Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic

Chapter 64

Back on the mini dominion with a few cases of Guinness and a few more cases of pepsi, Jayne and Cath collapsed on the couch. "Can you hand me one, Cath?" Jayne asked. "Sure thing." Cath said as she grabbed a can. Tossing it to Jayne, she grabbed one for herself. "Bottoms up sweetheart." Cath said as she opened her can. Jayne opened hers and she was surprised when foam spurted up and dripped off her face. She looked at Cath and said "Hey...not cool." Cath shrugged. "I didn't do it." Jayne looked away and smirked. She took a sip and smiled.

Lady Heather parked the mini dominion in the parking lot. "West Edmonton mall...The biggest mall in the world." Lady Katherine said. Lady Heather looked at her and raised a brow. "Thanks for the commentary." She said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. Lady Katherine tilted her head and smiled insanely. "My pleasure!" She said. Lady Heather took Lady Katherine's hand and led her out of the cockpit. "Okay guys let's go into the hotel." She called. Jayne put her empty can down and said "3 Guinnesses and Im not drunk! This is a miracle!" Cath shook her head and opened the back room. Soon, Sara walked out of the room with the sleeping Ann in her arms.
Aww, it's so nice that Sara lugs me around everywhere :p But if I don't walk I'm going to get fat(ter) like Paris Hilton's dog and she's going to give me away because I'm too heavy to lug around! :lol: :p
Chapter 65

"This room is amazing!" Rissa said sleepily. "Only the best for my girls." Cath said with a smirk. Rissa smiled and winked at Cath. Jayne rolled her eyes and took another sip of her guinness. "7 cans! And I'm not even drunk yet! Wait a minute..." She exclaimed before she toppled to the floor in a drunken haze. "Cath, Stop the room from spinning, I wanna get off." She slurred. Cath giggled and said "Just because the Duckman didn't dose your beer, doesn't mean that you have to drink it all at once." Jayne looked up into Cath's blue eyes and said "Doesn't translate in my world." Cath shook her head with a smile and picked Jayne up and put her in the bed. "Try not to throw up in the bed." Cath said, as she covered Jayne. Jayne smiled and said "Not making any promises." Ann Marie and Sara were already in the other bed sleeping, and Lady Heather and Lady Katherine were in the restaurant downstairs. There was nothing left to do but chill out or sleep. "Hey Rissa, Im gonna catch some shut eye." Cath said as she removed her dress jacket to reveal a white t shirt. Rissa nodded and said "Im gonna wander the mall for a bit." Cath crawled into bed with Jayne and said "Stay safe." Rissa smiled and said "Always do."

Rissa wandered the mall, admiring everything that appealed to her. Shoes, clothes, she loved it all. There were a few people walking down the floors, but not a lot to be suspicious about. Ignoring everything around her, Rissa walked down the floor. All of a sudden, someone grabbed her from behind and clamped their hand across her mouth. "Don't say a word." They said. The voice was clearly a man's. Rissa shook with fear and looked out of the corner of her eye. Yellow feathers. "Duckman." She thought. He pressed a gun to her back and pulled her to a secluded area. Away from the public eyes. "When I remove my hand, tell me where Catherine Willows and Sara Sidle are. Don't scream, or I will kill you." He removed his hand and said "Where are they?" Rissa scowled and said "Im not telling you a da*n thing." Duckman grabbed her around her shoulders and put the gun up to her head and cocked it. "You asked for it." He said. Rissa smirked and said "If you kill me, you'll never find them." Duckman cackled. "You're disopable."


Upon hearing the sirens blaring from in the mall, Cath and Sara decided to investigate. When they got downstairs, and followed the sirens, they came to a gruesome scene. Blood and lots of it. "Gunshot wound to the head, the victim died instantly." The canadian coroner said, with a hit of canadian accent in his voice. When he turned the victim over, Cath turned into Sara's arms and sobbed. "It's Rissa."
I need time to let this sink in.. *heads downstairs for coffee*

---after the coffee---

NOOOO not my Rissa.. no no! He should've taken me! *places magical hand on Rissa's forehead* Please, get her back to life.. hmpf.. even my magic doesn't work now :( I feel responsible for this.. if I didn't start that 7th Guinness I wouldn't have been so tired and would've joined Rissa to the mall.. gaahh.. I can't stand this.. not my Rissa :( You were my matie *sobs* I feel lost :( Who's going to make me jealous now? Who's going to kick my arse around now? With whom am I going to share Cathy now? Who's going to give me a hug now? No-hoooo.. I feel lost.. I'll never get back to the old me :(

I DEMAND to be the one to shoot the Duckman whenever I get the chance.. there's not going to be a toss.. it'll be me.. and either way, Katie.. if I won't be the one, then I'll walk out of this fic and go look for him myself :rolleyes:

Ps. Don't mind me.. I sometimes can't see the difference between reality and imaginary.
Nooooooooooooooo! I'm serious, Katie, let the ass-kicking from me begin soon because there won't be a feather left on his ass when I'm done with him :mad:
*breathes life into fic* PFFFFFFF <- and no, that was not a fart :rolleyes:

Hmmm I'm actually suspecting the Duckman to have been in my livingroom, because there are some yellow feathers.. but then again, I do have a canary.. :rolleyes:
Man, I keep breathing life into this thread :p It was on page 3 already :eek:

Come back, Katester! I want to know what's going to happen to Rissa.. does she actually know she's just got killed by Ann.. I mean, the Duckman?
*raises eyebrow* Is that a confession, Ann?? Because frankly, I don't believe you.. aww it's no fun anymore now.. Ohhh I think I'm going to suspect Lora from now on :p Or no, we left her behind with SoFia, right? :eek: maybe it's me and I'm doing all these awful things during my sleep, because let's face it.. I haven't been attacked yet.. well yes, the beer, but that may have been a distraction to get the attention off of me :rolleyes: I'm confused..