plots or grab Mac (like that'll be hard! ;) ) and I'll grab Stella (Cate help me!) and we'll shove them in the nearest closet...ready....set....GO!! :lol:
Fray said:
Thanks, you just sent my fanfic mind into guttersville...

Anything for you doll! :D lol

Mo said:
Lynny! Yeah you're here! Hey babes! And yeah I totally agree hon...forget plots or grab Mac (like that'll be hard! ) and I'll grab Stella (Cate help me!) and we'll shove them in the nearest closet...ready....set....GO!!

Ha.. That won't be to hard, *whistles at Mac* Come here Macky, I wanna show you something. *takes him and leads him to the closet and pushes him in* Oopsie.
Lol, yeah when it comes to the Smacked gutter...Lynny will do anything to help ya along...ain't that right hon! ;) Heehee...and that's a good thing, the Smacked gutter rocks! :devil:

Well done! *Mo high fives Lynny!* "Hey Stella hon...can you take a look at something for me?" *Mo motions Stella over...and before she notices, grabs her and shoves her into the same closet...then slams the door and locks it...!* Yay! Now get the cameras peeps! :devil:
*turns on the cameras from the switch and smirks at you* Cameras are rolling.

*gets up on the stand* Okay People, I wired the camera okay Hawkes wired the camera, to Peyton's celly as well, so she'll get live updates on the hour of every hour. *smirks evily*
You know, not to go off-topic but whatever happened to the "Naughty Picture NY Style" thread? We need more SMacked pics there. :devil: :D
Lynny your brilliant! Evil and it almost makes me sorry for Peyton (almost! ;) ) but still....brilliant! :D

Alright...*Mo checks the locks...check, her stock of camera batteries...check, and the thermostat...check...* Smacked is in there for the long haul! Here comes the action! :devil: Yeah baby! ;)
Boy Stella seems to have become a "Hopeless Romantic" since "Summer In The City" after she took a nap after the 'scattered brain' incident and had that dream about Mac.
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