Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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Right Mo! Smacked's dreams! That's it. I totally agree with you. They know each other for over ten years and now they finally start to realize HOW important they are and how MUCH they love each other *sigh*.

I really expect the last couple of eppies to be very shippery SMacked-wise.
Pls kissmesweet, replace "might" with "do", would you? Gimme something sweet!
I don't know! I'm a little busy and I have a bit of writer's block... I'll try to do something though!

Question: Do you guys think that Stella testing negative will have a turn on her relationship with Mac?

Ahhh, I'll answer too!: I do! I hope that she realizes that on the job--life is precious and easy to be taken away from her within a moment so maybe she knows that they person whose always been there for her (and vice versa)--Mac is the one she's meant to be with!
Bona yeah I definitely hope these last few ep's are full of some good Smacked moments...their chemistry is so clear a blind person could see it! (no offense meant to the blind, it's just THAT obvious! :D )

Yeah Delia I least I hope her testing negative will...I think yeah they will both realize just what they could have lost (eachother!) and will now want to really go after least I hope so and I really think that realistically that should happen! :D
*raises the SMacked flag* we will prevail! :lol:

vave you want someone to post your pic using the photobucket thing? i could do that for you if ya want. :D

CW missed you so much! :lol: i wanna share a lot to ya *gg* SMacked and others :devil: which spoilers cause if youre thinking of the same spoilers (wuubs?) i am :devil: oh yeah, i definetly saw it.

Lynny :lol: i know, shocking isnt it? but hey... :rolleyes: wont hurt would it? :p
Mo, you are intent on draggin me in there aren't you! :lol: If i have time i might pop in there later, coz i have to admit it's growing on me! :lol:

Anywayz, i agree with Delia, i hope that Stella testing negative will make her and Mac realize that life is short and get together already! :lol: Cmon, TPTB, we need SMaCked! :lol:

Peace dudes x
Bottom line...Smacked belongs together...they may have danced around it for waaaaaay too many years, but they are gonna have to realize that fact sooner or later...the fact that they belong together and the fact that they fell in love with eachother a looooooooooooooong time ago and have just been too busy or too scared to screw it up to do anything about it! Which is why I think this HIV scare thing with Stel was good in a opened her and their eyes to how short life could be and like Stel told Adam, she can "Dream again!" and let's face it peeps...Smacked's dreams....totally revolve around eachother!
Amen to that, Mo Mac and Stella belong together...Even when they don't speak they understand each other because of that magic comuncation between them when they look at each other. With these looks it's completly impossible to ignore the fact they love each other and care deeply for the other.
I'm sure our ship will sail...wait, our ship :lol:

And I think, too, Stella testing negative will have an effect to her relatinship with Mac. At least I hope so..Hopefully she realizes life is to short to waste and concentrate to the important things in life...Mac ;) And Mac just realizes the there's a way they get together. :D
I totally agree with you guys, now that she know she's HIV negative she has to take care of other aspects of her life, her personal life has been a total disaster since the beginning of the show at least :(, so I really think that line saying "I can dream again" means SOMETHING :devil:, she and Mac have to realize that they are soooo adorable together, that even those people who don't watch the show think they're the perfect couple. I made a friend of mine watch one of my v... and she was like :eek: OMG they're perfect together, and I was like Yesssssss :D

[Off topic]Yeah mj those spoilers given by D. Shore himself about you know what ;)[/Off topic]

ETA: where have I been, Mo?? :p Studying baby, studying :D. I think that having graduated a year ago made me a slow student now that I'm doing this specialization (postgraduate studies, master, call it like you want :lol: :lol:)
I love the interaction between Mac and Stel. They are so adult with each other. I wouldn't wonder if one day TPTB give us a love declaration from them before they actually kiss (REAL kiss, you know!), because it seems kind of natural that Stella would tell him in a weak moment, that she loves him. Probably adding that she is not in love with him though (which is not true, of course we all know that! :devil: but that's like the barrier she is afraid of breaking through.)

Or we get a flashback (like next week? :drool:) from like 5 years ago and we see Stella taking care of devasted Mac and some weak moment in her arms made him declaring his love for her. But she thinks it is just because of his thankfulness (sp?) for her being there or that he doesn't have anybody else to turn to which is of course not true either, WE know that! *sigh*

Okay, I got carried away, but wait! When I think about it... does anybody want to turn that into a ficlet for me? Because I kind of figured this is kind of unlikely to happen in the next 10 years or so... ;) :D

cate? kissmesweet?, you guys seem to be perfect for the job. You know, here are loads of ppl who got you good references for the job! ;)
^^ Awww, thanks. I'll start it now actually. You're so sweet. Everyone on the boards are! :) I think I might change it around a little though.
I'm also seeing a proposal in the story. ;)
BonaTaylor -- Thanks! :)

Cate I totally fact I think Mac is scared of Stel because he knows just how deeply he really could fall for her! I mean he already loves her, but I think he knows that if he really lets himself he could entirely lose himself in her...and that is scary to him...scary but SO good and you know he'll get over the fear and fall into her! Heehee! Cuz it's Smacked and they have to!

This is actually the backbone of my first loooong SMACked story: "Friend of Mine", if you can remember that one. Theirs is like a bestfriend relationship and both are so scared that if they venture any further, it might (1) become a very great romantic relationship, or (2) destroy everything -- even their friendship. I think they are scared of both possible scenarios.

The good thing is Stella testing negative, apart from oblivious reasons, is she would realize how short life is and there are so much more important things in her life than work.

jackbutt is my new favorite word! Hahahah....
Kissmesweet, that is really cool. Thanks! I can't wait to read it! :) :p

Cate - I hope you keep going with this one, cause it sounds great! :) :D
^ friends of mine (ate cate's ficis awesome :D one of the best i say! :lol: (for her) ate cate, i wanna update...can you tell? :p

cw [offtopicrant] YES I KNOW! from da man himself! i do hope he's not just teasin' us... -_-; *dances* sooo happy :D [/offtopicrant]
Hey all hows the smacked?!
just been catching up on reading lol
kissme can't wait to read your story :D
Instead of stella hugging Adam why couldn't she hug Mac if thats right :p

I like the idea CSIFray

offtopic mj or cw are you guys on about Huddy? offtopic

But come on mac stel get together please so stuff can happen :devil:
Yeah, msgirl, instaed Stella hugs Adam(but that was sweet, too, I must admit)why she can't hug Mac for the good results? I questioned myself the same..Why couldn't we see some sweet scenes where Stella and Mac are happy together because of the results? That would be a cute scene but the tptb don't give it to us..
Hopefully we see more SMacked scenes in next eppies.. ;)
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