Mac/Lindsay--All Dressed Up and Ready to Dance

hi I'm new here and I'm a New Mac/Lindsay Shipper i have question i can't find the fanfiction ya'll were talking about called Frozen Fires if anybody can help me i'd really Appreciate it thanks
bklynCSIfanatic said:
Hey have you read and reviewed Frozen Fires? That is a bang up story. You can find it back on Page 2, near the end of the list. This is another C2. :D

I really like that story, I do hope the author turns it into a MeLty story, but even if that doesn't happenI think it has great potential. Just hope the author doesn't get writers block like certain other people *coughadamsgirlcough*

right now "Frozen Fires" (which I can't seem to find using's crappy search engine) is #114, it's by Twisted Sorrow. No new updates :(
I'll second that. Though at this point 7 isn't bad, considering it's a fairly new pairing, and goes against not one, but TWO of the most popular pairing in NY (SMaCked and D/L)

Adams_girl, are you going to write a sequel to your fic on Please say yes :)
I have to say I ship characters. On CSI:NY its Lindsay so anyone that makes her happy is good enough for me. So I don't have a problem with SMaCked or D/L or any other ship. It actually helps me see why certain charcters are better or worst for her. Happy Shipping People! ;)
Luveykat said:

Adams_girl, are you going to write a sequel to your fic on Please say yes :)

you can expect Whole agian to be updated by the weekend. (and that's it fo this fic, because One shots are my thing!) :p
Yeah, I would, but I reeeaaally suck at writing. I love words and everything, but I've never been able to write worth anything.

Thank you Adams_girl, I love your writing :D
in the season finale when mac asked lindsay if she was alright did he say lizzie if so is that short for lindsay because i thought it was short for elizbath? had he ever called her that before :)
and does anybody know is there anything else out there for a new mac/lindsay shipper cause i'm having a hard time finding stuff please help :)