Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic

Chapter 73

The night disappeared in a fluffy cloud of fear. Jayne sat up, and rubbed her eyes. Yawning softly, she saw a fuzzy figure sitting on the couch. "Cattthhh..." She said very cautiously. She sat up and grabbed one of the iron rods by the fire place. "I think, the duckman, snuck in." She said as she raised the rod. Cath rushed in and pulled the rod from Jayne's hand. "She's the new member of the kill duckman team." Cath said as she replaced the iron rod on the fireplace supply case. Jayne looked at Jaci suspiciously and said "So, you're the new one that will fight with us against the war on duckman." Jaci nodded and said "Im Jaci. Nice to meet you." Jayne smirked and said "Charmed, Im sure." Ann Marie awoke slowly and mumbled, "When do we kill him?" Cath waltzed over to her side, and picked her up. "We kill him once your mother wakes up." Cath said with a soft laugh. Sara sat up and said "Im up, Im up." She rubbed her eyes and said "Wow, new recruit. Welcome to the team."

The team had decided to take a new approach on pegging the duckman off. Cath smiled and pulled open a gun cabinet full of sniper rifles and silencers. "Sniping?" Sara asked as she took Ann Marie's hand. Cath looked over at Sara and said "We're going duck hunting."

Strapping up their bulletproof vests, and pulling on a mascarade mask, they each armed themselves with a fully loaded sniper rifle. For the smaller snipers, 9 mil handguns with silencers. "Let's hit it." Jaci said. Jayne scowled and said "This time, it's personal." With that quote, every girl in the room looked at Jayne. "What?!? It is!!"

"It's right here." Jaci said softly. An open window at the side of the lair stood and begged to be shot through. "Arm your weapons and take aim. On my count, fire." Sara said. Every girl nodded and took their spot.

"Should we be worrying about backlash from the girls?" Rissa said softly.


"Nah those girls aren't smart enough to create a revolution against me." Duckman said back.


"But what if they try?" Rissa said, with a hint of worry in her mind.


"They won't! I always find a way to find them if they escape!" Duckman said. "Trust me."


Several silenced shots filled the air. Duckman shook from the impact of the bullets entering his back. "Oh god." he said. Rissa cried out in fear. None of the bullets hit her, but out of impulse she reached for the shotgun as Duckman gasped in pain on the ground. As Rissa fumbled with the gun trigger, Cath smiled. "Don't try it Rissa." She said. Rissa dropped the gun and kneeled by duckman as he released his final dying breaths. "Remember me... as... an... an... infamous... hero." He said. Rissa nodded sadly. A tear streaked down her face. "I love you. You're the best big brother ever." Rissa said. She leaned in and gave duckman one final kiss. "Goodbye...little...sister." Duckman said with his final breath. His head lolled to one side as blood escaped from his mouth. Rissa stood up and walked slowly over to Cath. "I give up." She said.


"DID YOU JUST SAY THAT DUCKMAN IS YOUR BROTHER?????" Jaci, Jayne and Ann Marie said together.
Heh, uhm.. Jaci, I have my moods sometimes, sorry.. lol.. I think it is nice to meet you :)

Well, hell, yeah! It is personal! :mad: And whoopsy, didn't know he was your brother Rissa, but still! :p

OMG Katester, I love your banner, that had me crackin' :lol:
obsession_360 said:
ill probably make another crispy man!
NOOOOO :eek: not Crispy as in my cute little

Crispy, Crackle and Hairy Harry are all innocent :D

Make of it the scarf-man :p or the mug-man!
Haha, nice to meet you do! Shall we go for a drink lol? haha or we could have like a mmmmmmmm flower man lol I am sleep deprived so ya.
I dunno, but aren't we suppose to be looking for something that is in connection to Cath/Sara? I mean, I think that's how the Duck-man came into being right?? Or am I totally delusional now? *shrugs* I dunno.. I've had too much coffee to think straight..

Yes, Katester, I've had coffee, I'm having my Guinness in about ten minutes :p
Hey guys, its katie, but Im not able to go onto my account until all the stuff that Im going through dies down. So for now I am going to be using Jaci's account. Sorry mods!

Chapter 74

~One month later~

Sara and Cath had finally gotten the oppurtunity to get married. With all the wedding plans done with, it had finally come. "Are you ready?" Cath asked Jayne. Jayne shook her head and said "Why are you asking me about that? You're the one that's getting married!" Cath smiled and looked at Ann Marie, Jaci and Jayne. "How do I look?" She asked. Cath was wearing a beautiful white wedding gown, and her hair was curly and pulled up into a loose pony tail. "Like an angel." Ann Marie said softly.

~2 years later~

"Mom! Jayne slapped me!" Ann Marie squealed as she ran through the house. Sara looked at Cath as they were curled up on the couch together. "Want me to deal with this?" Sara said softly. Cath grinned and said "If you would." Sara got up off the couch and, before she walked away, she placed a soft kiss on Cath's forehead.

"But she deserved it! Ann Marie pushed me into the pool with my clothes on!" Jayne squealed back. "WILL YOU GUYS JUST SHUT UP?!? IM TRYING TO WATCH A MOVIE!" Jaci screamed from her room. Sara smiled and looked at Cath. "One big happy family you said?" Cath said, hiding a snicker. Jayne lifted Ann Marie by the waist and dragged her outside.



"Jayne! Oh my God you are gonna get it!" Ann Marie yelled.

One big happy family.


MAHAHAHA!!! Next fic: The ressurection of duckman.

He cannot be killed.

Only 5 girls, and 2 dominatrixes, can defeat him.

The ressurection of Duckman!

Coming soon to csifiles.