Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

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Goodness, four or five sounds bad, must really be a lot of work.

I found a handful of House of Eliott clips at the BBC website, for those like me who don't have the chance to see the DVDs...not sure if I can post the link here...official material, no hotlinking to the video...yes? *looks around helplessly for a mod*
Drumchik said:
88Blackbirds, good luck with all the essays ;)
Oh, you’re all so nice.

Yeah, my brains going to explode soon :eek:. Thanks for the tip-off on The House Of Eliott videos atfm; they had stuff on that Day of the Trffids miniseries as well, I love that book. Anyway, I took some pictures, isn’t Evie the cutest, seriously, I love number two, she’s so adorable.

atfm said:
Goodness, four or five sounds bad, must really be a lot of work.

I found a handful of House of Eliott clips at the BBC website, for those like me who don't have the chance to see the DVDs...not sure if I can post the link here...official material, no hotlinking to the video...yes? *looks around helplessly for a mod*
It's on the BBC site, why wouldn't you be allowed to give us a link? Maybe I should read the forum rules from a to z, it seems every forum has different rules concerning this, which is quite annoying. Maybe we can save/post all the links on a separate website or something? We don't wanna get in trouble now do we? ;)
Mama Curtis. ;)

88Blackbirds, thanks heaps for the pics. She looks so young! But adorable.

Sedative, I'm never sure about the forum rules and I've done wrong things in the past so I'm more careful now. ;)
Reminder about picture posting for any new folks. ;)
Anything larger then the max size should be put into links, and we ask no more the "6 URL Links" per post.
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1. Who is the girl in the middle? I presume this is from Season 2 (which is on its way to me now. WOOHOO!)

2. Must be season 1. Louise was very young here!

3. They both look so beautiful in this.

4. Holy...what season was this from? Louise! RAWR!

5. Another Season 1. She's so cute!

6. She had some wonderful hats in the first season.

7. That little curl is so cute.

8. I think this was the one they use on the box set. :)

Thanks for those piccies, they're so great!

Skylar, I don't think we know the name of Sofia's mom yet. I do believe she is a Captain though.
Drumchik said:
1. Who is the girl in the middle? I presume this is from Season 2 (which is on its way to me now. WOOHOO!)
I’m pretty sure that’s Madge, one of the first people they hire when they got the business up and running, she was in season one.

And your getting season two, I’m so jealous.

I don't think we know the name of Sofia's mom yet. I do believe she is a Captain though.
Man, wouldn’t it be cool if she was in an episode. I mean since she is a police captain and considering what Sofia said in ABRTI (the thing about not being able to talk to other cops because of the investigation) I’m assuming that she must work in Vegas or is at least in the same jurisdiction, so it could happen (probably won’t, but still).
ABC Greenlighted "Judy's Got a Gun" In which stars Louise Lombard(CSI - Sofia) as "Judy". It was ordered to Pilot.

Yay on two counts:

1) Louise Lombard deserves a role more suited to her
2) More Brass time!
88Blackbirds said:
Drumchik said:
1. Who is the girl in the middle? I presume this is from Season 2 (which is on its way to me now. WOOHOO!)
I’m pretty sure that’s Madge, one of the first people they hire when they got the business up and running, she was in season one.

And your getting season two, I’m so jealous.

I don't think we know the name of Sofia's mom yet. I do believe she is a Captain though.
Man, wouldn’t it be cool if she was in an episode. I mean since she is a police captain and considering what Sofia said in ABRTI (the thing about not being able to talk to other cops because of the investigation) I’m assuming that she must work in Vegas or is at least in the same jurisdiction, so it could happen (probably won’t, but still).

OMG! That is Madge! I didn't recognise her all dressed up, but once you look at her for a moment - yeah, I do.

I'm excited for Louise with regards to her new show, but I still want her on CSI. She and Brass are just too awesome together.
Argh, I'm still torn over Judy's Got a Gun. Louise has deserved a lead role on a show and I'd love to see her in that but I also don't wanna lose her on CSI. Can we have both, please? ;) And I do hope that if JGAG (hee) doesn't get picked up or is cancelled after one season, she can still return to CSI. For now I'll take comfort in the fact that she's signed on for season 8.
So she is signed on for 8, well that’s good then.
atfm said:
Argh, I'm still torn over Judy's Got a Gun. Louise has deserved a lead role on a show and I'd love to see her in that but I also don't wanna lose her on CSI.
I think I know how you feel, I’d love (seriously love) to see her in the lead role should it eventuate, but Sofia is such a cool character I wouldn’t want to lose her to some character that is less...Sofiaish (does that make sense?). Sofia’s already got the whole cowboy walking, aviator wearing, toothpick chewing, badass butch cop thing down pat; you just don’t mess with that kind of perfection :).

