Mac/Lindsay--All Dressed Up and Ready to Dance

I guess I would say that this pairing would be my guilty pleasure, since Lindsay/Anna and I are so close in age and well...Mac/Gary aren't... [blushes and runs away]
Hey guys,

Just a reminder that posts in shipper threads MUST contain at least three lines of on topic discussion (your ship-Mac/Lindsay). I am not seeing that.

I can wait for the new season to start, because it means new cases and more Melty. I really hope that Mac and Lindsay get to work a case together. I just love hows Lindsay uses Mac as her 'Human Guiea Pig!" lol:lol:
Ok we aren't doing to bad if one the first episodes we get a little MeLTy. I just hope that isn't all we are given. More TPTB please!
Ok we aren't doing to bad if one the first episodes we get a little MeLTy. I just hope that isn't all we are given. More TPTB please!

Well TPTB must have been listening to me. Thank you! Mac calls Lindsay in on her day off to the hospital where Sid is & sort of puts his hand on her lower back. Plus they caringly talk about Sid's condition.
Why hasnt there been any activity in this thread, its been
so long someone ever posted here, Now that D/L are together, did the spark between M/L die?
If Danny came home from work to find Lindsay/Mac. You think he would retaliate with someone on the team, someone hotter than Lindsay to make her jealous, or not retaliate at all?
Why hasnt there been any activity in this thread, its been
so long someone ever posted here, Now that D/L are together, did the spark between M/L die?
The spark doesn't die just the time they actually have on the screen does. So you have to read between the lines a little more. Or just imagine the way you want it to go. Reading Fanfic always helps with that.
I was watching Risk a few days ago, and besides the first scene, the one where they are in the lab with adam explaining about the sharks just gave us more reason to believe there was def smething cooking