Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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Cate you got to watch Spid 3 already? How? It doesn't come out until Thursday at'd you get so lucky?!! :D And I think I get your new ficcie idea, either way I want to read it! It sounds fun! :D And it's Smacked...Smacked smex really, right? Which let's face it, that's ALWAYS good! :devil: Heehee! ;)

Speaking of Smacked smex, they should give us some on the show already dang it! Lol, at the end of tomorrow's eppy...end with Smacked in bed...I think I'd be either frozen to my seat in utter shock or dancing around my living room in ecstatic joy! :lol:
^^A welcome from me ,in here also :)!!..Believe me,you won't be able to forget them!!Olive oil and ties are something it's really used in this thread ;)!!I like that ''a phase called Peyton''!!Well,yes,we know what's really going on!!

thanks Cate !I had no idea :p

BonaTaylor ,in at least there is a c2 -a community-and there are a couple of them for SMACked!The one is Cate's!There you can read some fanfictions about the ship..I hope that helps :)..

hey,I want to watch Spiderman too! :rolleyes: :p
^eeermh,you forgot the option in my bed dreaming Mo :lol:![just kidding :p]Honestly,that would be a shock!We already saw something like that with Peyton :eek:,Mac may get luckyyyyy... :lol:
athens said:
^^A welcome from me ,in here also :)!!..Believe me,you won't be able to forget them!!Olive oil and ties are something it's really used in this thread ;)!!I like that ''a phase called Peyton''!!Well,yes,we know what's really going on!!

thanks Cate !I had no idea :p

BonaTaylor ,in at least there is a c2 -a community-and there are a couple of them for SMACked!The one is Cate's!There you can read some fanfictions about the ship..I hope that helps :)..

hey,I want to watch Spiderman too! :rolleyes: :p
^eeermh,you forgot the option in my bed dreaming Mo :lol:![just kidding :p]Honestly,that would be a shock!We already saw something like that with Peyton :eek:,Mac may get luckyyyyy... :lol:
thanks athens!!

I just wrote what I think. At the beginning I was afraid that there are no more chances for Mac and Stella but now... If were Peyton I'd be jealouse of this greek beauty. Stella has still more in common with him than her.

Soner or later Mac will open his eyes and see what we already do. :devil:

Poor boy just needs a little kick :lol: *volunteer to do it*

Yeah, I have a C2 over at for SMACked fics.

Mo -- Spider-Man 3 came out here today, May 1. And it sooooo
. I'm writing a non-spoiler review in my blog as I do this. Hahaha....

My friend and I said she could imagine Danny wearing a Spider-Man costume in the department Halloween party!
first of all... i missed this place. blegh. three days of no smacked smex ruins my mind :p

ate cate
very nice smiley!!! I gotta say that cracked me up :rolleyes: and to think it's only 11am...

yesh, i call cate ate.. that shows respect right? *pokes cate* *gg* dont mind the nut who just laughed at a smiley that literally crushed her ship... :rolleyes:

BonaTaylor OMG! the second person who called me cute! :eek: what's happening to teh world? O_O; lmao! thanks btw ;)

BonaTaylor>>,Cate,mj and those who write fanfics in this thread make them good!!Believe me!!
*blushes* aw...

ooh! welcome Annie i think i saw you in another thread but hey! welcome! *gives you ties and olive oil* :D enjoy teh Smacked love here girl ;)

^i couldn't resist. :p
Hi Annie, nice to have a new shipper around here. Welcome, dear! I am quite new here myself, but I already discovered, the folks here are GREAT! :) :) :)

Cate, I am okay, having home office. My boss won't sneak me, but still... work needs to get done. I stopped reading today, but it was a tough day, believe me... ;)

mj, you started saying those cute things to me. :) So of course, you are cute! There could happen worse things to you, ey? ;)

athens,thanks for posting the link to c2 on Now I am sooo screwed... :eek: I won't stop reading til I am finished with all stories. I should better dose it, but it's like that bag of potato chips, you know. You just stop it when you ate em all!! Same here... ;)

Anyways... as for tomorrow... I hope we'll get some more SMack since the summer will be very long and I need more scenes I can keep watching (between reading... ;) )
mj0621 said:
ooh! welcome Annie i think i saw you in another thread but hey! welcome! *gives you ties and olive oil* :D enjoy teh Smacked love here girl ;)
thanks mj0621!!! yeah you're right, you saw me in the Stella/Melina thread ;)

