Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

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I really don't mind the fact that she replaced Vartann etc.

Me either. I would much rather see Sofia as the "other" detective and I especially loved her working with Brass last season. I like that they have a female detective on the show and I hope she doesn't leave.

What I don't get is why people didn't gripe and complain about Vartann or Vega being cardboard cut-out characters? They didn't do anything but act as filler yet they don't get nearly the flack that Sofia gets.
I'm really going to miss Sofia on CSI, Anyone know how they're going to make her go away?

I'm really glad for Louise to get a leading role though, Good for her and I wish her the best of luck.
beaujolais said:
I really don't mind the fact that she replaced Vartann etc.

Me either. I would much rather see Sofia as the "other" detective and I especially loved her working with Brass last season.

I love her scenes with Brass, too, they have great chemistry and make a good team. Plus, CSI needed more female characters.

I guess they don't complain about the other detectives' lack of character definition because they weren't in the credits.

AshleyWillows said:
I'm really going to miss Sofia on CSI, Anyone know how they're going to make her go away?

Since supposedly she's signed on for season 8, I don't think she's going away for the time being, at least I don't hope so. I guess if they do let her disappear, it might have something to do with a transfer, as alluded to in the last episode.
I enjoy Sofia and Brass together, they have an amazing chemistry together on screen.

Oh, I didn't know she signed on for season 8. my bad :\
Louise. Uniform. Ooooooh.

I don't want them to get rid of Sofia - where else would we get our toothpick chewing, big gun toting, smiling gal who has amazing chemistry with Brass?
Wow you guys have been busy.

atfm said:
It's true that her role had a different purpose in season 5 but in my eyes that didn't do her justice, either. Nobody should have to act as the catalyst for other characters' relationships or to agitate fans. Because at first, she was merely that and not much of an individual character, she only functioned through and with others, and that's not how I'd like to see her.
Yes, thank you atfm, that’s exactly what I wanted to say in responce.

sarahvma said:
she was also set up as a potential love interest for Grissom

While I didn't, as a GSR, like that she was brought in as Grissom's possible love interest, at least at that point she had a defined purpose within the chemistry of the show. I don't think she does anymore.
Ok, so your general point is that it was better in season 5 when her character had a purpose.

Ok, I’m not trying to attack your opinion but I must ask how could a character brought in just to be the catalyst for other characters' relationships and/or to agitate GSR fans in season 5, as atfm mentioned be BETTER then what they’re doing with Sofia now. I know your saying that that was her purpose then, not that you necessarily liked it better. What was my point again, yeah, I think most people in here would agree that being on the show and having no purpose at all is better then being on the show and your only job is to be someone’s love interest (Although I think she definitely has a purpose).

Besides, that kind of thing, bringing in some female solely for the purpose of being some guys maybe love interest (or at least making it look like that the way they did early on in season 5), it’s so...that kind of stuff just doesn’t belong on a procedural show. Is this the way female characters have to be treated, always in relation to some man, I'm way happier with the role she has now then the role she had in the beginning.

And anyway, Grissom’s the one that asked her out, not the other way round, she was just being nice to him, why did all the GSR people get mad at her (ok that had no point I’ve just been wanting to say that for a while).

sarahvma said:
Right now she's being used as filler for everyone non-Brass detective that they would ordinarily have, but currently don't. No Vartann, no Vega, no O'Reilly, just Sofia and Brass. Except Brass gets a defined personality, a storyline, a backstory, etc.

It feels as though Sofia is being used as a cardboard cut-out at the moment.
See, I don’t know, I think they’ve been making a pretty good go at defining her personality (yes I’m actually NOT complaining about lack of Sofia right now) over season 6 and 7 (although they haven’t shown most of 7 here yet) I can think of plenty of instances where we really got a good look into the character, in fact probably even more so then other long running characters like Warwick, who does tend to get ignored.

I’d like some more screen time and some background too but I don’t think that right now she’s just being used as “filler for every non-Brass detective that they would ordinarily have” I mean, she certainly has taken over their roles, but that’s to be expected since before they only had one cop in the credits and now they have two. But she’s gotten a lot of screen time that wasn’t just the regular detective stuff that Vega and Vartann ect get so I definitely think she has a real purpose within the context of the show. Plus, haven’t people stopped calling her spork (ie: a useless utensil) that’s gotta mean something.
I like how Sofia mentors Greg and keeps an eye on him. It's something I've really enjoyed about her being on the show - she gives him talks, teaches him things - it's an awesome thing to watch.

She's great for Brass, with their discussions, their support and their comic timing.

I also love the friendship she seems to have struck up with Catherine - it's about time two females got along on this show! LOL

Plus, Louise rocks :D
I agree about her and Greg. There hasn't been that much of it this season but it was nice in season 5 and she did talk to him in court in Post Mortem.

