However, when he's with Stella he's never in a bad mood. He always a silly grin pasted on his face & he always lightens the mood with a joke. Plus, he never flinches or backs away when Stella brushes her hand against his shoulder or back. Basically Stella is his favourite person to be with. They both make each other so happy & I love it.
Perfectly said,
Jorjafan. They have natural chemistry and this physical attraction. They seem to know what the other person is thinking before they even say it. They work well together. They talk, joke, tease and laugh.
the chemistry moreso whereas with Stella it just flows SO naturally
Ain't that the truth? They seem to be
in sync with each other. Besides, sometimes when they don't get along-- they always work things out and they have a little sexual tension between them that is always interesting to watch. Remember when Stella was like "End of discussion" (Officer Blue, I think) to Mac sternly and then later, they shook hands and said, "Friends. I'm so glad that I have you Stella and without you, I wouldn't be... (forgot what he said)" But I distinctly remember when he said, "You're the strongest person, I know, Stella." (from On the Job, I think."
I just saw the respect they had for each other from those two episodes. Their friendship and the fact that they rely on each other. Plus, sometimes friends first before a relationship is good. I've had that with my nearly-one-year-boyfriend and things are going on great, since I've trusted him for so long when I was going through some stuff... and he has been there all along (just like Stella and Mac, for each other) and when we
finally got together, it was just heaven. I felt like I could be myself and it brings out the liveliness in me. Mac could have some not-Payless loving from Stella! We all see the way he looks at her, as if he wants to jump her!!
Whoa, long reply!