Mac/Lindsay--All Dressed Up and Ready to Dance

Yeah rewatching it. You can see everytime she is looking over the evidence from the building he is taken with her. And I thought it cute that he kept thinking she was going somewhere with her curse talk but she surprised him and he kept coming back for more. ;)
Hey all! A certified MeLty shipper here... I've been having lots of fun reading this thread :)

I completely agree with you bklynCSIfanatic I loved the 'What do they feed you up there in Montana?' comment. I definitely saw some sparks flying around...
I'm sort of on the fence with this ship. I think they're really cute together, but I don't really want it to end up like GSR. That would be really lame and it's sort of a recycled idea. At first, when I was discussing Mac/Lindsay with my friend Kelsey, I was thinking that what Lindsay feels for Mac might just be a hero-worshipping thing. But you know, I think Lindsay would be good for Mac, and that she could heal him a little bit.
I'm sort of on the fence with this one two. Don't get me wrong, they have great chemistry together when they're doing cases, or work related stuff. And if they were to be a couple, I would be alright with it. So I'm boarder line, it obviously caught my attention though... :)
This one just hit me, the "OK, this is the one!" kind of 'revelations'. I just really love the way they are together.

Hey Adams_girl! It's you! I didn't make the connection until now! All I can say is thank you for reading and I'm glad you like it! :)
Lately I've been shipping Mac/Stella because I watched "What You See Is What You See" and the Scary Oatmeal Lady, well... she scared me so much that I can't see Mac dating anyone else but Stella. They have such good chemistry, and it's obvious that Stella can get away with stuff the other CSI's can't because they know each other so well.

But on the other hand, Mac and Lindsay have good chemistry too. They work well together, and I'm certain if they were together outside of work they'd get along fine. Plus they're just adorable. So, if they became a couple, I wouldn't object. I remember writing a fic for the pairing a while ago. It was good, if I do say so myself.
You just did but that's ok. screamingpoet you should rewatch season 2 especially the beginning where it was almostly Mac & Lindsay. You can see that Mac becomes light heart and almost playful with Lindsay. He doesn't do that with stella.
I remember absolutely loving the scene with the bow & arrow, and the scene with the guitar. He came to help Lindsay out and I was all, *loves* because that was when I first started thinking of Mac and Lindsay as a couple.
I don't even know when I thought of them together. I guess I was trying to to compare it to GSR. The whole older man much younger woman. But talking to the rest of the people here they made me think otherwise.
I don't even know how old Mac is.

I mean, I've tried to compare it to GSR, I think I mentioned that before on here, but I just think that Mac and Lindsay are totally different. The age difference is totally different, for one. Also, I don't think Mac would push Lindsay away the way Grissom pushed Sara away -- if Mac did deny Lindsay, it would be more because he thought she deserved better than anything else. Besides, their chemistry is great.
I would hope that Mac would never think that about anyone he was with. I just wonder what would it take for him to say something to her? either just a I feel something or a I feel something for you? Does that make sure?

Age difference is still a age difference. I guess for me its the way they are doing it that makes it more truth than the way LV was doing it.
I've tried my best not to compare this to LV, but if I do I'm glad it's not exactly the same thing as it was with Grissom and Sara. I know what you mean screamingpoet, but I sincerely hope Mac wouldn't push her away. Somehow I think he wouldn't. But if the writer's were to ever actually write it, then who knows! I always start doubting everything when I start thinking about these things... It's two diffrent things - what the character would in our opinion do and what the writers would make him do. Sometimes they do coincide but, still.