It's nice to see there's no more snarkiness between her and Catherine, and between her and Sara neither. I guess the writers decided to drop the catfight thing since they realised how stupid it is.

88Blackbirds said:

Yes, thank you atfm, that’s exactly what I wanted to say in responce.

No problem. You even corrected my word mistake. ;)

I think most people in here would agree that being on the show and having no purpose at all is better then being on the show and your only job is to be someone’s love interest.

It's only marginally better since it's a waste of Louise's talent but it is better than only being a love interest, yes. That said, I don't think she has no purpose on the show. It feels like she's slowly becoming part of the team.

I'm way happier with the role she has now then the role she had in the beginning.

Amen to that.

I can think of plenty of instances where we really got a good look into the character

Oh yes, definitely. The way she becomes upset when there are children involved, how hard she took the officer's death under her surveillance, her toughness when it comes to stupid perps.
atfm said:
No problem. You even corrected my word mistake. ;)
I couldn’t help myself I’m completely anal.

atfm said:
It's only marginally better since it's a waste of Louise's talent but it is better than only being a love interest, yes. That said, I don't think she has no purpose on the show. It feels like she's slowly becoming part of the team.
I didn’t make it sound like I personally thought she had no purpose on the show did I? Cause I completely don’t believe that. Ok, I went back and edited it, think I fixed it, so anyway...purpose, yes, definitely.
Sofia has been a great addition to the show.. I like her character.. she may not be my fav but after Sara and Catherine, she´s next in line
Hello Tuffel21! *waves* Cute name. Glad you like Sofia, too. :)

88Blackbirds said:
I couldn’t help myself I’m completely anal.

Me too...I knew it sounded funny but I couldn't be arsed to look up the correct translation.

I didn’t make it sound like I personally thought she had no purpose on the show did I? Cause I completely don’t believe that. Ok, I went back and edited it, think I fixed it, so anyway...purpose, yes, definitely.

No, you didn't. I know you don't think she has no purpose on the show. I just thought I'd point out that I share your opinion on that and don't agree with people who claim her character is pointless.
atfm said:
No, you didn't. I know you don't think she has no purpose on the show. I just thought I'd point out that I share your opinion on that and don't agree with people who claim her character is pointless.
Oh, that’s good, I spent half an hour writing that post, you know when you want to say something but you can’t find the right words.

Anyway, here’s a nice shot of Sofia being all purposeful (yes I know it’s been posted a million times but it’s too good to pass up) oh, and while I’m on ABRTI and since we don’t have a separate picture thread (this isn’t a passive aggressive complaint about that or anything) here’s one of my favourite pictures from part 1 that I think got ignored among all the gun wielding coolness; there’s just something about the way she’s standing there completely apart from the conversation, looking all weary, it's a very good shot I think.
That first pic is a classic...she looks like such a determined and badass cop. I love the second pic, too, I actually made an icon from that. You can see she's thinking of the shootout and that it's getting to her.
Ok, so your general point is that it was better in season 5 when her character had a purpose.

Ok, I’m not trying to attack your opinion but I must ask how could a character brought in just to be the catalyst for other characters' relationships and/or to agitate GSR fans in season 5, as atfm mentioned be BETTER then what they’re doing with Sofia now. I know your saying that that was her purpose then, not that you necessarily liked it better. What was my point again, yeah, I think most people in here would agree that being on the show and having no purpose at all is better then being on the show and your only job is to be someone’s love interest (Although I think she definitely has a purpose).

But my issue is that this is a fantastic ensemble cast. And part of the reason is that everyone has their defined role or purpose or just this thing that they bring to the chemistry. Nicky was the youngling, but now he's like everyone's big brother. Warrick always seems to be the shoulder to cry on. Catherine is the mom, and just like with any mom, sometimes you love her and sometimes you don't. Grissom isn't so much Dad as the weird uncle. Brass is Dad's best friend who comes over and tells dirty jokes when your parents are out of the room or something. lol. Greg is the little brother - hell, even the lab techs each bring something unique or special. Vartann was a stand-out detective because he was kind of like a harsher, yet not quite as sassy version of Brass. O'Reilly and Vega are sort of meh. My point is that no - I didn't like who Sofia was, but you shouldn't "like" every character on a show. Even the people who hate Sara must admit that she does bring something to the overall tone. (or not)

I don't feel that Sofia currently, for better or worse, brings anything unique. And that's fine - she's "random detective". But that must be boring for Louise, and the other issue is that she's supposedly a star of the show. Why? I think you should only be considered a lead if you are contributing in some way. Sofia contributed in Season 5 and the first half of Season 6, and now she doesn't show up on the personal radar at all, with the exception of the time that they paid hommage to the uncomfortable scene in Grissom's office from ABRTI when she came crying about the dead decoy police officer.

Louise is beautiful, and she was definitely once a controversial character. But now she's basically there for no reason, and if they're going to give her a spot as a lead, they can't cut back on her personality.

