Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic

Thats why coffee addicts by coffee makers for their rooms..... hey you should put that in your story.... i am always walking around with coffee that has baileys in it and any other drinking any other alchol i can get my hands on....Hehehe
hey guys. halarious story. lol heehee. just read it all. can i join too? we must kill duckman! die duckman die! :devil:
hehehe sorry, i don't like him very much, hehehe. grr hate duckman...time to hunt for duck :devil:

although just one thing, didn't you say Rissa and duckman were sibling? they keep kissing...
well i thought rissa said that duckman was her brother. i'm confused now :confused:. great. guess you'll have to update to make me un confused
Chapter 71

"Oh crap." Jaci said as she turned a corner. She could hear the click of the guns cocking. They were on her tail. She looked right, a children's clothes store. "No." She said. She looked left, an old person's store. "Oh dear God no." She thought. As Duckman and Rissa got closer, Jaci looked forward. A girly store with a salon. Desperate to keep from dying, Jaci bolted into the store. 2 hours later, she walked out with black and red hair, blue contacts, and a dress. "I can't believe Im wearing this." She said to herself. But luckily they didnt recognize her. Jaci walked steadily behind them. "Sh*^. She's gone." Rissa said as she again concealed her weapon. "Why don't we go back to the lair, Im sure our cover has been blown anyways." Duckman said softly as he covered his own weapon. Suddenly, the wheels began turning in Jaci's head.

Jaci followed Duckman and Rissa to the lair, and soon back to the hotel. "We need to find out their weaknesses." Duckman said. Jaci gasped. "So that's who their after." She thought. She peeked around the corner to see a closed hotel door, but through the window, she could see 4 girls, 2 on the floor and 2 on the bed. All sleeping. "It's too early." Rissa said. They walked off. Back to the lair for more planning. Jaci stood up and walked to the door. She knocked once, twice, three times. "Can I help you?" Cath said as she opened the door. She looked groggy, but she looked fairly awake. "Hi, my name is Jaci and I know where duckman's lair is." Jaci said. Cath's eyes widened and she said "Come in." They found a new soldier for the war on duckman.