Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic

Well yeah, I did know that :rolleyes: *points at Ann* because she's the Duckman, right?! And anywhooo, I didn't trust any of you.. I'm a very paranoid person, I suspect everyone from anything.. even myself :eek:
sorry! :D

Chapter 66

The walk back to the room was long and grueling. Cath's face streamed tears of hatred and sadness towards her lost soldier. Sara looked over at Cath and put her arm around her shoulder. "It's ok." she said softly. Cath sniffed and wiped some fallen tears off her cheek and said "No it's not okay." Cath said as she tore herself from Sara's arms. "He got to us, Sara. He found a way to break us apart! I can't lose anyone again. Not again." Cath dropped to the floor of the mall, and sobbed uncontrollably. Sara, confusd about what to do, slowly sat down next to Cath and took her hand. "We'll get him." She said softly. Cath collapsed into Sara's arms and sobbed. "We'll get him."

"God my freakin head." Jayne said as she attempted to sit up in the bed. She looked over to the left. Cath was holding onto her tightly in an embrace. "Cath, I need to go to the bathroom." Jayne whispered softly. Cath opened her eyes to the sun shining brightly through the window. Her eyes glittered bright blue and shimmered slightly, because of the presence of tears. "Where's Rissa?" Jayne said softly. A tear streamed down Cath's face, as she said "Duckman got her." Jayne gasped and said "No."

In an undisclosed place in the mall, Duckman reunited with the undead Rissa. "That was a great trick you pulled, Rissa." The duckman said. "It was all your planning, baby." Rissa said with a smirk. "How do we get them?" Duckman said softly while fiddling with the gun in his hand. Rissa moved in closer, and wrapped her arms around Duckman's waist. "Just leave it to me honey. I'll make them pay what they owe." Rissa said as her voice dipped to a sultry moan. Rissa pulled herself up to plant a kiss on duckman's lips. A passionate kiss. Evil.
Ewww gross! Rissa just kissed the Duckman! :eek: Ewww.. I must ask her whether it feels all feathery :p Well it must, I'm sure, I mean, I kiss my canary on her feathers.. it's nice and soft though :rolleyes:

I can't believe Rissa played along.. my matie lied to me, she friggin' lied to me.. I hugged her, slept in the same bed with her, shared with her my beer, shared Cathy with her.. I just can't believe this! I'm pretty much disappointed in myself that I didn't notice.. hmmm, she did smell like birdseed one time though.. :rolleyes:
:lol: Jayne!

Chapter 67

In the hotel, Cath and Sara sat on the bed and watched Ann Marie and Jayne watch tv. Ann Marie was teetering between sleep and consiousness. Jayne looked at her and smiled. "Just go to sleep, we both know you can't last that long." She said with a smirk. Ann Marie looked at Jayne, and gave her an joking look, before she plopped her head down on her shoulder. "I can smell the guinness Jayne." Ann Marie said with a giggle. Jayne shook her head and wrapped her arm around Ann Marie. "For the record, this is only my 2nd." She said as she lifted the can of guinness to her lips. Sara snorted and said "I can imagine what life is going to be like in the future." Cath smiled and said "Yeah." Her voice was barely audible. She sniffed. She had lost one of her friends. Lady Heather and Lady Katherine were in the mall shopping, and the rest of the girls couldnt risk going out of the hotel room.

Rissa and the Duckman were in their underground lair in the basement of the mall testing guns. The duckman, minus his obvious duck costume, stood behind Rissa and helped her aim and shoot the double barrelled shotgun. "Honey, I can do this." She said as she placed the gun down and wrapped her arms around duckman's neck. "I know Rissa, but you're a bit rusty." He said. Rissa scoffed and walked over to the equiptment. She pulled on a Kevlar vest and donned a desert eagle. "Wish me luck baby." She said as she cocked the gun and walked out.
:eek: OMG! :eek: Riiisssaaa, how could yooouuu??? :eek:

Jaynie-poo, hold me! :( I'm sccaarreeeed! Sara *Mommy!*, hold meeee! :eek: *sings* Rissa's got a gun... :p Rissa's got a gun... :p
Chapter 68

The night was drawing closer and closer, as Jayne and Ann Marie cuddled close in front of the tv. Cath and Sara had fallen asleep on the bed together, unaware that someone had entered the room. Someone unwelcome.