Besides, that kind of thing, bringing in some female solely for the purpose of being some guys maybe love interest (or at least making it look like that the way they did early on in season 5), it’s so...that kind of stuff just doesn’t belong on a procedural show. Is this the way female characters have to be treated, always in relation to some man, I'm way happier with the role she has now then the role she had in the beginning.

I agree. To be honest, I don't think she should've been on this show in the first place, but simply answer me this: what unique character trait does she possess that makes her different from any other character currently on the show? What makes Sofia unique in Season 7?

And anyway, Grissom’s the one that asked her out, not the other way round, she was just being nice to him, why did all the GSR people get mad at her (ok that had no point I’ve just been wanting to say that for a while).

Uh, tomato tomahtoe. She shimmied out of her dress in front of him and then winkingly informed him she wasn't wearing panties. Not exactly the sort of thing you need to clear with your co-workers before starting a scene. "Hi, Joe - where's the body? Great - I decided not to wear a thong tonight."

In any event, I agree - he was flirtatious with her once, and that flirtation went nowhere. I didn't actual see any chemistry between them until that scene, and then afterwards it disappeared again. Her appearance as the red-dress temptress felt very forced, and I didn't like that she was then made to catfight with Sara.

Not as a Sara fan, just as someone who's never really liked that storyline. Louise and Jorja went to the writers and told them to cut it out. I imagine WP had issues with the Sofia/Grissom storyline, or the writers simply realized they had nowhere to take it, and it was cut. But that is neither here nor there. I think that Carol M. ultimately let the cat out of the bag in the Season 5 commentary when she admitted that Sofia was there more to shake up Sara than for real romance purposes.

It doesn't matter, though, what she was brought in for, because it wasn't where they wound up taking it anyhow.

And that's part of my point, and I don't really want to get into a shipper's discussion, because you're right - Sofia wasn't just pulled in to be Grissom's special lady.

See, I don’t know, I think they’ve been making a pretty good go at defining her personality (yes I’m actually NOT complaining about lack of Sofia right now) over season 6 and 7 (although they haven’t shown most of 7 here yet) I can think of plenty of instances where we really got a good look into the character, in fact probably even more so then other long running characters like Warwick, who does tend to get ignored.

I'd like to make a detour here by saying that what people constantly forget or don't know is that Gary has more projects going on behind the scenes than any of the other actors. He has a music thing, he did a film last year... he's been busy. I don't think the writers are snubbing Gary, I think Gary's interests have been elsewhere for a while. I was reading some of Sobell's recaps the other day, and people have noticed Warrick's dissipating presence since Season 4.

Anyway - I disagree. If anything, I think they've overhauled Sofia to make her more sympathetic. She lands on the scene as the temptress and the hard-hitting woman. Season 6 she's cat-fighting and a gun-wielding detective. Season 7 she's shy and cute with Nick and then admits to Catherine that she'd fall for a paper rose. I see no consistency in her character whatsoever.

I’d like some more screen time and some background too but I don’t think that right now she’s just being used as “filler for every non-Brass detective that they would ordinarily have” I mean, she certainly has taken over their roles, but that’s to be expected since before they only had one cop in the credits and now they have two. But she’s gotten a lot of screen time that wasn’t just the regular detective stuff that Vega and Vartann ect get so I definitely think she has a real purpose within the context of the show. Plus, haven’t people stopped calling her spork (ie: a useless utensil) that’s gotta mean something.

But screentime is one of my complaints. I don't feel she gets any personal screentime, but tons of regular screentime. So I return to my original question: what does Sofia have or do that is in any way special or different?

I saw Louise in Hidalgo. Bad movie, but she was great. She nailed the performance of a "temptress" who was actually rather sad, and vindictive, without making it Snidely Whiplash in a dress. And that film brought out some pretty bad performances. She has talent, and hopefully her new show gets picked up and she's given a real opportunity to show it, but I think that after 3 years, it's clear CSI can't do that for her.
Wow, you're wordy. ;)

I do agree that they had the character of Sofia change quite a bit over the seasons. As a CSI, she seemed a lot softer, which might also have had something to do with her appearance.

But since season 6, she's been portrayed as a tough detective who, behind that tough demeanor, is very compassionate and sometimes hard on herself. Sure, there may be some things that do not seem to fit into the scheme of things but perhaps it only shows what a multi-faceted character she is or even that they are still working on "getting her right."

She's usually calm and controlled, not an emotionally troubled person like most of the other characters. I think that's maybe the reason why nothing about her seems to stand out in comparison to the other stars and at the same time, this makes her unique, only in a more subtle way. I'd rather have her be the kind of character for which it is not that easy to pinpoint what her personality actually is than the stereotypical "I had a hard childhood" or "I've been sexually abused" or "I lost too many loved ones" type of person. I suppose it is a little hard to recognise who she is but I, for one, do see it.
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