Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

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Drumchik said:
Hey, wouldn't it be cool if Marg worked with Louise on Judy's Got a Gun?

Hello dream TV show.

Oh my God, yes!! Marg + Louise = Shane in ahh!mode.

But yes, I'm sure it would be a great show! :D


:devil: MWhaha
Hi. I'm Roy.

I have suddenly seen the light. (That picture also helps, vegaslights) Sofia's scene with Catherine made the episode for me. I wasn't a huge fan of the character at first, but I never doubted LL's hot factor.

Anyway, here I be. :D I also have a new appreciation for the shotgun scene in Fannysmackin'. Smokin'.
Oooh, Shane! I love that pic. TY for sharing.

Btw, welcome to this thread too Roy!
*snicker* Syd, your icon is hilarious.

Shane, that pic of Sofia and Catherine....RAWR!

That's a show I could definitely watch: The Cop and the CSI
Nice pic vegaslights, thats Secrets and Flies right, that was the one where Sara was totally checking out Sofia (the slashers know what I’m talking about). anyway, Roy, nice to have you here, I like your screen name, it’s so...normal, which makes it kind of weird considering the names everyone else has in here and weird is good. :D

This episode seems to have made a real good impression on a lot of people about Sofia, now I really want to see it. :(
Damn, hot pics all over the place. *drools*

Yeah, Sara was SO checking her out in Secrets and Flies. It was also the episode where she said "Well, apparently, I was a CSI, then a detective, but now I'm a messenger." :lol:

Hey Roy, welcome here! More and more converts, I love it. :)


I finally watched Esther today...in the beginning it was a little strange to see Louise in something other than CSI but she did an amazing job and was very convincing. She looked so, so beautiful, especially her eyes. :)


Her eyes are so blue!

I love that line: Well, apparently, I was a CSI, then a detective, but now I'm a messenger.

What was Esther like, atfm?
That's what I thought, too, they were really shining. Maybe it was also because of the dark hair.

The movie was good, though I probably wouldn't have watched it if Louise hadn't been in it. I sometimes got a little bored when she wasn't in one of the scenes. But when she was there, it more than made up for it. She had the humbleness and courage of Esther down pat. It got quite emotional at times, she cries a lot in that movie and every time she does, you want to hug her. But the story is interesting in general, and I thought Thomas Kretschmann as the King did a good job, too. But Louise really impressed me, I now respect her even more as an actress, and I couldn't believe how beautiful she was in a lot of the scenes.

Btw, in one scene, a woman was giving her a shoulder rub and I thought I'd do anything to be in her place. ;)
Nice roundup atfm, that was a great movie, but what’s not to love, Louise Lombard, the Bible...well maybe that second one might just be me, I do like those bible movies.

atfm said:
Btw, in one scene, a woman was giving her a shoulder rub and I thought I'd do anything to be in her place. ;)
Now why can’t I remember what scene you’re talking about, I always remember that kind of stuff, you know, vaguely homoerotic. ;) I’m going to have to rewatch it now.
I'm talking about this scene. ;)


It was also sort of cute when she asked the woman what making love to a man was like, she came across so innocent. ;)
I'm going to confess something that as a Catholic is really embarassing....

I don't know the story of Esther.

Can someone fill me in?
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