Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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BonaTaylor said:
LOL! That's a good deal! I'll take it!

But don't push me too high, mj0621! I've just lost with this one at the wallpaper challenge and with this one , too... (and that was actually my personal favorite... Guess why?! )
I guess, they weren't much M/S shipper in the voting crowd... or I just suck
you can just call me mj :D tis too long if ya call me mj0621 :p the WP is cool (lol i cant decide which WP to use now :lol:) dont be discouraged. youre good. believe me. just try and try.. youll get the hang of it. ;)

*waves to Soph* ah! so youre Soph! :lol: i got confused :p

LMAO *wipes tears* Lynny I didnt even know you trained me! XD *sniff* if you replace me I'll sulk again -_-; *mushy mode*

celtess WOW...:devil: i like it...
CathStokes- Well, Deh-ur I'm in here... Have been for like two weeks... lol...

Hmm I keep meaning to start a new Smacked fanfic... It'll accually be two one-shots (Hehe) I just haven't...
you can just call me mj :D tis too long if ya call me mj0621 :p the WP is cool (lol i cant decide which WP to use now :lol:) dont be discouraged. youre good. believe me. just try and try.. youll get the hang of it. ;)

Ok, mj, short name then. That's cool! :cool:

And thanks so much for the kudos. :) Means a lot to me since I never shared fanart before. And I guess, even IF I suck, I won't stop doing them anyways since I need to kill time between SMack-moments. Summer will be (too) long. ;) ;) ;)

Okay, guys, but now, you have to get me the SMack details from tonight. Pls tell me there have been some!!! I need some!! :lol: :lol: I won't be able watch the eppy til the weekend, but I wanna get spoiled, preferably with a picture post!

Which reminds me... celtess, great idea, nice work!!

Oh and by the way, hi Soph! Cool that you joined the MS ship.:)
CSIFray said:
CathStokes- Well, Deh-ur I'm in here... Have been for like two weeks... lol...
Snap! She's got ya there, Lynny. :D Good one, Fray! ROFLAL (rolling on floor laughing at lynny)

So Stella's HIV test came out to be NEGATIVE of course. But she hugged Adam, not Mac. :( I love Adam dearly, he is my absolute favorite lab rat... but Mac should have been there. Of course Mac blew up at Adam in front of Stella, so that's the excuse TPTB probably used not to have him there, but Stel should have made Mac apologise, then we could have gotten our Smacked.
Ahhh, hi Dylan...don't poof away come back cutie pie! :D

Mj you are cute! ;)

Lol, Soph we dragged you into Smacked? Rock on! :lol: *Mo high fives Lynny!* Ohhhhh yeah good one Lynny....Soph we're SOOOO dragging you into CatNip then...come on! :D

Hmmmm thanks for the info Mer hon...
Of course Stell was gonna be Negative, we totally knew that! But was there much other Smacked or not so much?
Mo[/b]]Not so much. As opposed to last ep where Mac was warm, this episode he was riled up from the get go and seemed to almost have put up walls around himself. Stella of course was near, but with the things he was dealing with case-wise, it was not a very ship conducive environment. However, the promo for next ep shows Mac being investigated, so perhaps he will turn to Stella for support... or more likely she will come to him and offer him her support. (go Stella!)
Mmmmm, thanks Mer hon, I sure hope that is the case next week! ;)

I really really want this ship to get together already...they SO need to be together...come on Smacked smex already...gah, nuff said...they are freaking HOT together! :devil: :lol:
Oh yeah MJ your totally trained.

Fray -- I'm so gonna get you.

Mer -- Shuddaup!

ANGST! haha. I love you for giving me angsty!smacked, angsty!Mac. I love you. now its time for the fluff, so you shall let Stella comfort him in the next episode, ok? tnx..and you all didn't see nothing. got it?
Okay just started watching the it airs! :lol: And is it just me, or is Macky letting his hair get just a bit shaggy? I mean I like it...a lot! I bet Stell loves it too...more hair to run her fingers through! :devil: Never a bad thing! :D
Uh yeah he looked/looks really hot! Him getting pissy with the bad guy...super HOT! Wow! And can I just say the club owner totally hitting on Stella...had me cracking up for the longest time...didn't even notice Flackie...totally eyeing Stel up and down...loved it! :lol: Now we jsut need some Smacked dang it...come on...*Mo stares at her banner and sighs...more of that please!* :D
MINE! Get over it.

At least they can have teh smex again :devil:...and he's probably gonna need lots of hugging and cuddling considering what's ahead. I agree, we needs our Smacked, no fair we didn't get any tonight *sniffle*
Wow...Macky's in trouble...gah...I don't think he pushed Gibson off the roof...although I gotta say I clearly wouldn't blame him if he did...icky!! :p YAY that's Stella's free! She was so cute in that scene...I gotta say I thought she'd cry...but she did good! And her "I can dream again" totally cute...yeah you can go plan those dreams with Mac! ;)
Of course Stella tested negative and OF COURSE Mac would put up walls around himself -- she doesn't have HIV/AIDS so you know that that means............ :devil: She hugged Adam (which is the NEW little boy, it ain't Danny no more, around the lab). Because if she hugged Mac, *things* happen! :devil:

ate cate *gg* i... lmao... yeah clean bits is for me cause im innocent XD omg i cracked myself up Title? How about... 'Escaping the Birds and the Bees?' LOL jk... im gonna think about it

How about "Some 'Splaining to Do"? After all, I love putting Mac on the spot. :lol:

Hahaha, I love seeing Mac: losing it (innocent thoughts, I swear!), getting all hot and bothered (with a case, not what you're probably thinking!). *Oh no, what's happenin' with me? (runs to Mo)*
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