Mac & Stella #6 = "I'm Glad You Stayed."

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Hey guys (not including Athens and Moriel), you need to use spoiler codes when you are discussing any epiosdes that haven't aired in the US yet. Some people wish to remain spoiler free and not adding a spoiler code could cause them to read something they wouldn't. After the episodes have aired in the US, then spoiler codes aren't needed.

athens -- thanks! I try to insert more drama w/o getting OOC.

That test would work very well with these two. I mean why stop at brocolli? Hahahah.... we have olive oil and such. lol!

My bad. Hahahah... anyway, I'm interested on how Payless would react if she hears about it. And what made the boy come to the conclusion that Stella maybe is Claire.... so interesting!
Hi so could anyone tell me has Stel found about Peyton yet?just can't w8 til season 3 comes to the uk to see that scene!not b'cos i'm mean and want to see Stella upset or anything, i just need to see some Smacked tension, there wasn't nearly enough last season! :)
summer I'm sensing you like angst! :p ;) Lol!
Um as far as we've seen Stella has not found out that Mac and Payless are together, either that or she is handling it really well! (which leads me to believe she doesn't know, cuz I don't see Stella not at least saying something about it to Mac! ;) ) Really what I want to see is Stella calling Mac on it and Mac telling her at first he didn't want to tell her cuz he was afraid it would push her away, and then the thing with Frankie came up so he didn't want to tell her cuz she was dealing with that, and now he didn't want to tell her cuz it's ending and he didn't want to drag her into something, the fact that he's in love with her (Stella) and she's the reason he's ending it anyway!! :lol: That's what I want to see!

Here's hoping we get Smacked-ness tonight!! **fingers crossed!!**
Thanks Moriel,yep i can't wait for the angst when she does find out then!Stella's definately not as good at Mac at hiding her feelings!
Hope it's a good one tonight and lots of Smacked!
I think we will see her hurt and maybe Flack will but some how I think she will keep her feelings from Mac.
It's true what they say if you love someone you let them go. Don't get me wrong I don't want Stella to give up, Smacked all the way, but I can see Stella taking a step back and leting Mac get on with his life.
However with any luck what ever way she reacts it will make Mac relise he is with the wrong woman. :)
However with any luck what ever way she reacts it will make Mac relise he is with the wrong woman.
That is SOOO what I'm hoping gems! :D

Any Smacked goodness in our eppy tonight y'all? I've still got 35 minutes left to go! :lol:
I was happy with the quality of SMACked moments tonight. Although they didn't have any intimate moments I loved the scene where Stella impressed Mac with her knowledge of Greek mythlogy but I'm sure Mac kind've knew that before :lol:. They did stand pretty close when going over the evidence but still, I'm happy they worked together. Plus, Mac didn't metion Payless at all :D. Hopefully they'll be together again next week.
Ooooh, it would be so juicy for a plot if Stella doesn't know about Payless and Mac. Even better if she indeed knows and does a good job hiding it.
Ooooh, it would be so juicy for a plot if Stella doesn't know about Payless and Mac. Even better if she indeed knows and does a good job hiding it.
Lol, Cate you're too cute! That's what I think they're gonna have happen...that Stel doesn't know and then finds out and calls Mac on it (as far as not telling her)! What I'm curious to see is how she'll react...cuz I'm guessing she's gonna be jealous (of course she is, someone else is with her man dang it!) but I want to see if she is obvious with her jealousy or tries to hide it! :D

I think they do work a case together next week J.F., not sure but I think so. And yeah they do stand nice and close to each other often, don't they! Lol, they just can't resist eachother!! :devil:
C.W. hey hon! :D
We got Smacked last night, they worked together on the case the most I'd say...which meant we got lots of standing extra close to eachother, lots of looking at eachother, several walking conversations (walking down the hall together, to the crime scene, etc.) There weren't any clear "Awwwww" Smacked moments that I recall, but there was alot of them just working together, which is always nice to see! :D
Here's a few pics for ya! (the two Smacked pics in my avie are from last night too! :D )
Have I told you lately...
Just how hot...

I think...
you really are?!!
Plus, Mac didn't metion Payless at all

Where the heck is she, really?

Ooh pictures. Must. Resist. Capping.Them.

What boy??? What's he do, call Stel Claire or something?
Where the heck is she, really?
Lynn Hi! :D Um yeah Peyton's been pretty absent...can't say I mind currently since we've got lots of Smacked lately but it does make ya wonder!

Ooh pictures. Must. Resist. Capping.Them.
Oh yay! Do cap them please, pretty please!!

Okay so what I've heard, is that apparently Claire had a son before she married Mac and then lost touch with him when he was a baby I think, and then the boy finally comes looking for Claire not knowing she's dead...he tracks down Mac's house since apparently he knew Mac was married to his mom and the boy sees Stella come out of the house (she was there giving Mac a birthday present apparently!) and the boy assumes Stella is Claire...and then later Mac clarify's it for him I guess.
Lynn Hi! Um yeah Peyton's been pretty absent...can't say I mind currently since we've got lots of Smacked lately but it does make ya wonder!

Hi Mo :D ... I think Stel whacked her and hide the body, or was that J?

Oh yay! Do cap them please, pretty please!!

You asked for it really.

"Have I told you lately"

Mac: Stel, what did I tell you about leaving the olive oil out for everyone to see it?
Stella: Danny did it!
Mac: Right, blame "Thumpy G"

((Mo's probably the only one thats gonna get that))

"Just How Hot"

Mac: I thought Flack had more of a head.
Stella: I did too. If I lose my head, don't wrap me in this shirt.

((LMAO, Blame the picture!!))

"I Think"

Stella: We were just looking at the file. *looks at Mac* Right Mac?
Mac: Oh right, File, yes, File. Looking at the file.
Hawkes: Riight. That's why he's hand is still in your pants.

"You Really Are"

Mac: What? I didn't do it this time.
Stella: Right, Sure it wasn't.
Mac: I didn't scream out Lynn.
Stella: Yes you did.

((Yeah, thats something for me and not yall hahaha.. Heres one for J))

Mac: Did you see me have a scene with Peyton?
Stella: No, because i killed her.
Mac: I thought J did it.
Stella: No, Mo said it was me.
Mac: No it was J.
Stella: Damnit, you got me all pissed again! I wanted to kill her.
Mac: Fine you killed her.

Thanks for that. Thats gonna be a very interesting ep, really.
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