Mac & Stella #6 = "I'm Glad You Stayed."

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Lynn!! :lol: :lol: You are awesome my friend! Seriously you so totally rock!! :D
I think Stel whacked her and hide the body, or was that J?
I think it was both of them working together! ;)
You asked for it really.
**claps gleefully!** I so did, YAY! I love them, those are hysterical! :lol:
Mac: Right, blame "Thumpy G"
((Mo's probably the only one thats gonna get that))
Rock on! Yay for Thumpy G! :lol: **high-fives Lynn!**
Hawkes: Riight. That's why he's hand is still in your pants.
Yeah baby! :devil: Smacked is having a party! :devil:

Yeah that one's gonna be a good ep Lynn! :D
Lynn!! You are awesome my friend! Seriously you so totally rock!!

*bows* Thank you, thank you :D .. wait, what did I do?

I think it was both of them working together!

Yeah, them Greeks are evil together.

**claps gleefully!** I so did, YAY! I love them, those are hysterical!

Thankie :D

Rock on! Yay for Thumpy G! **high-fives Lynn!**

*high fives back* I just had to.

Yeah baby! Smacked is having a party!

Yeah, i told them to keep it down. they never listen.

Yeah that one's gonna be a good ep Lynn!

Sounds like it. Thanks for the 411 :D
:lol: You guys are crazy. As for last night's episode I totally went "oh snap" when Mac was like, "Why are you doing research? You're Greek." & then Stella acts all surprised while saying, "Us Greeks have to brush up on our mythlogy too." or whatever while making this priceless expression. I love that Mac isn't afraid to tease Stella or that Stella isn't afraid of being straight up with Mac :lol:. He looked surprised ahaha but it was kinda hot.
I think so too.

Nice the last one. Like he's thinking "I gotta get her in the closet and out of that dress and soon!" lol

Apparently the boy's sticking around a few eps...should be interesting to see where it goes.
*bows* Thank you, thank you .. wait, what did I do?
Does it really even matter? ;) Heehee! :lol:
Yeah, them Greeks are evil together.
Ain't that the truth! Those two doing anything together could dangerous...very quickly! :lol:
Yeah, i told them to keep it down. they never listen.
Yeah they never do listen do they...they just like making each other scream too much... :devil: (and by that I mean "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream...type scream" **Mo clairifies quickly as she ducks the meter! :devil:** )
You guys are crazy.
We so are, and we love it don't we Lynn! :lol:
"Why are you doing research? You're Greek." & then Stella acts all surprised while saying, "Us Greeks have to brush up on our mythlogy too." or whatever while making this priceless expression. I love that Mac isn't afraid to tease Stella or that Stella isn't afraid of being straight up with Mac . He looked surprised ahaha but it was kinda hot.
Lol, yeah J.F. I loved that scene too! I was definitely kinda hot! ;)
Like he's thinking "I gotta get her in the closet and out of that dress and soon!" lol
Mel that is exactly what he's thinking! I LOVE it! :devil:
:lol: Not all Greeks are evil. *shifty eyes* Anyway, I feel like I have to post the cap of Stella catching Mac off guard:

Total Ownage

Stella's secretly thinking, "Oh, I so got him!" while Mac looks all awkward. However, we all know that Stella gets turned on whenever Mac gets all embarrassed because of something that she's done :devil:.
Oh, I so love that scene as well. Can't tell you how many times I re-watched it. Heh.

Very funny coz Mac had a Neo moment with his 'whoa, whoa' :lol:
J.F. That's a fabulous cap! I love it! And Mac is so TOTALLY checking out Stella's girls in that pic...TOTALLY! :devil:
Not all Greeks are evil. *shifty eyes*
Uh-huh...I'm SOO convinced by that hon! ;) :lol:
we all know that Stella gets turned on whenever Mac gets all embarrassed because of something that she's done
She so does! I think she purposefully does things that will embarrass him just cuz she finds it so hot! :devil: Can't say I blame her, there's just something so....yummy about flustered hot boys! Mmmhmmm! :devil:
:lol: I'm surprised he didn't say "orea vizia" to her and those who have seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding know what I'm talking about :devil:. You would think by now that Mac knows exactly where Stella's eyes are :lol:. She is very pretty so I don't blame him heh.
just how hot pic -- is that Flack in the background? lol...

I feel such a loser for not being able to watch the episodes yet *sniff*. All I can do now is to deliver the next installment of my fic. Hope you're enjoying it.

Payless would be in this season for four episodes only right? Hmmm, where could she be? Hahahaha....
Hi again.

Great pics Mo. *Thumbs up*

I wanna watch the boy episode too. I'll have to wait... 2 years :(

So Peyton, dissapeared?? *dancing*... *stops dancing*. Wait that could be bad, 'cause maybe she appears later with a surprise like: "tomorrow's the wedding" Noooooooooo.
haha Tomorrow's the wedding, talk about a girl fight.

Me: Stella you have 15 mins to tell Mac you love him. if you go more then the time, you're disqualified. and then J will be next and so on and so on. Where, I will win of course. :D Oh right, on with the show!

Not all Greeks are evil. *shifty eyes*

Sure, J. You keep telling yourself that, maybe one day you'll believe it.

Nice update on the fic, Cate!

Payless would be in this season for four episodes only right? Hmmm, where could she be? Hahahaha....

J hide her, I believe.... Haven't seen Angell either.

Yeah they never do listen do they...they just like making each other scream too much... (and by that I mean "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream...type scream" **Mo clairifies quickly as she ducks the meter! ** )

LMAO, Nice save there from the meter, there, Mo! But I agree. ;)

We so are, and we love it don't we Lynn

Yup, that we do. :D

Stella's secretly thinking, "Oh, I so got him!" while Mac looks all awkward. However, we all know that Stella gets turned on whenever Mac gets all embarrassed because of something that she's done

hehe, she likes it. We all know he likes it too. :devil:

She so does! I think she purposefully does things that will embarrass him just cuz she finds it so hot!

haha. I believe that one.

I'm surprised he didn't say "orea vizia" to her and those who have seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding know what I'm talking about

I didn't see it :(
I'm surprised he didn't say "orea vizia" to her and those who have seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding know what I'm talking about
Mmmmm, I saw it a looooooonnng time ago...but knowing you J.F. I'm guessing it's guttery! :devil:
So Peyton, dissapeared?? *dancing*... *stops dancing*. Wait that could be bad, 'cause maybe she appears later with a surprise like: "tomorrow's the wedding" Noooooooooo.
Lol, nah I don't think they're gonna do that to us C.W.! **Mo shakes her fist at the PTB, we discussed this remember, you give us what we want and no one gets hurt!**
Me: Stella you have 15 mins to tell Mac you love him. if you go more then the time, you're disqualified. and then J will be next and so on and so on. Where, I will win of course. Oh right, on with the show!
Lol, Lynn! **hugs her Mac obsessed pal!** You win as long as you can outrun Stel! ;)
LMAO, Nice save there from the meter, there, Mo! But I agree.
**Mo bows!** Thank you, thank you! Yeah I'm getting quite good at barely ducking that meter, it's hard with these two, they just make me go there so often! :devil:
you guys are funny lol but, mac marrying peyton uh ah no way mac + stella = marriage = my happiness :)

btw i have to wait till next year i think april to see season 3 to see them working together but i still have my season 1

also ive updated my LJ and have some smacked stuff on it lol My LJ
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