BonaTaylor said:
Hi Annie, nice to have a new shipper around here. Welcome, dear! I am quite new here myself, but I already discovered, the folks here are GREAT! :) :) :)

thanks BonaTaylor!! to be honest you really can get a little lost here.... and i thought after 2 years on an other forum I'm an oldie... :lol: :lol: :lol:

but i see there are many nice people here and you have a lot of fun :D :D
Cate you're SOOO lucky! I'm jealous...totally want to see it! :D As for Danny going to Halloween at Spiderman... :lol: I can see it actually...and Linds could go as Catwoman! :devil: Crossing comics, but who cares...they'd SO get together! ;)

MJ hi hon! :D

Can't wait for our eppy tomorrow...we know Mac's in a bit of maybe we'll get some comfort scenes? Here's hoping! :D
thanks BonaTaylor!! to be honest you really can get a little lost here.... and i thought after 2 years on an other forum I'm an oldie...

Yeah, you can tell! I am still to stupid to get how to search a forum like this, those livejournals everybody seems to have or - latest example - for good SMack ficlets. ;)

cate, I just finished "Friend of mine" and I LOOOOOVE IT!!! :D :lol: That story was really good. I just sooo loved that scene in the rain and then Flack coming and holding an umbrella giving this AMAZING line to'em!!! I laughed so hard! :lol: :D Just brillant! Thanks so much for sharing!! :) :p

What would you guys recommend to read next then? Like the Must reads, you know? ;) (I am not that much into stories, where Mac and Stella are an actual pair, having married and/or kids, rather those where they (are having trouble to) get together . :))
No worries hon, I'm still learning my way around this place and I've been here almost a year...I did get dragged to start my own LJ by Lynny...get in here by the way woman!! :lol: You'll get the hang of all this though Bona no worries! ;)

Cate I have "Friend of Mine" bookmarked so I either read it or was gonna...either way, I'm totally gonna go read it again! :D

Ohhhh read both of Cate's latest if you haven't yet...they are AMAZING!!!
cate, I just finished "Friend of mine" and I LOOOOOVE IT!!! That story was really good. I just sooo loved that scene in the rain and then Flack coming and holding an umbrella giving this AMAZING line to'em!!! I laughed so hard! Just brillant! Thanks so much for sharing!!

What would you guys recommend to read next then? Like the Must reads, you know? (I am not that much into stories, where Mac and Stella are an actual pair, having married and/or kids, rather those where they (are having trouble to) get together . )

Awww, thank you! I love writing Flack and I always could depend on him to either snap people back to reality or have laugh. He's cute like that.

Well, must-reads? Er... I don't usually recommend my own stories -- *blushes* Idk, I don't read them much after I finish them, afraid that I might make changes if I do. But I guess, if you want fluff -- read "A Little Mac Man" and it's companion piece "Little Miss Stella". It has a Flack-centric piece too, "NYPD Legend = Dad".

Mo -- haha, I remember reading a CSI:LV fic, Archie and Greg were musing... which superheroes could their co-workers be. Danny would easily fit into that tight suit haha.

Lol, yeah Danny could pull off any one of the superhero's with tight suits...Batman, Spiderman...I kinda see him wanting to be an X-man though...hey speaking of Superheroes...who do you think Smacked would be? I ask because I totally just thought of a good one...or ones...I am a huge X-man fan...and for some reason I can totally see Mac as Wolverine and Stella as Jean Grey (Phoenix)! It fits right! :D

Yay, Cate you updated? Wohoo!! :D

And yay for our eppy tonight! It's gonna be good...we get Stell background info and hopefully some good Smacked scenes! I think we do, now that I think about it! Here's hoping! :D
^^ Did you guys watch Spiderman III by any chance? IT SO ROCKED! :lol: Sorry.
And yay for our eppy tonight! It's gonna be good...we get Stell background info and hopefully some good Smacked scenes!
Awww! Thank you! I can't wait! :) Whooohooo! Anymore details by any chance, guys?
Did you guys watch Spiderman III by any chance? IT SO ROCKED! Sorry.

Yeah, I did. Yesterday (May 1). Review up in my blog as soon as I got home.

Hmmm.... SMACked in a superhero suit -- well, oh I don't know hahaha.
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