Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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What a disappointment. No hugs (or any other nice stuff :devil:)for Mac, just one for Adam? This is soooo important to Stella, I even say livechanging important and we don't see any SMack interaction? Grmhbl... Same as it was for All Access: Stella went through the worst and TPTB missed giving us SMack interaction. What's wrong here?? Why they are doing this?

Can pls sb write a nice fic about Stella getting her test results?? E.g. Stella and Mac go out celebrating. Or probably just celebrating, leave the "going out" part. :devil: I really need to be cheered up...
^^ :lol: I might do that. Emphasis on the 'might', but to be honest--I found the HIV plotline a little pointless because it was pretty obvious from the very beginning that it won't happen... but I can always write something about it! :lol:
But still, I'm really happy that she's alright. She deserves that. :)
Awww... I expected a little more Smacked love though! :(
:lol: Yeah Cate hon, Macky getting all hot and bothered and losing that! (in every sense! :devil: ) *Mo giggles and hides Cate from the Smacked police!* ;)

Yeah I was a bit disappointed that we didn't get to see Stel tell Mac she was "free" but you know they "celebrated" later BIG time! ;) Heehee! :devil:
Well, the HIV I think is just a scare -- psh, of course she's not testing positive. It's just so directionless haha.

And I think the reason why Mac was all softie when Stella was scared and did a 180 now that she's okay -- because he wants to put a barrier between them... he doesn't want to be too close because he's *scared* of Stella and what *can* happen.

And somehow, that's also giving me guttery thoughts. :devil:
Pls kissmesweet, replace "might" with "do", would you? Gimme something sweet!

Yeah, chaostheory08, that could be the reason. He loves her, but doesn't admit to it and to give others, esp. Stella, no chance to discover his love for her first, he's playing tough guy. Right! This is a possibility I can live with. :)

He is so in love with her, that it scares him. *uuuh* how romantic!! :p :D
^^ OMG I'm sooooo happy :D :D I can't believe she's negative :D. I mean deep inside of me I knew she'd be negative :lol: but who am I kidding??? I was scared!!! :lol:, so writers if you wanted someone who believed in the posibility of Stella being positive, guys, you succeded :lol: :lol:

No Smacked??? :( well guys, I don't know what happened to Mac, but I'm sure they totally had a private celebration :devil: :lol: now serious :p, don't worry guys that means nothing I mean, couples have fights sometimes :devil: and then they made up :devil: OMG and I said I was gonna be serious :lol: but remember this...

next week will be the Cold Case crossover with Danny Pino, and I'm totally sure Mac will be there for her
... and I'd like to see a flashback or something with their private celebration of the results :p
dangit, took me a while to post in here. now...

do call me mj guys, typing my whole name is too bothersome :lol:

celtess I KNOW what you mean... everybody in this folder knows what you mean :D

BonaTaylor you are good no matter what anybody else say ;) if i need to do this to make you make and share SMacked piccies, i will :D pwamise.

Mo *hugs you tight again* and youre cute too! :D *gg and gives M&Ms*

Lynny WHAT did you train me for? :p fetching our Macky? (yeah im willing to share occasionally now)

ate cate *nods* cute. tis cute :D *laughs* poor macky...

CW! its been a while since i last saw you! *hugs and pokes* you hiding from me?! :(

:devil: guttersville this place is! not complaining at all :devil:

im rewatching it now and :eek: when i heard macky swear i KNOW he's really pissed... hot :devil: stella's negative *hugs stella* and private party after the day. ;)
im very excited about next week... saw the "past" pic of stella in the promo and woot! flashback! :devil: squee!
*walks in*
May I make a small request? I love the pics ya'll are putting up, but I have that "Limited Parent control" thing on my side and the image thing doesn't work. Could you guys link it from photobucket? I really want to join in the SMacked love too.:)
Awesome episode, not much SMack. That whatever guy ticked Mac off so much that we didn't get any real Smackness. But hey, I'd be ticked off too. That guy was a jackbutt. I hope that Stella didn't tell him yet. I so want to see a "after hours office meeting." Off the clock of course :devil:
They are both going to be investigated soooo... tehehe... perfect moment to throw in SMacked... Hopefully...

CathStokes you ain't gonna get me back for nothin
mj0621 said: CW! its been a while since i last saw you! *hugs and pokes* you hiding from me?!
Of course I'm not hiding from you or anyone in this or other thread ;) :p, the thing is that I've been busy so I haven't posted much these days, but I've been reading all your comments guys and I've read the fanfics too :devil:, but I'm here!!!! *hugs mj* ;)

And VveAma92, you mean you want the link to the pics??? :confused:, well in my case I can post a link to the SPOTW ;)

[off topic]mj did you read the newest House spoilers??? :eek: :devil:[/off topic]
aww my sweet MJ -- Its shocking to see you sharing, but its a nice :) .. now if only we can get it through Melly's head.

*trips Melly* Woman, You get over it!


Fray -- We'll sees :p

I'm excited for the crossover with CC. It's going to be interesting to see how it all plays out. Hopefully Mac will be there for Stella, and Stella there for Mac. Personally if he pushed the guy, I'd cheer him on!
because he wants to put a barrier between them... he doesn't want to be too close because he's *scared* of Stella and what *can* happen.
Cate I totally fact I think Mac is scared of Stel because he knows just how deeply he really could fall for her! I mean he already loves her, but I think he knows that if he really lets himself he could entirely lose himself in her...and that is scary to him...scary but SO good and you know he'll get over the fear and fall into her! ;) Heehee! Cuz it's Smacked and they have to! :D

Reine! Hi hon, where you been??! :D

Can't wait until next week it's gonna be so good, here's hoping we get some good Smacked!! :D

Lynny did we drag Soph to CatNip yet? ;) :D
Wah! Got no SMacked! :( Still, this ship sails with Stella testing negative for HIV thankfully. :D Can't wait to see where SMacked goes from here. Maybe it will come at the beginning of "Cold Reveal" before being disrupted by Stella's ordeal with Valens and finally blossom into something :devil: :D

"Peyton who? Mac asks totally dumbfounded" :lol:
I am hoping that is the case Axa or something like that at least! ;)
Bottom line...Smacked belongs together...they may have danced around it for waaaaaay too many years, but they are gonna have to realize that fact sooner or later...the fact that they belong together and the fact that they fell in love with eachother a looooooooooooooong time ago and have just been too busy or too scared to screw it up to do anything about it! Which is why I think this HIV scare thing with Stel was good in a opened her and their eyes to how short life could be and like Stel told Adam, she can "Dream again!" and let's face it peeps...Smacked's dreams....totally revolve around eachother! :D
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