Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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cate, I was searching for the beginning of friend of mine, but can't find it. Can you give me a link. I really need some SMackfic I can spent the weekend on! :) Thx!!
ms first of all, wub your siggy and icon *hugs you* lol! second [offtopic] yeah, we huddy :D [/offtopic] we discuss thingys like this somewhere. want to blab about Huddy with me? tis okay. wub it. :D

BonaTaylor I see you won a contest!!! *tackle hugs* everybody give her a huggy!!! advanced level too huh? cool ^_^ proud of you!

:devil: dangit i want my SMacked now! Im expecting smex- erherm..fluffy stuff to happen after that HIV thing. :lol: NOW! *gets all demanding* :p
*waves* Hello my fellow bitches shippers :D How's everyone doing? Good. I hopes.

So. Wonder what smacky is doing right now? besides that, you gutters! I mean something nice. Dinner? Movie? That kinda thing. and then of course the gutter :devil:
msgirl Yeah we are :p, we ship Huddy!!! :D

And here they are... :D

SMACked Quote Of The Week (SQOTW)
Stella: What do you do when you can't sleep?
Mac: Work?
Stella: No, I mean what do normal people do when they can't sleep?
Mac: *frowns*. 1x19 Crime and misdemeanor

SMACked Pic Of The Week (SPOTW)
from 2x14 Stuck On Youw ;)

ICAM with you guys- I think they shoud have shown stella hug mac-- but i will settle for her hugging that adam guy-- i feel that they are just now BOTh beginning to realize how much they mean to each other- i do like that stella tried to take up for mac when he was hard on adma- and she told adam not to be too upset becuase the case was hard for mac-- I really had a kinda dream that a fanfic could have come from that moment- how upset mac was with the crook- i could totally SEE mac coming to stella's apratment later on that night- becuase he feels resposible for the crook getting out and committing another murder and stella " comforting" him as ONLY she can--- yeah-- hopefully one of you great fanfic writers will write our stella tells mac she is HIV negative scene-- and maybe that hurt/comfort scene i mentioned---- it would be great!
This is actually the backbone of my first loooong SMACked story: "Friend of Mine", if you can remember that one. Theirs is like a bestfriend relationship and both are so scared that if they venture any further, it might (1) become a very great romantic relationship, or (2) destroy everything -- even their friendship. I think they are scared of both possible scenarios.
Hmmmm, okay gotta go find that story and read it or re-read it, cuz that sounds fabulous! :D (Say Hi to little Dylan hon for me! ;) )

Wonder what smacky is doing right now? besides that, you gutters! I mean something nice. Dinner? Movie?
Food, entertainment? What? Smacked doesn't need food or entertainment when they have eachother to eat and entertain each other with?! :devil: Heehee! Yeah it's all about the Smacked gutter, let's be honest! ;)

Reine love the SQAPOTW!! Thanks hon! :D
You know, the SMacked ship seems immensely popular all over the net. If you go to youtube and type in "Mac Stella", you'll find dozens of results. :D :devil: :D

Yet when I typed 'Mac Peyton', I only would get anywhere from 3 to 9 results. Guess it goes to show how popular SMacked really is though SPaM would work for me as well.

Just as long as Stella is with Mac, I can take SMacked or SPaM anytime whether my mind is at church or at Gutterville which I spared from nuclear annihilation after the test results in "Past Imperfect". :D

I wonder what you all make of this? :devil:
:lol:!It is popular-of course-but SMACked is going on for 3 years while Mac-Peyton not even one!! :pAnd that goes for fanfics too!We have some really good ones!! ;)

Reine thanks for the pic and quote of the week!!.. :D..Mac's face in the epi with the quote was nice :p

The hug with Adam was sweet and I personally think she could hug Mac only if he was there when he was saying the results!!..Well,Adam deserves that hug! :lol: :p

Who knows,maybe we'll get some good SMACked in the next epi and after the end of the latest episode it's possible I guess..
Stella: What do you do when you can't sleep?
Mac: Work?
Stella: No, I mean what do normal people do when they can't sleep?
Mac: *frowns*. 1x19 Crime and misdemeanor
Reine -- I can't help but go guttery on this.

If you don't mind.... :lol:
Stella: What do you do when you can't sleep?
Mac: Work?
Stella: I bet you'll do something else if you're with me. *smiles evilly*
Mac: *sigh* It's because of you... I couldn't sleep. :devil:

cate, I was searching for the beginning of friend of mine, but can't find it. Can you give me a link. I really need some SMackfic I can spent the weekend on! Thx!!
You can look for it at my profile:

I guess Stella didn't hug Mac because Adam was there. "Public Display of Affection" -- avoiding suspicion, and that's probably why Mac did a 180 on her. Being affectionate one moment and all bothered the next. What if Adam wasn't there... or better yet... what if they were alone? Not in the lab? :devil:

mj -- I have another idea (haha, can you tell?) for our fic. E-mail me! :D

Mo -- Dylan says hi as well... with this:
*waves* Hello my fellow bitches shippers How's everyone doing? Good. I hopes.
*waves back at CathStokes* Good, as usual. :D Thanks for asking. ;)

BonaTaylor Oh, didn't see earlier that you won a contest, sorry..*hugs you* :) Really proud of you. Your arts are beautiful. Wanna make so cool arts, too.. :D

chaostheory08 Really good point with the hug. My imagination is just spinning around because of that, when you know what I mean ;) ...Mac and Stella alone..and not in the lab.. :devil: sounds great.
cate, thanks a lot for the link. I found it and start reading just now! :)

Stella and mj, thanks for the congrats. I was quite surprised to "win" at first try, it was just a third place though.

You guys are great! It is such a fun to finally be with ppl who UNDERSTAND my affection for this ship. :) All of my friends are like yeah, watching the show, but aren't that much into shipping at all, so they constantly change subject when I start about it. ;)
*hugs Lynny there's my favorite bitch of all! (wow did i just use that word? :lol: O_O) where have you been? have you been sneaking oout with our Macky again??!

CW as usual. i wub it... *gg* specially with ate cate's additional dialogue. :D

speaking of cate...

yo! ate cate! i hear ya! ^_^ i'll email you as soon as i can open my email! :lol: can't wait.

BonaTaylor I know you have talent. :D I *felt* it when i read your profile before. doesn't surprise me that you won. ;) third place feels first too you know? specially when you have fans :lol: *hugs you*- and hey, its one of the reasons why i joined this site...

there's a lot of obsessed peeps here, same am I. :lol:
Awww hi Cate wub! Thanks for the hi and yay for Dylan's hi too...I likes it! ;) Is it new after this morning? :D

I wub Smacked...they make me happy! They are one of those ships who you KNOW are in love, but will take freakin' FOREVER to get together, but you are willing to wait for them to get together because their chemistry is so obvious you can't do anything but wait because to give up on them would be just wrong! So yeah I'm apparently waxing poetical about Smacked...but then again, what's new?! :lol:
Sorry MJ -- I just had to play with him for a bit. We learned a new game :devil: He said he was going to show you before he showed Stella ;)

Smacked makes me very happy too. I love their moments, their angst, their fluff, their cuteness. Its my OTP for NY. I've always loved them and I always will :D
I think Smacked is one of the obvious ships ;), that you know they'll end up together no matter how many b/f and g/f they have during the whole show :D. In fact some people don't ship them like we do, but they don't dislike them either, and they're happy when something good, happens between Mac and Stella. That means something ;) :devil:
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