(Wait...did I forget the gun, the BIG gun :devil: and the smile, because it's just nice and is this rant even on topic?)

Although if, and I mean if (since getting a pilot never guarantees these things) the show gets picked up I’m 100% there. Besides, I’m inferring from the info Destiny provided (thank you) that she’s a street cop, meaning UNIFORM :D (ok, there’s a very inappropriate fantasy attached to this that I won’t go in to, but sufficed it to say that ever since ABRTI part 2 I’ve been hanging out for this kind of thing ;))

So anyway, this “JGAG (are we pronouncing it like J-Gag; cause that’s just fun) is across between Weeds and Close to Home and is a “police procedural with heart and humour.” Hmmm, sounds like it could have some potential if it’s written well enough, the Weeds part sounds promising, I always like the one hour drama type shows with a bit of humour in it, not quite sure about the Close To Home part though. Hopefully there only using Close To Home as a reference because it’s the only crime investigation type show set in the suburbs just as this one is and not as an actual gage of the shows content, because, well, there seem to be so many procedurals out there and most of them are just so...unoriginal, sort of like Close To Home (sorry if anybody likes it). But anyway, Louise is in it, and the character sounds like someone I could get into, although I am wondering who decided on that last name? doesn’t exactly sound very dynamic.

I guess only time will tell.
Argh, I'm still torn over Judy's Got a Gun. Louise has deserved a lead role on a show and I'd love to see her in that but I also don't wanna lose her on CSI.

Here's my problem: I've seen Louise in other roles, and she's a talented actress. When she first joined CSI in Season 5 she was given a very important role. She was the new girl on the block, but she was also set up as a potential love interest for Grissom, Ecklie's former right hand (or the anti-Catherine to Ecklie's anti-Grissom), and like Brass, was a cop-turned-CSI (and, also like Brass, then went back to the cop).

Even in Season 6 she had something to do.

Right now she's being used as filler for everyone non-Brass detective that they would ordinarily have, but currently don't. No Vartann, no Vega, no O'Reilly, just Sofia and Brass. Except Brass gets a defined personality, a storyline, a backstory, etc.

It feels as though Sofia is being used as a cardboard cut-out at the moment.

While I didn't, as a GSR, like that she was brought in as Grissom's possible love interest, at least at that point she had a defined purpose within the chemistry of the show. I don't think she does anymore.

I think it's a waste of Louise's talent, and a waste of Brass's screentime, to keep Sofia on the show as she is now.
As far as I know, she is signed on for season 8, yes.

88Blackbirds said:

I think I know how you feel, I’d love (seriously love) to see her in the lead role should it eventuate, but Sofia is such a cool character I wouldn’t want to lose her to some character that is less...Sofiaish

I agree about that. Nobody could replace her and if somebody did replace her, I sure hope they wouldn't have a bad copy of her. She's quite unique and we love her for all those little things you mentioned. And hell yeah, if rambling about those things, including the shotgun, is not on topic, then I wonder what is. ;)

Damn, I hadn't thought about the uniform...I'm so with you. *thud*

Oh yes, I was thinking J-Gag, too, sounds fun. It would be interesting to see how the humour works since I believe Louise can pull off funny scenes quite well. It would suit her. Weeds has only started showing here, I haven't watched it so far but I'm taping it. And J-Gag has been referred to as "Close to Homicide", probably because the main character in Close to Home has a child, too. As for the name, I guess they didn't want something too normal, so it would be realistic.

sarahvma said:

Here's my problem: I've seen Louise in other roles, and she's a talented actress. When she first joined CSI in Season 5 she was given a very important role. She was the new girl on the block, but she was also set up as a potential love interest for Grissom, Ecklie's former right hand (or the anti-Catherine to Ecklie's anti-Grissom), and like Brass, was a cop-turned-CSI (and, also like Brass, then went back to the cop).

She really is talented and I agree that sometimes, she's only there for one or two scenes and it seems quite pointless. I do wish they'd give her more of a background and an actual story but I also think they've been developing her character more this season, even though she hasn't been a focal point of the show. You do recognise her pattern of action and thinking in different episodes and that makes her a more well-rounded character to me.

It's true that her role had a different purpose in season 5 but in my eyes that didn't do her justice, either. Nobody should have to act as the catalyst for other characters' relationships or to agitate fans. Because at first, she was merely that and not much of an individual character, she only functioned through and with others, and that's not how I'd like to see her.

I really don't mind the fact that she replaced Vartann etc. and as a Sofia fan, I'm thankful for every minute she's on screen. I understand your point and agree that her character needs to be developed but I still want to keep her on the show, for one because I love her character, all the small things that have been pointed out above, and for another because I think there's potential for her, if the writers would but use it.
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