Mac & Stella #6 = "I'm Glad You Stayed."

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^Me, too, J.F.

Hahahaha, yeah -- Stella would really have a spare key to his apartment. And gift? Hmmm.... it should be something very special for her to deliver it personally and not in the office. After all, Stella's been giving him a little preview of her 'gift' all the while.
After all, Stella's been giving him a little preview of her 'gift' all the while.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Cate lol, that is SOOO true! :devil: Stel loves to give Mac a little preview! ;) :devil:

Lol, yeah I LOVE the idea of Mac finding Stel in a big red bow! :devil: Heehee...and using the cake for something "fun" oh now that's good! YAY I so want the present to be something smutty! Dang it, it needs to a smutty present, please!! :D

*group hug* I frigging LOVE you guys! It's so smutty in here & I love that.
Ahhh honey! **Big hug back!** You're awesome J.F. lovely smutty queen! :devil: :lol:
Plus, the thought of getting hot must be such a turn on for Stella.
Oh it so is, you know it is! Those Greek woman...any hint of danger totally turns them on! ;) :devil:

Elevator smex...yummy! :devil:
Since we're on the topic, doncha think it's, uhhh.... It's kinda hard to form sentences... Dang. Ok, let me use the equation "Stella+Ribbon+WHIPPED CREAM= Love... :devil:"

Curse you gutter! *shakes fist* You have bestowed uponeth me such quiddities of gutterness!
I'm glad to hear about the stalker thing, so we get to find something more about Mac's past... I really hope that the kid was born before Claire and him and that she wasn't having an affair with someone else. I just hope that Mac wouldn't be so heartbroken.
Hugs for everybody *hugging*

But if Mac is heartbroken Stella could comfort him :rolleyes: Ok never mind you're right poor Mac he wouldn't deserve something like that. I love all the present ideas :devil: cake, ribbon, not eating, sound good to me. But imagine this, Stella arrives Mac's apartment and she finds Peyton there :(, so she can't stand it and they start arguing and then fighting, who wins? (I know you all are gonna say Stella, me too :p, but think a little a bout it, about the techniques) :devil:

Question: what episode does the name of this hread come from? *blushes* Thanks!!!!
CalleighWolfe said:

Question: what episode does the name of this hread come from? *blushes* Thanks!!!!

Season2 finale. :D

Okay, so Stella's been giving Mac previews of her 'presents' (note the S) all the while. She must've prepared for his birthday :D! CArefully orchestrated so there'll be no disturbances aka Peyton. It'll be a great bday present and an early Christmas treat for Mac! :devil:

Since we are on the smex note:
TRAPPED -- SMACked Style Chapter One
YAY i love you lot, seriously you have brightened up my day! we should have a birthday celebration in order of Mac's B-day Cake,ties and sMACked all round. :) ;)
Thanks guys :D I'll try to watch it... some day :(

Yesterday night they aired "The Fall" here. That was a Flack episode mostly (maybe a Fiesta one :() but I could see some cute looks (as always) between our favorite couple *dancing* I'm looking for some caps about it :D those could be greats SPOTW :devil:

Oh and I had the chance to watch "People with money". I love that scene when Lindsay is trying to convince Mac and Stella that the girl was the murderer :lol: 'cause they looked like Lindsay's parents warning her about doing bad things :lol:
Thanks guys I'll try to watch it... some day
You should! :D It's a good ep, and that is a very sweet Smacked moment there at the end! :D
Curse you gutter! *shakes fist* You have bestowed uponeth me such quiddities of gutterness!
Lol, wynter once you get trapped by the gutter good luck getting out! I got sucked into the gutter long ago and now I can't seem to get out of it, no matter where I go! :lol: I've accepted it and now just figure what the I embrace it and go with it! It's quite fun actually! ;) (Right J.F.?! :D )

Kissme...I'm pretty sure the kid is from before Mac was married to Claire, I think she had him when she was really young and gave him up for adoption cuz he never knew what Claire looked like (hence him thinking Stella is Claire!) so no worries there! And C.W. I was thinking more along the lines of what happens if Stella goes over to Mac's, gives him his "present" :devil: and then Peyton comes over and finds here there....what would that look like?! And would that be the end of Mac and Peyton...I like to think it would! :D
I soooo love this place...
a perfect place to express (I admit) guttery thoughts! Oh I love it!!! :devil:
thanks for reading my oneshot fic guys! and Katie I hope you become a SMacked fan too... I'd gladly help ya become one... :D

I love the idea of the gifts very :devil:creative...
I read on the spoiler somewhere that mac's wearing a tie in one of the future eppies, I dunno where i saw this and which eppy, but if he is wearing one, I think that's Stell's gift... why else would he wear a tie again if it wasn't given by the one who removed it in the first place right?
Oh Moriel that idea it's better than mine :devil: a long way better :devil: Imagine Pay-less' face :lol: P: Mac, what is going on here???, S: Hi Peyton can't you see it? Mac's with me now, M: Ladies please don't argue, I have love for both of you S: What???!!! no way you're mine, M: Yeah you're right my Greek Goddess, see you never Peyton *starts kissing Stella*, P: I'm going, you won't see me again, M&S: *keep on kissing* :devil: :eek:
Oh yeah, once gutteritis strikes you -- there is no cure. It only becomes worse .... or in fact, better!

A tie? That's it? Lol.... maybe Stella ran out of articles of clothing to remove. *wink* Peyton came so she can't remove those **other** stuff. If Stella's giving him a tie, why does she have to deliver it personally to his apartment? Ahh... maybe it's a diversion for a *better* present!
Serious: I find it weird that she's giving him a tie, I mean, she likes him without it, remember "Recycling"? she was happy 'cause he wasn't wearing it. Or maybe it's an strategic to let the world know that she can influence him :devil:
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