Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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chaostheory08 Really good point with the hug. My imagination is just spinning around because of that, when you know what I mean ...Mac and Stella alone..and not in the lab.. sounds great.
Haha, they may not have waited until they're out of the vicinity of the lab. The parking lot, in his/her car would work fine :devil:

cate, thanks a lot for the link. I found it and start reading just now!
First of all, CONGRATZ! And hey, enjoy that one. :)

Mo -- I might update again some time today or tomorrow. Roselle and I are finishing up "Olives" since she'll be out of the country next month. And I don't think we'll be reaching the "baby girl name picking" no more. Lol... but hey, we wub Dylan, don't we? :D

SMACked... it's hard not to see that there's something going on between them. In fact, the only persons who don't see that is themselves haha. There are some on-screen 'couples' that do take a load of time to get together but sometimes, I think SMACked is already together and somehow is doing a good job of hiding it. Not from us anyway.... :lol:

OT: Any suggestions on what Danny's parents' names are? :)
Man, the gutter is too small for my guttery mindset. After reading the entire "Trapped SMacked Style" fanfic, Gutterville went from a small gutter town to the Gutter Metropolis with a SMacked (Mac/Stella hybrid) population of more than 10 million, all SMacked babies. :devil: X 100

My jaw dropped with a "No Way!" expression followed by a hard laughter with what Stella did and how Mac reacted to it. The "Game Over" comment in Chapter 3 cracked me up in ways no previous fanfiction of any kind has ever done before or since.

If only they could film that for an actual episode where the power is sabotaged with Stella in that teal tank top from "Summer In The City" and Mac on an elevator and then someone sabotages the power source and they're trapped SMacked Style, that would make the show far greater! :lol:
Awwww Cate no baby girl Smacked names? :( But I wike's dem...pwease?! :D ("Pssst, Dylan come here and help me convince Aunty Cate to write more about baby sissy okay?!") :D

Lol, the Smacked Gutter is always too small for the number of peeps who try to fit down here! ;) We just love our Smacked smex too much! :devil: Heehee! ;)

Can't wait for this's gonna be good, I'm sure! :D
Axatullux said:
Man, the gutter is too small for my guttery mindset. After reading the entire "Trapped SMacked Style" fanfic, Gutterville went from a small gutter town to the Gutter Metropolis with a SMacked (Mac/Stella hybrid) population of more than 10 million, all SMacked babies. :devil: X 100

My jaw dropped with a "No Way!" expression followed by a hard laughter with what Stella did and how Mac reacted to it. The "Game Over" comment in Chapter 3 cracked me up in ways no previous fanfiction of any kind has ever done before or since.

If only they could film that for an actual episode where the power is sabotaged with Stella in that teal tank top from "Summer In The City" and Mac on an elevator and then someone sabotages the power source and they're trapped SMacked Style, that would make the show far greater! :lol:

*oh where's the blush emoticon when you need it*

Miss Cate's face is like a strawberry now!

Miss Mo -- my sister has a name... it's Bumpy.
*poof again*

The gutterville is undergoing constant growth in terms of population and territory.

Hey, okay -- I like Peyton but this is too good to pass up!
*Mind constantly in the gutter*

As for the 10 million SMacked babies, they are all biological, none adopted FYI. :devil: To be honest, I think a good majority of the fanfiction is better written than some of the episodes of the actual canon show.

*Play's Steve Roach's "Ancestral Horizons" in the background as the mournful fog horns and Aboriginal didjeridoos and percussion echo across the Gutter Metro Area*
mj, you're too cute! :)
cate, just finished chapter 13 of your "Friend of mine" and it is great! That is a really good ff, the way I like it. :) Thanks so much for sharing, dear! I can't wait til I have time to read the rest! :) Fortunately, you've done with it, I just discovered, because I am always so impatient with WIP ffs! So, that way is WAAAAY much better! :)
BonaTaylor -- I'm glad you like it. It's actually my first serious CSI:NY fic. And first long one too. I do have more SMACked on my profile if you're interested.
cate, I've already discovered that! :) :) :) And be sure, I am gonna suck in all of it! :) It's SMack in the end and that's what I am here for! ;)

