Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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smacked in a superhero suit? wth did I miss??

if we don't get a smacked scene after everything going down, I'm going to be pissed.
BonaTaylor :eek: end of the world as we know it! :lol: wow twice in a month... me?cute? tis scaring me :p hey you deserve praise :D you got an awesome talent.

Annie oh yeah! i remember now! :lol:

hi Mo!!! *tackle hugs* :D

wait...SMacked superhero suit?! are they gonna need a phone booth to change into? tell me cause imma find that booth and lurk :lol:

ate cate omg :devil: you! you dragged me into the gutter very early in the morning. ill work on it as soon as i can :lol:
I saw a pic of wet mac (in black tee no less) in the mac thread and a lot of wet peeps :lol: that sounded wrong :p but one pic got my shippy heart to a stop... -_-; Stella and Hawkes too close for my own comfort :lol: but I guess they just kept the SMacked pics... i hope there are. wait is peyton there?
I think Peyton is in the episode but I think she's outside the lab while Mac, Stella and Hawkes are inside. Getting wet. :devil:
Peyton is in the finale for sure and Mac and Stella are in that lab because of some alert. Hawkes is with them and that made my heart sunk a bit since they are not COMPLETELY alone facing a life threatning situation. And that could have turned into the best stuff. :devil: But well, probably Hawkes is going to be saved and Stella and Mac need to search him first... ALONE!! :devil: :D
You know. It sucks Hawkes is there or else Peyton could really be worried about whats going on between smacked getting wet, i mean.. oh crap thats what I meant! lol.

MJ -- I say we bug all the phone booth's.
heeey!!..You know that the lab is actually really big and you can find plenty of place to hide and/or do your job! ;) :lol:---I hope too that we'll get to see something good!!The storyline it's self can give us some chances!.....about the pictures...ok,everytime I see them I'm like :eek: :eek:...honestly..
This is EXACTLY what I thought as well! :) I hope Hawkes get lost (sorry Hawkes, love you, dear!), so our lovely couple can spent some time alone in the lab. :devil: And I see Peyton outside being relaxed because of Hawkes being with'em, but then Hawkes GOT lost and Stella and Mac..., well... let's say... know how to use the situation. :devil: :D And when they later step outside, Stel's gonna blush a bit while looking at Mac, and Peyton will get so furious that she's gonna explode... literally, you know. ;) Which would solve as well the problem of how to get rid off her for next season... :devil: Okay, I am reaching and I know it, but that really would make my day... week... month... YEAR! :D :p

Oh and... *points to the left*... I finally have an avatar!!! :D
^^ my fav part is about... Peyton... sorry :lol:

no no I mean od course the wet Mac and Stella in the lab alone part :lol:
But we can combine all your theories guys :devil: for example: Hawkes gets lots or is in trouble right?, so Mac and Stella have to look for him, they work hard 'cause well they have to save him, he's part of the team :p, and then they found him locked in a room, and tell him: Hawkes dear, are you ok??? - Hawkes: yeah I'm fine, only a little tired to be here- S&M: well hon, wait we'll take you out of there. Now they're sure he's ok so they just leave him there :rolleyes: while they "do their job" ;), finally when they're done :devil: they come back for Hawkes who fell asleep while waiting for them :lol:, meanwhile Peyton is relaxed outside 'cause they aren't alone :lol: :p. Although I wouldn't mind a Stella-Mac-Hawkes threesome :p
Cate, I loved the lates chapter of ILOT :D, but ff didn't let review :(, well I was thinking about the abstinence you mentioned the previous chapter, and I thought they have to compensate it by "working harder" the previous days :devil: ;)
*Mo giggles as she's tackled by MJ!* Hi honey! Cate hon I'm gonna go read your ficcie as soon as I'm done posting! :D Haven't even read it and I KNOW I'm gonna love it though! :D Lynny wub, I agree...we dang well better get some good Smacked scene or scenes tonight dang it! Especially with all that's going on...Smacked needs the comfort only they can give eachother let them go get it on in the broom closet already, geez!!! :devil:
So far I've seen about 1 or 2 scenes, their first was nice. I liked it. It was a touch of angst. I'm really amazed that their having two different things going on right now, Stella's handling everything really well and Mac's kicking ass!

And I'm babbling..
oh my
No really good Smacked, but both Stella and Mac's stories ended sadly and with loose endings. Stella told her 'sister' that she would be coming back to arrest her, and Mac was comforting a guy who held him at gunpoint (since dude may not find his missing daughter since Clay is dead). I kept thinking there would be an ending smacked scene, because they are both going to need comforting, but no such luck. They need to be there for each other. :(
I like you babbling's cute! ;) *Mo huggles her buddy!* :D And sad day for us...we need good Smacked scenes, something, anything...come on...seriously people, like our title says...I want Smacked smex...NUFF SAID!! :devil:

Now who's babbling... :lol:
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