Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic

Hey katie .. i wanna join don't forget.. hey i could get along with jayne.. heinkin rules ....(i so didn't spell that right) and I like street racing and are learnign to do that ... and the odd smoke of course... anyway ya..*waves* hope to join ya'll
^Heineken rules indeed.. but Katester put me on a Guinness-diet :rolleyes: :lol: Which is good too :p

I think I need a talk with Rissa, she's acting strange :rolleyes: I know who The Duckman is though.. well I have a slight notion anyway.. and therefore I so hope even more that I get to finish him off.. or am I perhaps hoping on a bad ending?!

Great, you see Ann, everyone is abondoning us now.. sure sure Katie and Heather, just leave us alone and have us killed, go ahead, walk away! :mad:
Nuh-uh, nuh-uh, Katie and Heather aren't leaving, I'll make use of those chains in the back of the dominion and chain you to a tree! :D Hehe, you're not goin' nowhere :p

Yay! *sorry Rissa :rolleyes:* We saved Cath, Jaynie-poo! *high fives* And Mommy's okay! :D *phew* I can breathe now :p
Hey I am more then willing to join you and hunt down the motherf*****... wow violent streak ... i like violence... hey guiness is still good too... you and me should get drunk together.. i can hold liqor pretty good... especially whiskey
the heinekin is spiked with horse pretty sure you don't wanna drink it. :D ill update later tonight...gotta spend quality time away from the comp.
How about spending time with one of your bestest bestest friends? *bats eyes* :lol:

That was a good chapter. I can't wait to see what's next *rubs hands together* Muaha. :p
I can see you now. BAAAA! DIE DUCKMAN!!!! *runs spastically* :lol:

And yes I am evil. Very very..Very evil. Muaha. :devil:
Chapter 70

Shots from an automatic gun sounded through the hotel. Duckman and Rissa pushed their way through the crowd of people at the mall. Duckman plowed into a girl with black hair and brown hair. She had thick eye liner on and she was wearing black. "Excuse me." Duckman said deeply. As he just walked on by, the girl said "Hey! AS&HOLE! Wanna watch where you're walking???!?" Duckman looked back and glared. The girl got a running start and pounced on Duckman. "Hey get off him!" Rissa screamed as she concealed her weapon. The girl pounded on Duckman's head and bit his ear. "OW!" He bellowed. "Thats what you get when you &%$^ with Jaci!" She said with a giggle. Then she took off. Running, then sprinting back to the edge of the mall.
Yeah the Heineken wasn't that good.. *twitch twitch* Luckily those heavy horse tranquilizers didn't leave a mark on me, I'm good *twitch twitch* *itch itch*

Ohhh new member, good! :D Since everyone *looks at Katester* has been leaving us to get rid of the Duckman ourselves.. :mad: My personal ultimate way of killing him is tapping him on his shoulder, he turns around to see who it is, I'll be looking at him smiling, with my ultimate white and gorgeous (read = yellow and crooked) smile, he'll be having a very confused look on his face and then I hit him very hard with my Guinness bottle on his head :D
Hells yes you got me to a tee prety much on the violence part...but the hair is red an black .. red underneath with black on top... i died it again. Hehehe she knows me too good. *sigh* keep up the good work Katie!
Ur too funny, you should check out my GSR one life to live story ... full of cliffhangers... although mine don't work out to have comedy like yours.. in ways....meh