You know, I am like that kind of ff reader that likes the 10.000s of possibilities of how they could get together. So, your story I am currently on is EXACTLY what makes my shipper heart jump. :)
Lol, my bad Dylan honey...sissy's gonna be called "Bumpy" for the rest of her life isn't she?! :lol: It would be a pretty cute nickname! ;) Cate love the little icon thing, totally cracked me up...and you're too cute with your blushing! I love that you write these hot fics and then blush, it's adorable!! I wubs it! :D :D

Only two more days until new's hoping it's good! Come on PTB...give us some comfort scene or even just a couple longing looks dang it!
^Hahaha, that's why I need Roselle with me in those kindsa situations :lol:

But I am trying it on me own with another M-rated-ish fic. *blushings*

BonaTaylor -- Lol, thanks! I love possibilities too. That's why CSI:NY SMACked fics have the largest number in my account. :)
Moriel21 said:
Only two more days until new's hoping it's good! Come on PTB...give us some comfort scene or even just a couple longing looks dang it!

I hope that too!!.. ;)They should give us that!...No matter how stubborn,bossy and cold can be sometimes he needs someone by his side..And I can't see any of the guys-that will of course be with him though-or even Peyton,they don't know each other as good as Stella and Mac!

BonaTaylor>>,Cate,mj and those who write fanfics in this thread make them good!!Believe me!! ;) :D

I don't know why but I am full of questions these days!?Stupid one but...when you say ate cate what ate stands for?? :confused: :lol: :eek:

:lol:.. nice oneCate!Do you think that can be Stella doing that?! :lol: ;)
Cate, you know what you did to me now, do you? I can't let from reading your fic! I have to work here!! How I am suppose to get things done if you write such awesome stories??!?! ;) Honestly, it is an amazing story. :)

athens, you're so right. I just started to discover them. :)

Can you lovely writers post linkage to your fanfics for me, cause I am like a stupid jerk when it comes to figure searching livejournals or or even this forum. Bear with me... ;)
Cate wub you're writing an M-rated one on your own...I'm SO proud of you! *Mo giggles and huggles her gutter bud!* :D Can't wait to read it hon, share soon okay! ;)

Can't wait to see what kind of Smacked scenes we get (hopefully!!) this week, pwetty pwease PTB!! :D
hi guys!!

newbie here ;)

I just wanna say that I love the Mac/Stella ship! For me they belong together since the first season. Stella is the woman by his side. She's the only one who can kick his pretty @ss without premission. Always has the upper hand :lol:

They are a great team and i love it how she took care of him after Clairs death. In season one they had many pretty moments togther. In season two Mac has changed and we know because of who :devil: They went more seperate ways last season but in the scene in CotP when Stella told him 'thats what we do. we take care of each other' was one of the most beautiful moments in the show. Maybe she was talking about the whole team but for me it wasn't just about them all. It was about them both then and there.

This season... hmmm... what can I say... shock! at the beginning but now.. phi! they are back! Yeah, yeah sexy Mac has a phase called Peyton but you can't deny the truth. We could all see it. The Smack ship is still alive. I love the scene when she told him about the possibility of being HIVpositive. OMG...!!!... Wonderful. He always believe in her and her strenght. They'er just perfect together!! :D :D

Smacked ruls!! :devil:

Messers_cupcake -- Welcome! :) You got the cupcake, we gots the olive oil and ties! :lol:

I don't know why but I am full of questions these days!?Stupid one but...when you say ate cate what ate stands for??
athens -- well.... "Ate" stands for "big sister". It's a sort of a polite term for an older female, whether a blood relative or otherwise. :)

Cate, you know what you did to me now, do you? I can't let from reading your fic! I have to work here!! How I am suppose to get things done if you write such awesome stories??!?! Honestly, it is an amazing story.
BonaTaylor -- Awww... thank you very much! Oh I hope you don't get in trouble with your boss lol. Just enjoy em stories as I enjoyed writing them. Thanks again!

Cate wub you're writing an M-rated one on your own...I'm SO proud of you! *Mo giggles and huggles her gutter bud!* Can't wait to read it hon, share soon okay!
Mo -- haha, will post as soon as I have some length on it. I'm actually collaborating with MJ on this... in a sorta like a "the same beginning, different situations/ending" kind of thing. Can't really explain it but it's there haha.

Oh well, just watched Spider-Man 3 and maaan, I was cracking myself up after the show because... okay, the city of NY is nearly destroyed by these freaks... millions of dollars in property damages. My friend and I were all like, "That police car will have Detective Flack in it." :lol: Oh never mind me hahaha!
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