Mac/Lindsay--All Dressed Up and Ready to Dance

No Ranma, I like your thinking. I would think in that type of line of work emotional and mental states would be very important. And that Mac would be the type to go beyond just a personnel file someone gave him. He would really want to make sure they could do the job.

I also gave the feeling from Manhattan Manhunt that he knew her secret. But she just didn't know that he knew. I guess thinking how could he have find out. But there are ways. Especially when its Mac. ;) And it was Danny that said something about Mac saying it was too bloody for her.
I remeber she said something about she's seen
blood and lots of it. That was like the only
clue last season to her secret. So Mac seems
somewhat protective of her.
Yeah, i remember her saying that too, that she's seen alot of blood.

Aww, he's protective. It's so cute.
Protective but knows not to bring it up to her until she tells him herself. He knows that she has to do it in her own time. He can't push her into anything. ;)
Mac shows protective concern towards Lindsay, but also knows she has the guts to go for the grind. He wouldn't offend her abilities. For instance when Lindsay was reeling over the case in one episode, Mac comforted her and told her not to give up.
Oh yes i remember, Stealing Home, i hope to see more
of that this season. He was there when she neded someone :D I was hoping something like that on wenesday episode.
I was too, I figured he would've done something but he was busy on his own case, which almost made me add another ship to my list, Feen for once, I blame myself and not you. :)
I've always maintained that Lindsay's secret is something along the lines of a Crossing Jordan-ish thing. As in, maybe her mother was murdered, Lindsay discovered the body, and the case was never solved. I mean, I love where the character's attitude stems from their sense of justice (which, in turn, stems from unresolved conflict in their past.)

If Mac does know about Lindsay's secret, she doesn't know that he knows. Lindsay strikes me as the type of person who likes her skeletons in the closet, thanks. And Mac, well... being Mac, would of course not tell her. He'd be protective and he'd watch out for her, but he'd never tell her. He cares too much.
SP I like your idea for some of Lindsay's past issues. Never really watched Crossing Jordan. I think I may have seen it a couple of times. Did that have the guy from sliders in it?

So has anyone hear anything out tonight episode in the way of Mac & Lindsay? ;) When Mac tells Lindsay that he has known about her past I wonder what the reaction will be from her?
Jerry O'Connell? Yeah. He plays Det. Woody Hoyt. Woody stands for Woodrow (his mom had a thing for presidents.) The show itself is intriguing, and focuses more on the coroners instead of anything else. Although the show is basically CSI, because the coroners do investigating and Jordan takes it upon herself to do experiments and question people with the detective. She's really hands-on.

I'm not sure what episode Lindsay's secret comes up in. I know the case involves a mother and her children, and Lindsay recuses herself from the case for personal reasons. I think it's when she goes to tell Mac why she recused herself that he tells her that he already knows her secret.

As for what Lindsay's reaction will be... Hm. I can see her at first being just a little in shock, then asking Mac why he didn't let her know that he knew. Then, if he told any of the other CSIs/coroner. Because he is sleeping with Peyton. Or if he told Flack.
When Mac tells Lindsay that he has known about her past I wonder what the reaction will be from her?

She would probably be on guard at first that someone has collection into her past, since she tends to be a private person with regards to personal matters that affect her emotionally. I hope this brings her and Mac closer though, since they both would have had demons to survive.
[/QUOTE]bklynCSIfanatic said:
I hope this brings her and Mac closer though, since they both would have had demons to survive.

Maybe that's why Mac is surprised by how she does her job. And why he likes showing and having her do things in the beginning with her. And I think he enjoys when she comes to him and shows him something. Even though he acts sometimes 'like what the hell?' He ends up enjoying it. ;)
I wonder if they plan on having Lindsay cross paths with the person directly from her troubled past, where it brings a confrontation with that person and Lindsay.
bklyn that would be a great idea. And of course Mac would be there to protect her and comfort her. I wouldn't mind seeing how she would deal with that.
That would call out Mac in protective mode, which is his main characteristic. I was glad to see them interact last night. I like the charismatic energy Mac and Lindsay bring out in each other when they put their heads together in assessing the case. They would be a charming pair for sure.

I have in mind to write a Mac/Lindsay Fanfic in my Livejournal, when I have the ideas down.