"Don't make a sound." A soft voice said through the cock of a shotgun. Cath snapped her eyes open and was surprised to find herself staring down the double barrels of the shotgun. "Don't make a sound." The voice said again. Cath squinted, trying to find out who the person was. The lack of feathers made Cath a bit curious, but after studying the dark profile she whispered "Rissa?" Rissa pulled her head closer and said "Yes, Catherine, It is me." Rissa pulled out a pair of heavy duty handcuffs and hancuffed Cath to the bed. After she had done that, she chloroformed Sara, and pushed her off the bed. "She'll be out for hours. Don't scream, Catherine. You wouldn't want your precious girlfriend to die now would we?" Rissa said manically. Rissa was so concentrated on getting the job done, that she didn't see Jayne and Ann Marie had escaped.

Grabbing a bandana, Rissa gagged Cath and said "We wouldn't want you to scream and ruin everything we worked hard on." She smiled. "Duckman?" Cath said, the bandana muffling every word that she said. "Yes." Rissa said. "The duckman is my boyfriend." She lifted her gun and said "Too bad you won't be able to figure out who it is." She laughed loudly and cocked the gun. "Bye bye." She said in a child's voice.

NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! :eek: Cath! No, no, no, no, no! :eek: :eek: :eek: Why did I run away!? My mommy was in danger and Cath was in danger! Stupid, stupid me! I COULD'VE HELPED! *sniffle*
*collapses* No I'm good :) I'm blaming Ann for running away.. I mean, I wanted to stay and rescue Cath of course, but noooo, Ann took me on her back and ran away with me :rolleyes: Just like she stole my monkey, this time she stole me!

Okay, one thing we know for sure, The Duckman is a HE.. please don't make it Hodges, because I really really like him.

So okay, Cathy's dead? :eek: my mummy?! Hmmm *rubs chin* or perhaps someone shot down Rissa?! :rolleyes:
unlexplained twist coming up!

Chapter 69

An agonized scream filled the room. Rissa grabbed her shoulder and turned around to face 2 smoking barrels. Jayne held a 9 mil handgun and Ann Marie held a colt, both with silencer. Thin grey strings of smoke streamed out of the barrels and the 2 girls held angry smiles on their faces. "Bye bye bi^&$." Jayne said. "Try it again and we'll not just hurt you, we'll kill you." Ann Marie said as she put her gun up closer to Rissa's head. Rissa turned to Cath and said "I'll be back." She turned and ran out of the room clutching her arm.

Rissa crashed through the metal doors and said "They had backup!" She screeched. Duckman ran to her side and took her uninjured arm. "How??!?" Rissa scowled and said "Jayne and Ann Marie had guns." Duckman sat her down on the stool and lifted her chin up. "Are you okay?" Rissa pulled her chin away and said "Yeah." Duckman pulled her chin back to him gently and kissed her softly. He then began to fix her arm.

"Cath?" Jayne said as she walked over to the bed. Cath opened her eyes. Ann Marie walked over to Sara and, despite her small stature, lifted her into her arms, and held her close. Jayne unhooked Cath from the bed and she pulled the bandana from her mouth. She pulled Jayne close to her and hugged her. "Thank you." She said as tears welled in her eyes.

Later in the day, Lady Heather and Lady Katherine came into the hotel room with news. "You're what?" Sara said with shock in her eyes. Lady Heather looked at Lady Katherine and said "We found a place downtown that's for rent. We decided to expand the dominion." Ann Marie looked down and said "So you're not going back with us?" Lady Katherine looked at Ann Marie and said "Im afraid not." She walked over to Ann Marie and hugged her. "You were a great addition to the team." Cath said as she grasped Sara's hand.

Rissa's arm was tied up and fixed, the bleeding cut off. Rissa watched as the duckman loaded an AK, then she smiled and said "Ready baby?" The duckman tossed a loaded AK to Rissa and said "Ready when you are sweetheart." They kicked open the door and walked towards the hotel.