Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

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[humming]Red red wine..stay close to me[/humming] ;)

That last ep was fun to watch, alhough it was kinda boring here and there. Had a nice laugh, I like eps with humor in it..too serious=no fun. Good to see more folks in here too! :)

And please..please..we don't want Sofia to be too easy to get..that would ruin everything, right? ;)
It's very amusing how in every other post you barge in to declare your love for Sofia or Louise. ;)
atfm said:
I'm talking about this scene. ;)

It was also sort of cute when she asked the woman what making love to a man was like, she came across so innocent. ;)

Oh, now I remember...yes, to be those hands, that would be fun :devil:. And that other scene was pretty cute.

They’re finally playing Post Mortem here and its been about two or three weeks since they played a new episode, now I get to see Sofia looking totally fine (If not a little worried) in the courtroom and dispensing advice to Greg again, I like it when she gets all deep and meaningful. :)
Well, I can't help it, atfm. Just keeping the love alive - and then I see her on camera, or on the web and I'm like - LOUISE!

I do it with Marg too ;)

Great caps, 88 Blackbirds :D Thank you :D

I love when she takes care of Greg. It's so cute.
Keeping the love alive is good. To join the fun...I love Sofia! I love Louise! ;)

Ah, yes, she looked great in court, her eyes were lovely. She looked a little sad, too.

Almost no Sofia in Lab Rats...but a cute shirt:

Oh nice picture. I have not seen this episode yet. I will be viewing that scene a few times. She does look great. Thanks for all the great posts. I am glad to see this thread alive and well. I am getting excited about the upcoming new show Louise Lombard. Plus it will open her up to a whole new viewing audience.
Ooh that's a VERY nice shirt :D Thanks for the pic, atfm. I wonder if that's from her own collection or CSI Wardrobe.

LSB, did you get my PM?
88Blackbirds said:
Yay, new pictures. That shirt kinda makes her look like a secretary or something, but in an entirely cute way, i like. :)

I think she even looks cute in a paper dress..unfortunately, we will never be able to test that :p Thanks everyone for the screenshots! Haven't gotten around to watching the new ep yet, it's been lovely weather over here and such. I know, bad excuse, I will watch the ep tonigh, promise ;)
Lovely weather is never a bad excuse. It's awesome here, too (maybe we have the same high?) but I had to work...there's always time to watch CSI at night. :)

The shirt was a nice change...she still looked tough with her slacks and her badge. Still waiting for jeans. *sigh* ;)
Nice weather is always a good excuse, it’s been nice here but I haven’t gone outside at all, I’ve spent the last two weeks or so alternating between frantically writing University essays and having panic attacks because they’re all due at the same time. :eek: I should really learn to stop procrastinating.

atfm said:
Still waiting for jeans. *sigh* ;)
I knew you’d say that. I guess you can keep the fantasy alive in fanfic ;). I agree, different is always good, unless of coerce your Nicks hair or something :).
Are the essays the reason why you're up at weird times? Good luck btw. :)

I knew you’d say that.

Damn, get out of my head. :lol: Oh yes, fic is always good for mental images...perhaps I'll have Sofia wear jeans one of these days. ;)
atfm said:
Are the essays the reason why you're up at weird times? Good luck btw. :)
Thanks and yes they are, I’ve been going to bed at four or five in the morning for the last two or so weeks and I’m still not close to being finished. Right now my whole life is kind of on hold until I get all this work done, at least I’m on mid semester holidays.
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