Mac/Lindsay--All Dressed Up and Ready to Dance

I would have liked a little bit more interaction this episode. They just seemed like they didn't know what to do with Lindsay. But I'm surprised they didn't have more in the beginning because of the case they did with the guy missing his head on the park bench. Would have been funny to reference that some how between them. ;)

Let us know when your finished with your fic.
Yeah it was a group episode instead of working pairs. It would have been nice to see Mac and Lindsay featured as a working pair, but it was good they still showed them.
I like how they light up the screen together, and Mac who is usually a staid person automatically brightens up in Lindsay's presence.
Humph. I wish I didn't have to wait to next year to see the new episodes. I'll just have to content myself with the shippyness in tonights repeat.

Protective Mac would be so good to see, especially if Lindsey tells him her secret. Can't wait to see it!
Thanks for the cap, CSI_Watcher. Ahh, they're cute and oh so fitting together. I'm more than ready for Lindsay's secret to be revealed and how it affects the friendship and camaderie between her and Mac.
Was it just me or did Mac take a more than a beat to look at Lindsay when she & Hawkes first arrived at the scene at the party?

That (relatively) long pause was rather...eyebrow-raising (in a good way!) :D
What struck me about "Hung Out to Dry" was the look Mac had when Lindsay entered the room. There was definite (worry? concern? angst?) something there. Whatever it was, protective!Mac emerged. Sort of like hero!Mac, but on a smaller scale.
All things Mac is hot, poet! You can't do that to me. Dangit. You know I'm gonna look, thats just mean. You know I can't resist Mac.

Hero!Mac. aww.
screamingpoet said:
What struck me about "Hung Out to Dry" was the look Mac had when Lindsay entered the room. There was definite (worry? concern? angst?) something there. Whatever it was, protective!Mac emerged. Sort of like hero!Mac, but on a smaller scale.

Exactly so. That was the scene I was talking about. I know I watched it several times ;)

Thanks for the cap!
Holy! The way Mac looks at Lindsay is primal and feral. He automatically gets that heated glaze in Lindsay's presence. Its like he is calling out to her and wants to bring her to him and surround her in his embrace. sighs.........
He has always seem very protective of Lindsay. Just another sign of how much he cares for her and her well being. ;)

So no ranma, apparently its not just you. Looking at Screaming pic says YES.
Ok I'm a Linds/Danny shipper as well but heck she has such good chemistry with both guys I will happily admit to being a Mac/Linds shipper too.

I love the way Mac is so protective of her in ways he just isn't with anyone else. Now if only I could remember the name of this episode... its the one where the poster guy gets killed by the band and their manager, I like how she found out about Mac's little secret, took the time to get to know a little something about Mac. So sweet.
Thats the one, in my old age I forget these things.

Yeah I love this episode, sure it has Linds/Danny but it has some sweet scenes with Linds/Mac, especially when he comes in and drops the hint about the bass. It's those smaller scenes that really bring out the whole vibe.