Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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Psssttt....mulder8 hon, it's all about the spoiler codes/boxes until the eppy airs on the West Coast...which it hasn't quite aired yet...just so ya know! ;)

So here's a question...this season started with Mac in bed with... :p Anyone wanna speculate on how Seas. 4 is gonna open?? :D
.....or perhaps Stella and Mac are on the elevator and then Stella deliberately sabotages the elevator and causes it to stop way up on the 31st floor without opening. :devil:

*Oh dear, the Gutter volcano explodes*
Moriel21 said:
So here's a question...this season started with Mac in bed with... :p Anyone wanna speculate on how Seas. 4 is gonna open?? :D

*taps her chin with a glint in her eyes*
Still in bed. Mac shirtless. No TV blaring in the background. No cellphone to bother the moment. Blanket up to his chest. His eyes open with a dreamy expression on them. His arm around someone with brown curly hair. The pillow beside him with that curly-haired woman wakes and smiles at him sweetly.

Okay, now... I've lost it. :lol: :p

Reine -- haha, they sure would have to work harder to make up for lost time.

MJ --

I have an idea ... something that TPTB can actually use and we can have our SMACked. Have them go undercover... playing hubby and wife. OMG, I can so see Flack's face as he volunteers the two!

Uhm... Hawkes doesn't pry, right? I mean, if he sees something, he keeps quiet about it. So SMACked can still get some double-meaning glances and touches that took longer than usual/necessary without raising flags. Hahaha, imagine if Danny's with them.
I have an idea ... something that TPTB can actually use and we can have our SMACked. Have them go undercover... playing hubby and wife. OMG, I can so see Flack's face as he volunteers the two!

Oh yeah! I LOOOVE that! Bringing them on a case they have to play a couple. OH! THIS would really be the sweetest. There are sooooo many situation we ... uh... TPTB... could put em in. Sleeping in the same bed, getting to kiss in public for the sake of holding up the cover... :devil: *cheers* Ouuuh! I love it... :D :p
Cate I had the exact same thought as far as Seas. 4 opening goes! :lol: Brilliant! ;) You know what they say..."Great minds think alike!" :D Now we just need to PTB to think greatly too! :lol:

Oh my word...I would LOVE for Smacked to go undercover! That would be perfect and they could SO totally pull it off...they're practically married in how they act with eachother anyway! Oh I totally want to see that now...or at the very least have someone write a ficcie about it! :D
Mo -- oh yes, we all think alike, do we? Now we just need TPTB to be one of us. If they aren't already that is.... maybe they're closet SMACkers. ;)

*hands up in the air*

Me! I might write a fic around that idea. But I'm not sure yet -- it might end up very long again since I might be playing around the fact that they bicker like married couples from time to time. Hahaha... but I would have them hold hands and they'd feel weirded out about it and such :). And one will kiss the other out of impulse hahaha. :devil:

I've had that idea for quite some time now.
Hey guys! Just to let you know, it's me Soph. Got my name changed.

I love the idea of them going undercover as a couple. They practically act like a married couple anyway, so it wouldn't be hard and it would be sooo sweet!

Peace dudes x
Yeah! That is sooo right! They've been so comfortable with each other, they wouldn't have trouble acting like a couple. :D

I guess, we're hoping for that to happen for the wrong show, though. :(

But hey! There are still fanfics!! :devil: I wish I could write such stuff...

Guys, I need to ask a short question which is OT. Hope that's okay. You can probably help me really quick, since a lot of English native are around.

When you talk to a child, you sometimes use let's say special words/wording to teach the child a thing. Like for a dog, you could tell the child "doggie". Now, is there a word for "car" as well? "Auto" probably?

I'll tell you later for what I needed this.
Oh, 'All Access' came on last night... I like that episode... Now I wonder were Stella went after she packed her bag... :D

I have a new SMacked-y-ish story on FF by the way...
Forget making the PTB like us Cate, we just need one of us to BE a PTB! :D wouldn't that be AWESOME! We'd have power over Smacked, to make them do what we wanted! :devil: :lol: And I like the ficcie idea hon! ;) Do it! :D

Now, is there a word for "car" as well? "Auto" probably?
Bona my friends 2 yr old nephew used to say "Vroom Vroom"! :lol: Otherwise it ends up being more like "ca-wr" ;)
Man, after being pissed off at Mac in "Cold Reveal", I would have to say that SMacked took quite a beating especially with Mac's behavior towards Gerrard, who though I'm no big fan of, was actually doing his job and said that "rival was an exaggeration'. It even made me think of creating Stellard (Stella/Gerrard) in reaction to Mac's attitude in "Cold Reveal" plus the mishandled Stella Storyline. SMacked has not sunk by any means but it took a lot of water last night.

Moriel21, you hit it on the mark. We need to have one of us, maybe me, to write future episodes after how the current writers botched Stella's storyline so badly.
Mmmmm, they're giving us Smacked angst to keep us on our toes and worried about our ship...I hate that, but they do it...heck I've had ships where they marry the main characters off to other people and yet they still got together with eachother in the's hoping that doesn't happen to Smacked...*knock on wood!* but as much as I hate angst and ships taking on water, when the chemistry is as strong as Smacked's is...I know they'll get together in the end!! Call me optimistic, but that's my thought! ;)
BonaTaylor -- uhm... my nephew calls his dad's car "beep-beep" because he would honk when he parks in their garage and my nephew would run to him screaming "Daaaaaadddddddyyyyy!" :lol: *hmm, sounds like Dylan ;) *

Mo -- oh yeah. One of us should be in that writers' lounge. And we could soooooo sell our ideas to them because it would be soooo convincing.

A couple of OT questions since I'm too lazy to post in on other threads:
1. Louie is older than Danny by how many years?
2. Where did Danny grow up? Don?
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