Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic

don't worry Sara's your mom ... so maybe she could be my auntie? :lol: Of course if katie wants to do that? you don't got to .... hmmm a dress how interesting... i think i have wore like a dress twice in my life....:lol:
Oh Katester, I've got a question though.. where is my monkey?? Ann stole it once but just never gave it back.. please don't tell me she left him somewhere along the side of the road :(
Chapter 72

"Would you like a drink?" Cath asked softly, no allowing herself to talk too loud to wake the other girls up. Jaci smiled and said "Do you have bailey's?" Cath smirked and said "With miss Jayne around, how can we not have bailey's?" Jaci sat herself down on the couch and Cath soon came and sat at the other side of the couch. She handed the girl a bar bottle of bailey's and a glass with ice. "I wont need the glass but thank you." Jaci said as she pulled the top off the bottle and took a huge gulp of it. "So you know where the duckman's lair is?" Cath said as her voice dropped to a whisper. Jaci swallowed the tasty drink that remained in her mouth and said "Yeah. It's down by the maintenance elevator of the waterpark." Cath tilted her head in confusion as Jaci continued. "Near the back of the wave pool. I can show you if you want." Cath smiled and said "Youre on the team."

Rissa and the duckman were in their lair studying multiple high powered guns. "AK: multiple rounds can be expended, causing maximum damage." Rissa said. She had recently quit the police academy, after she found out that the life of evil is more exciting. "The shotgun: massive impact on the human body." the duckman said as he cocked the gun. He put the gun down and kissed Rissa passionately.

Alright.. that's it :mad: Where's Rissa??? She and I need to have a Rissa-Jayne kind of conversation..

..though I miss the old Rissa.. I always leave a drink for her on my night stand, just in case you know.. but the next morning it's still standing there, full.. and well, that's a bit too bad, so I chug-a-lug it myself..
mmmmm bailey's lol i need booze... maybe i can arrange something to bring some with me when i come.. off the red arrow hehehe