Mac & Stella #6 = "I'm Glad You Stayed."

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deffinately, well hopefully, i didnt make my banner cinegirl did. hopefully more of the fabulous moments did someone say that peyton was leaving in the 4th ep maybe there's alot of Smacked moments and peyton sees them and notices the love they have and she leaves :D
aww Moriel, I love that one! I hope it turns out that way. Then we see mad passionate kissing followed by :devil:

btw friended you, msgirl. I'm buffyangellvr23.
did someone say that peyton was leaving in the 4th ep maybe there's alot of Smacked moments and peyton sees them and notices the love they have and she leaves
Yeah I'm pretty sure the 4th ep was where she's supposed to least that was the last thing I heard. So yeah ms that's entirely possible!

Mel you changed your name! I like it, it's quite appropriate! ;) And yeah wouldn't it be totally sweet if it happened that way! I'd love it! :D
Right I havn't been drinking or working to hard but i came in here and saw what Moriel had wrote and thought it was a real spolier. Got myself all excited just to feel really dump when i finally worked it out. :(
ok ive accepted i would love to seem some smacked kissing if there was i would be screaming and jumping around the place anyway i would love to see some smacked stuff :devil:
Right I havn't been drinking or working to hard but i came in here and saw what Moriel had wrote and thought it was a real spolier. Got myself all excited just to feel really dump when i finally worked it out.
Awwww gems I'm so sorry hon! I WISH that were an actual spoiler! But sadly it's just what I wish would happen..I should have been more clear about that...sorry to get you so excited! :p My bad!

Lol, ms um yeah...Smacked kissing...I'd be jumping and squeeing all over the place! That'd be fabulous! :lol:
No it was by bad, i was watching lotto hoping i didn't have to go to work tomorow, never mind.
Smacked kisssing now that would really would make my day, i'd be more than excited!! ;)
Well, yeah, I could totally see a scenario where Stella gets in trouble and Mac goes to all heights to save her. Peyton hears about it and finally realizes how important Stella is to Mac. I think it'll be a better effect if Peyton is the one who sacrifices and goes.

Short update:
I agree gems Smacked kissing would be pretty fabulous! :D
And yeah Cate more and more I'm liking this "Peyton sees/realizes how much Mac and Stella mean to eachother and so decides to bow out so they can be together!" I think it'd be a way for her to leave with her dignity intact yet it still ensures Smacked gets together like we want them to! :D I likes it! :lol:
I mean, we can't forever "don't like" (I use that because we don't exactly hate her, do we?) Payless. She could be a great character after all, not just an antagonist in the SMACked fairytale.
yeah i understand i cant really say anything about payless i havent seen any eps of season 3 so i just like the idea of not liking her but something good and smacked might come out of all of this :)
I like her character, and as long as she's helping Mac do his dating thing, I won't kill her or anything. *nods*

Melly changed her name so she can try and steal Macky behind my back!

A Smacked Kissing would make a great episode. Make me shipper heart... happy.
yeah i understand i cant really say anything about payless i havent seen any eps of season 3 so i just like the idea of not liking her but something good and smacked might come out of all of this
Lol, ms you're cute! And yeah I think something good will come of this...Smacked is NY's original ship having been there since the show began so I'm pretty sure TPTB will get them Peyton being in has to in some way help that! :D

Lynn you crack me up hon! (In a good way! ;) ) And Mel nice name change in case I haven't said so, but be warned...our Lynn is currently a total Mac! y'alls fighting over Mac could get pretty fun! :lol:

I want Smacked kissing! YAY, sounds good to me!! :D
Yeah, SMACked is the original NY ship and I have to say, the most natural. It is so effortless that I believe that even the writers are surprised at how successful it is.
yeah i was talking about it to one of my friends and they said it might ruin it and i was like yeh what ever me and one of my friends are going as mac and stella for holloween im glad smacked is the orignal NY ship they are the cutest lol :) :D
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