Mac/Lindsay--All Dressed Up and Ready to Dance

I'm going to try a topic here and ask a question. What would you like to see in Season 3? What kind of cases do you think they should work next?
^^ oh ya baby! bring on the fluff!!! :lol:

i agree, i want to see either

1.) Lindsay gets hurt(my first choice)
2.) Lindsay gets really involved in a case(second choice)

i was just thinking, its weird that we want the caharacters we love the most to get hurt, it just makes me laugh because we are willing to put them through pain, so whoever we want them to get with will step in the save the day, ok sorry that was really off topic, but i couldnt help it because i realised that i really want lindsay to get hurt, but i love her, cracks me up... ;)
Thanks for all the answers about Melty :) (it was me who typed Mac&Roe, sorry, though I think the name is cute, too)

Yeah, sometimes pain does bring out all the best (or worst) people. It would be interesting to see how they play against each other if either one gets into some serious trouble.
That and when someone gets hurt on Tv it usually results in someone shares feelings they normally wouldn't. Life sometimes is like that too.
True true true.

Just think of the jucy fan fic material that will provide.


I really have to stop drooling on my keyboard! Ew its all wet now. Yes anyway.

Thats what Mac does though. He saves the day! Hero Mac-Man!
CSI_Grissom said:
^^ oh ya baby! bring on the fluff!!! :lol:

i agree, i want to see either

1.) Lindsay gets hurt(my first choice)
2.) Lindsay gets really involved in a case(second choice)

i was just thinking, its weird that we want the caharacters we love the most to get hurt, it just makes me laugh because we are willing to put them through pain, so whoever we want them to get with will step in the save the day, ok sorry that was really off topic, but i couldnt help it because i realised that i really want lindsay to get hurt, but i love her, cracks me up... ;)

Yes though crazy, we are romantics at heart and do anything for the hurt one to be rescued and the life threatening circumstances, bringing out the feelings and love between two people.
Sammie said:
Hell yeha

Its the fairy tail thing aint it.

Lindsays hurt and in trouble and Mac saves her.

hey, whats wrong with fairy tales, they always have happy endings... JK :lol:

has mac hugged lindsay yet? i just need to know, knowing him, probably not, but i missed the beginning of this last season, so i dont know all that has happened between them

we need to make a list of cutest moments ever between them, and rank them, i sumbit the arrow thing, i think it should be pretty high on the list, what do you guys think?
I think Danny is the only one Mac has hugged this season.

Another cute moment was when they were standing next to each other with Adam explaining something (augh, can't remember the ep title). I like their blocking :D
I think the cutest moment was in "Trapped". When Lindsay and Mac have to process the pool of lube anbd Lindsay's like "Well tell me what you find." and Mac gives her this sideways smile and she's like "Right..I'll go get my boots."


It's sooooooooo cute! :D

or the one from "Bad beat" where she guess's why he's there to talk to her and he gets this look on his face.


OR! in "Corporate Warriors" and Mac is showing off the sword.


yeah ok there are ALOT of them. :D
Rewatched Zoo York and that's when Lindsay started. I like how he let her help him test the tool marks. Or when she knocked down the suspect and he said 'what do they feed you in Montana?'. Something like that.

ps and yes we should some up with moments and vote on them.
As long as you were watching season 2 by episode 3 you didn't miss any Mac/Lindsay moments. ;)
Hi you guys!
I guess I have to blame you for spending the whole morning reading on M/L... but I loved all your comments, especially considering that now I know my mother and I aren't the only ones thinking about it.
It's the first time I post something like this and I just wanted to thank you.
BTW, I'm from Spain, and we're a little bit behind... last week the episode aired was "Fare Game", but I don't mind spoilers at all... I guess when I started reading you I just hoped that somebody'd have written "I/WE KNEW IT!!".
Oh, well... we'll have to wait till next season.
Welcome to the ship imbv! Hope you come back and talk about the episodes you see. Would be nice to have someone have a freah look at what we already see. Remember there is always Fanfic to help. ;)