Lynn!! :lol: :lol: You are awesome my friend! Seriously you so totally rock!!
Yeah that one's gonna be a good ep Lynn!
I think it was both of them working together!I think Stel whacked her and hide the body, or was that J?
**claps gleefully!** I so did, YAY! I love them, those are hysterical! :lol:You asked for it really.
Rock on! Yay for Thumpy G! :lol: **high-fives Lynn!**Mac: Right, blame "Thumpy G"
((Mo's probably the only one thats gonna get that))
Yeah baby! :devil: Smacked is having a party! :devil:Hawkes: Riight. That's why he's hand is still in your pants.
Yeah that one's gonna be a good ep Lynn!