Mac/Lindsay--All Dressed Up and Ready to Dance

JDonne that is a interesting take you have on that episode. I did find it odd that Lindsay kept on wanting to contact Mac even though you would think that maybe he was busy with Stella and not have time for her.
I vote for this ship too, I noticed that in season 2 SM don't have this chemistry anymore.
^I just found it odd that Lindsay was so intent on interrupting Mac, especially since he was trying to unearth what happened to Stella, his long time friend. Since, Stella and Lindsay really haven't bonded or even shared a significant amount of scenes, it makes more sense to me that her concern was for how Mac was holding up during the investigation. That isn't to say Lindsay wasn't concerned about Stella, because I'm sure she was, but in light of Danny's relative calm I just feel there was something more to it, something that was driving her concern, so it could gave been Mac. Knowing that Mac took a long time to open back up to the world in general after the death of his wife, something like this could cause a setback and their blooming relationship.

Lyn said:
JDonne - you're a star. And a really good writer. Much love.

Thank you! :D Much love to you. :D

Thank you to everyone who read and liked the story, sorry it took so long. I actually wrote, the final chapter before I wrote chapter 4.

Mac/Lindsay scene at the end of the ep was great. :D Mac told her htat the ones that got away sometimes make him loose sleep. (bet she already knew that)
Glad to see Lindsay got a few minutes with Mac. I mean he had his own case and could have waited to check up on her. But it was like Danny had just told him. And naturally needed to check in with his girl. Who you guys think she has a tragic past that only Mac knows about? I still torn on whether she has some bad stuff in her past or not.
I was surprised to see the big emotional scene in the episode was between Mac and Lindsay! Very nice. Mac went to her before going back to work on the Pratt case. I wonder what he would think of her going back to talk to the killer in jail?
Adams_girl said:
Mac/Lindsay scene at the end of the ep was great. :D Mac told her htat the ones that got away sometimes make him loose sleep. (bet she already knew that)

Noticed how Mac gazed at her longingly before he went over to her? And then he was sitting freely poised beside her as they confided in each other. He is surely drawn to her, as she is to him.
The talk was great because he didn't talk down to her. Even though she couldn't let it go. And Mac said you can't always but you have to try. Then went back to working on the pratt case. Making him feel better about still working on the Pratt case. And I hope in the next episode we see how Lindsay helps her fellow CSI's get though having one of their own die.
Hi, I'm new here to the board.
I've always like CSI, but I'd never watched NY until this season. I pretty much watched Lindsay's first episode and was completely hooked by her character. She's such an awesome country girl! (being somewhat of a country girl myself I really admire her guts to move to NY like that)

I really think that she has some dark (probably bloody, based on her comment to Danny in "Manhatten Manhunt") secret in her past. I think that's why she was so upset when Stella got attacked. That's how I took her "I mean I know how it happens..." comment.

I used to ship D/L, but now I'm really hooked on MeLty (specifically the Mac part of that equation...), even though it looks like the writers are moving in the D/L direction. :(
Luveykat said:
Hi, I'm new here to the board.
I've always like CSI, but I'd never watched NY until this season. I pretty much watched Lindsay's first episode and was completely hooked by her character. She's such an awesome country girl! (being somewhat of a country girl myself I really admire her guts to move to NY like that)

I really think that she has some dark (probably bloody, based on her comment to Danny in "Manhatten Manhunt") secret in her past. I think that's why she was so upset when Stella got attacked. That's how I took her "I mean I know how it happens..." comment.

I used to ship D/L, but now I'm really hooked on MeLty (specifically the Mac part of that equation...), even though it looks like the writers are moving in the D/L direction. :(

Hi Luveykat. D/L are okay, but I'm more into Mac/Lindsay. D/L have that brother and sister annoying ribbing and teasing vibe down. There is more below the surface there with M/L, and evidently the writers are beginning to realize that, since they have them getting to the heart of each other and to what makes them who they are.
Yes bklynCSIfanatic I completely agree, when Syd said about Danny having crush on her, she has WTF look on the face, she was uncomfortable. I really like that scene when Mac talked to her, but I'm afraid Lindsay could have trouble in the future not with attachment to victims but with some more important, I just don't know how to say, but that scene in prison troubled me.
Thanks for the warm welcome :D
I've gone back and watched a lot of the "D/L" scenes and I completely agree. The scene where Danny say that her knowing about football is dangerous because he might ask her to marry him, she has that same WTF look on her face, followed by a "not in a million years buster" look. The writers have shown from the very beginning that he likes her, but I don't get any vibes that she feels the same. I personally wouldn't be attracted to him because he seems so immature in the relationships he's talked about with the other characters. Mac is so much more mature and steady (not to mention hot :))
Hey all. Can I just ask that you try to steer away from the Danny/Lindsay talk and, instead, focus on the Mac/Lindsay love while you're in here? It makes for a lot more fun (and peace) in shipping and avoids stirring up unnecessary rivalry/animosity between ships. Many thanks :)
No problem FG

I think I might write something after last nights episode.

BTW I'm going to start a C2 over at, so if anyone wants to be a staff member then you can PM me here and tell me to send you a invite with your penname.

oh yeah and when Mac left, I think he squeezed Lindsay's shoulder. (Aw) I was surprised she didn't stick her arm out and catch his hand when he left.